Hinata complained: "Cats with big faces like to eat fish. You have such a small face, why do you like to eat fish?"

The cat-eared lady pondered for three seconds, nodded seriously, and smiled brightly: "Because it's delicious!"

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Wipe the drool off."


Chapter 1499 Painkillers

"Good morning, demon sauce."

Wearing pajamas, Hinata raised her hand to cover her mouth in greeting.

"Good morning meow."

The cat-eared lady followed closely behind, her pajamas in a mess.

Then there was Miss Miko, who combed her long hair with her fingers, pursed her lips and smiled, "Good morning, Sakura."

Yao Dao Ji crossed her arms and looked expressionlessly at Hua Ye who finally walked out of the room, the wine-red eyes almost overflowing with disgust.

If one person enters the room at night and four people come out in the morning, isn’t it afraid of kidney damage?

"Master, master, good morning." Peach Blossom Demon subconsciously shouted timidly with her head in her hands.

After seeing Hua Ye's record of punching an elementary school student yesterday, the Peach Blossom Demon was very afraid of Hua Ye.

After washing up, when Hua Ye returned to the living room, Demon Sword Girl had already started playing the game.

Now is a peaceful world, there are very few opportunities to fight and kill, Yao Dao Ji has learned to find fun in the game

Unlike Gabriel's crippled angel, Yao Dao Ji doesn't play ordinary games, but only likes to play difficult games. Ever since she learned of a special website with speedrun records, her favorite thing to do now is to refresh the list.

At this moment, this silver-haired lolita is playing the game of Gabriel smashing the controller angrily and blowing the horn every minute. The perverted version of Super Cat Leo, known as the most perverted Super Mario in history, [-]% of the players will Was dismissed by a wave.

"Ten seconds slower than the fastest record..." Yaodao Ji looked at Hua Ye, bit her lower lip, and handed over the handle, "Play with it."

Hua Ye shook his head: "Not playing."

Yaodao Ji crossed her arms and said, "Are you afraid of losing?"

"Such a simple aggressive method is useless." Hinata, who was drawing a book next to Hua Ye, tilted her head and looked, "If you want brother Xiao Ye to play games, of course you have to come up with a bet."

"The bet..."

The cross muscle on Yaodao Ji's forehead twitched.

I played blacksmith yesterday, and the scene of calling my father after losing is still fresh in my memory. That kind of shame is enough once, and I will definitely not call it a second time!

"Don't call me dad this time." Hinata's eyes were bent into crescent moons, with a foxy smile exactly like Lafite's on his face, and he said with a smile, "How about calling master when you lose?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I didn't agree."

"Hey, don't." Hyuga knelt on the sofa and leaned close to Hua Ye's ear, the breath of the milk he had just drank was moist and sweet, whispering into his ear, "Yaojiang is very suitable for drawing in the book, becoming a book heroine, Now it's time to collect materials, Brother Xiaoye will make a bet with him to make him shy, and leave the picture capture to me!"


Hey, can this kind of carrot head with flat chest and short legs also become the heroine of this book?

If you want a figure without a figure, a curve without a curve, and a haughty and indifferent appearance all day long, how can you be a heroine!

Wait... If it's some bad insulting book, maybe it will be able to play the heroine.

I can already imagine this Demon Sword Girl kneeling on the ground in a duck sitting posture, with ragged clothes, red and swollen body, only one pair of eyes still stubborn as ever!

"What are you thinking?" Yaodao Ji looked proudly, "It's winter now, please stop your bluish behavior."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Give me the controller."


Yao Dao Ji handed over the game controller.


"You lost." Hua Ye put down the controller and looked at Yaodao Ji.

"Yes, damn it."

Yao Dao Ji clenched her fists, gritted her silver teeth and looked at Hua Ye, took a deep breath, willing to admit defeat, and shouted in a very reluctant voice: "...Master!"


The sound of taking pictures sounded.

Hinata put away the phone with a smile, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "I'm taking pictures of Brother Xiaoye."

"Continue." Yao Dao Ji withdrew her gaze, clenched her fists tightly and said, "Challenge another game."

"No problem." Hyuga said with a smile, "If you lose this time, call Oni-chan?"

ten minutes later.

Yaodao Ji tightly grasped the hem of the skirt with both hands, trying not to show her timidity, but there was already a slight blush on her cheeks, she closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and shouted: "O, Oni-chan!!"

Repudiation is not repudiation. If you bet yourself, if you lose, you will naturally be willing to admit defeat. This is the last pride, and you will never throw it away!

There was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart.

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