Hua Ye stepped into the store.


Wearing overalls, Xiaoqian, who was petite but with a bulging chest, had bright eyes, a bright smile on his face, and beckoned, "Ordinary friend, you are here."

When Xiaoqian's mother was hospitalized, the short-haired girl completely lost her smile. If it wasn't for Hua Ye and Wei Nai, she would have sold herself to raise medical expenses with her body, right?

Fortunately, when my mother woke up and was discharged from the hospital, the familiar bright smile returned to her face, but she looked a little silly.

Hua Ye walked to his usual seat in the corner and sat down.

"What do you want to drink today?"

"Mixed coffee."

"Understood." Xiaoqian chirped and asked, "Why haven't you come in the past few days?"

Hua Ye said, "I have something to do."

"Let Wei Nai go home alone at night, don't you worry?"

Don't worry!There are so many girls drinking coffee in the store, and I don't see them worrying about going home. It's really dangerous. Not to mention that Wei Nai can use the devil's trident to teach the other party to be a man, and she can teleport there. What I should really worry about is You are right!

Hua Ye said, "Don't worry."

"Woo..." Xiaoqian wrinkled her nose, secretly looked at Wei Nai who was serving guests at another table, approached, and whispered, "Let me tell you, someone wanted Wei Nai's email address just now."


Hua Ye calmly responded.

Xiaoqian opened her eyes wide, and said in disbelief: "No, there is no more after just a hum?"

"if not?"

"It was agreed to be furious, angry and jealous!"

"Absolutely not."

It's normal to ask for an email address, but Lafite is often blocked by scouts on the road, inviting her to be an idol!The love letters and snacks in the shoe cabinet are never broken!I don't want Wei Nai to see anyone, so the only way is to lock Wei Nai in the basement and not let her go out.

It's okay to ask for the address. If Wei Nai gave the address to the other party, then she would be angry.

"It's over, it's over." Xiao Qian put one hand on the table, raised his hand to cover his forehead, sighed, and complained, "Boys really love the new and dislike the old, once they get it, they won't cherish it anymore, right?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "Shut up."

"Xiao Qian, what are you talking about?" Wei Nai walked over.

Hua Ye said, "I'm talking about someone asking for your email address."

Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, and she turned to look at the short-haired girl: "Xiao Qian!"

"Ahahaha..." Xiaoqian stuck out the tip of her tongue, turned around and slipped away, "You guys talk, I'll get coffee."

Wei Nai raised a hand and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, pursed her pink lips, and explained, "It was a previous customer... I refused, but the other party didn't bother me, and left after paying the bill."

Hua Ye said: "If you dare to pester you, you will break his legs."

"Don't always use violence." Wei Nai came over angrily, "Violence can't solve the problem."

"But people who create problems can be solved."


Soon it was eight o'clock in the evening.

While other shops are still attracting customers, Wei Nai and Xiaoqian have already started to close their doors and make handicrafts... As a man who owns more than a dozen apartment buildings and collects rent, the uncle of the store never sells coffee for making money, but for feelings.

Cleaning is complete.

The three of Hua Ye waved goodbye to the store manager and walked out of the coffee shop.

There is a new moon in the sky, the silver moon is bright, like mercury pouring down on the ground, covering everything with a silvery white.

The temperature was already close to zero, a gust of cold wind blew past, and the cold air struck people. Wei Nai and Xiao Qian, who had just come out of the air-conditioning shop, shivered.

"Huh, it's so cold, I'm going to die of cold."

The clothes on Xiao Qian's body were a little too big, and only two slender fingers were exposed. While stamping her feet, she pulled up the scarf to cover her mouth.

Wei Nai said, "If you're cold, go home and take a bath."

"Wait a minute." Xiaoqian stopped, took out her wallet from her backpack, and then took out a [-]-yen note, "Vina sauce, I'll pay you one back first."

Wei Nai didn't answer, she shook her head and said, "I'll pay you back when you have money, what are you in a hurry for?"

"No." Xiaoqian said seriously, "It's only natural to pay off debts. Mom always thinks about it in her heart. If she doesn't pay it back, she won't feel at ease, and she won't be able to sleep soundly."

No bags under the eyes, no dark circles, full of energy, ruddy and shiny skin, if you say you can't sleep well, believe me!

"Don't worry." Xiaoqian stuffed the money into Wei Nai's hands, and said convincingly, "Now my mother has fully recovered and is back to work. Suguha and I both have part-time jobs, and we usually have no other expenses. It is completely fine to pay you back the money." no problem."

Wei Nai looked up at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye nodded, it's not that the landlord collects the rent, it just accepts it.

Some people borrowed money from uncles, as if they forgot that there was such a thing. Disappearance and loss of contact are very common. There are also some people who owe money, and they really feel uncomfortable. For example, the glasses girl, Kitano Haruka has been paying back one after another I paid more than a hundred thousand yen, but the distance to pay it off is still far away... A piece of spiritual biscuit is one million yen, and I can't afford it, I can't afford it.

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