Oni sauce or something, that bad girl yells every day, no matter how soft and sweet her voice is, no matter how tangled and blushing her expression is, she won't be moved!

"Continue to continue." Hinata clenched the phone tightly, eyes wide open and said excitedly, "Brother Xiaoye is the king of all victories. He has never been defeated. You have no chance to win!"

Such a simple aggressive method is useless, right?

It can only work against Satania. From yesterday to now, she has lost three games in a row. After knowing the absolute difference in strength, normal people will not compare again!

Yaodao Ji opened her eyes and looked at Hua Ye with burning eyes: "Continue to challenge."


Your uncle!It turned out to be really exciting!Is it your IQ arrears, or is it deliberately trying to shout shameful lines!

This demon sword girl's favorite thing is to challenge the strong, and her character is tenacious, and she has been defeated repeatedly. Others will not turn back until they hit the south wall.


"Lord, master, please whip me vigorously."

"Oni-chan, I didn't understand a lot of things in the health care class today... Can Oni-chan help me check up?"

"Oni sauce, you are sick, I will help you reduce the swelling... Pop!"

The silver-haired loli slapped her knees, making a loud and crisp sound, which scared the Peach Blossom Demon to hug her head and couldn't help saying, "Why would I say such a shameful thing!"

"Because..." Hinata had an innocent face, and even whistled with a melodious voice, obviously in a good mood, "I made a bet, no matter how shameful I am, I still have to fulfill the bet."


Naturally, lunch was the affair of Hua Ye and Miss Miko.

Hinata is always lazy, and the cat-eared lady is not helpful, and the two little maids are good, but it is a pity that she has short legs and short legs, and she has to stand on tiptoe when stepping on the small stool.

"You guys go out." Miss Miko put on her apron and waved away people, "Everyone go out."

"Hua Jun?" Miss Miko turned her head and looked at the thing in Hua Ye's hand, "Is this the blood of the mountain god from last night?"

"It's not blood, it's the original essence." Hua Ye said, "It's too wasteful to eat directly. It can be used for cooking."

The mountain god is not a real creature of flesh and blood. Even if he is injured, he will not bleed, but only bleed some strange things!


Miss Miko nodded slightly, and didn't ask how to eat the blood of the mountain god. Hua Ye said that if he could cook, he would definitely be able to cook, and there would be absolutely no problems with eating it.

The way to eat it is actually super simple... When cooking, just drop a drop in each dish and use it directly as a condiment!Of course, the control of the heat is extremely important, and ordinary people don't even think about it.


After half an hour.

lunch time.

in the living room.

Hinata opened her eyes wide and said doubtfully, "Sister, there seems to be something wrong with today's cooking..."

"Yeah." Mao Erniang nodded, her tail swayed back and forth, her eyes were round, "It's really not right, it looks so beautiful."

Even Yaodao Ji, who always had an indifferent face, rarely showed a curious expression, tilted her head slightly and said, "Is it...too much oil?"

Play more of your sister!Even for deep-fried tempura food, the excess oil will be sucked away with tin foil before it comes out of the pan. Japanese food does not have so much oil at all. People who have never helped in the kitchen are not qualified to ask questions. !

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's not oil."

Yaodao Ji snorted softly and said, "But these dishes look shiny."

Miss Miko shook her head: "It's really not oil... Anyway, let's eat first."

"I'm gonna start now!"

As the Huaye family took the initiative to chopsticks, the rest of the talents started one after another.

“Super super super, super delicious!”

"The tongue is going to eat meow."

"It's even better than yesterday."

Even Yaodao Ji, who doesn't believe in her appetite, couldn't control her arms, stretched out her chopsticks to the dishes, lived for hundreds of years, and never had such delicious food in her memory.

Hinata said vaguely: "It's strange, it feels like a dish that glows..."

You guessed it, dishes that glow, albeit faintly.But it is indeed shining!

Miss Miko helped the Peach Blossom Demon with a bowl of timid eyes, and then nodded silently.


"Is it really shining?" Hinata opened his eyes wide and looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said calmly: "As long as the ingredients are high enough, it's normal to glow."

That's right, in the eyes of others, the priceless treasure that can replenish life, in Hua Ye's place, is just a higher-grade ingredient. If the house girl mountain god knows, it will probably vomit blood directly.

"That mountain god?" Hinata had already asked about the amusement park last night, and now he said with bright eyes, "Brother Xiaoye, shall we catch her and lay her eggs?"


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