Lafite sat in the kotatsu, looked at Gabriel who was absent-mindedly playing games, and said with a smile, "I'm reading a book."

"Huh?" Liuhua opened her eyes wide, "Reading the book?"

"That's right, it's Hinata's book." The black-bellied girl combed the hair beside her ears with her fingers, "Xiao Jia, do you want to read Hinata's book?"

"dont see."

Gabriel answered with squinted eyes.

The road to cultivating immortals is long, stand-alone games, handheld games, mobile games, online games, each game takes a lot of time, but this does not include 'breadwinner games'... Shyness is never shy, and There is no idea that raising a family is unclean and must be harmonized. The main reason is that this type of game only needs to click and talk, and there is no room for any operation.

That's right, Jia Baili, who is obviously a rookie, has a heart to control Nuxiu's one-on-one.

What's more, there is a super sexy Q by his side, who likes to use his hands and feet at every turn. When playing the game of raising a family, maybe he will reproduce the game in reality again!

Lafite stretched out a finger, and wrote casually: "But the heroine of this book is Xiaojia."


"Come, come, let's watch the book starring Xiaojia together."


Gabriel quit the game, logged into Hua Ye's account, downloaded Hinata's book, clicked on it, and looked at the tall, bulging, back-turned, silver-haired girl with two long, straight legs. I was speechless, and couldn't help complaining: "Where is it me, this is obviously your book?"

"That's right." Liuhua nodded, "Except for his face, he looks like Lafite in every other way."

"Don't worry." Lafite said unhurriedly, propping his chin with one hand, "Keep looking down."

Gabriel clicked the mouse, started to turn the page, and soon realized why she was called the heroine... She didn't like going out to meet people, and she didn't want to go out to work. Her only hobby was playing games at home. , almost fainted from hunger, and then was fed by the male protagonist next door... Exactly the same as reality, okay!

The red tracksuit worn by the heroine is exactly the same as the one she wears!

"The eyes of the salted fish who don't care about anything are exactly the same as Xiaojia." Liuhua bristled the hair on his head, opened his eyes wide and said, "It really is Xiaojia."


Gabriel opened her mouth, speechless.

It has to be said that although Hinata is small, the strength of the picture book is quite good. Looking at the heroine's lazy eyes, Gabriel even has a subtle illusion of looking in a mirror.

The plot quickly progressed to the plot where the heroine pays for the food with her body.

Looking at the heroine who was playing the game, dealing with inquiries from her teammates, and paying for the food, Liuhua opened her eyes wide, opened her mouth, and said in shock: "Xiaojia, you actually..."

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Gabriel gritted her silver teeth and hit three denials.

Even though her skin is more than ten times thicker than when she first came to the world, her cheeks are still hot right now, because the plot in the entirely possible to become a reality!

Let Hua Ye bully him from behind while playing games, maybe it will happen someday in the future!

The corners of Lafite's lips turned up, and he stretched out his finger to shake it lightly: "Hmm, I heard that Hua Ye was consulted for this plot..."

"The soul is pale!"

Gabriel clenched her fist tightly, her killing intent was determined.

How dare she paint herself as the heroine, and arrange such a shameful and terrible plot, which is unbearable!

It's hopeless, wait for death!

I will never forgive you for not letting you kneel down on the remote control at night to apologize!

Liuhua raised her right hand and said expectantly, "Is there any story about me in the future?"

"No." Lafite shook his head, "The book is not finished yet, you can ask Hinata."

"Understood." Liuhua crossed her arms and said, "I'll immediately ask Sata Meow if I want to play the book with Xiao Jia."

The second-year girl looked up at the sky, the dumb hair on the top of her head swayed back and forth, and changed to a posture of holding her face with her hands, and muttered to herself: "For the plot... just use that time in Venice, Sata and me accept it." The plot of crystal divination, right?"

"We came here following the call, are you my master?"

"My blood will last until death."

"Master, it's time to restore the mana."


Hua Ye was cooking in the kitchen, when he felt Gabriel's murderous gaze, he turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Gabriel silently made a bad gesture of breaking her fingers: "We'll see at night."

"Wait and see what?"

Hua Ye turned to look at Lafite with a blank expression on his face.

Lafite is the only person who can extract pleasure points from this useless angel, no one else can!

This black-bellied girl closed one eye, and slightly raised the corners of her pink lips, revealing a black-bellied smile of successful tax evasion, and mouthed: "Xiao Jia is very interested in this book, and strongly requests the follow-up content~~"

Chapter 1502 Help Wei Nai Warm the Bed

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Corner coffee shop.

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