After a brief silence, Gabriel sent three question marks, and then said: "Meow meow meow? There is a power outage in Wei Nai's apartment, but there is no power outage at home. Come back with Wei Nai and let Wei Nai sleep in my room." Alright, what do you want to warm up?"


Pit father ah!I never thought there was such a way. If the weather is cold, I will live somewhere else. I don’t need to stay at home. Gabriel, Satania, and Lafite’s apartments can all be used for a night!

Thirty minutes later.

Wei Nai finally took a shower and came out of the bathroom. She was wiping her hair with a white towel in her hand. The hair dryer couldn't be used after a power outage, so it was a bit troublesome to do it.

"What time is it?" Wendy asked.

Hua Ye glanced at his phone and said, "It's half past nine."

The coffee shop closes at eight o'clock, but it also takes a lot of time to clean up, clear the tables and chairs, eat and talk on the way, even so, it's still not ten o'clock at night.

"It's still early." Wei Nai wiped her hair, pursed her pink lips and said, "Do you want to take a bath?"

Hua Ye said, "Let's wash it."

"Hmm..." Wei Nai nodded, "What about changing clothes? There are no clothes for you in the room, so go to the convenience store to buy them now?"

Hua Ye said seriously, "I don't wear clothes after taking a shower."


A black line fell from the top of Wei Nai's head, she gritted her silver teeth, and said in disgust, "It's shameless."

It's a pity that Hua Ye is completely indifferent to the evaluation of "shameless". Only the weak will be shaken by others' pointing fingers, because they all live in the eyes of others.

"Liuhua is still at your house, what do you look like without clothes?" Wei Nai's pretty face froze, and she looked seriously.

"I wear boxer pants at home." Hua Ye said, "You don't need to..."

"Stop talking." Wei Nai said expressionlessly, "Besides, I really hit you, believe it or not."

"Do not believe."


Wei Nai narrowed her eyes, turned silently and walked to the wardrobe, took out a blue and white dress from it, and threw it at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye reached out to catch it, puzzled, "What are you doing?"

"There is no underwear that you can wear." Wei Nai snorted softly, raised her chin slightly, "Just wear this skirt to deal with it."

Your uncle!Do feelings want me to wear women's clothes? Once you take the first step in that kind of thing, you can never turn back!

Wei Nai said crisply and solemnly: "I often hear Lafite say 'women's clothing saves the world', 'only women's clothing can become stronger'... You can try it."

A row of black lines fell from the top of Hua Ye's head, "You are going too far."

"What?" Wei Nai raised her snowy chin.

Hua Ye stood up silently and walked towards Wei Nai.

"Hurry up and take a shower!" Wei Nai saw Hua Ye's plan at a glance, turned around and hid, "I'll get you an unused towel... the few towels inside are not allowed to be used!"

Boys take a bath with a towel from top to bottom... The special foot towels are not counted, but it is much more troublesome for girls to take a bath, at least three or four towels are needed.

"Go quickly." Wei Nai threw a white towel to Hua Ye, then pushed Hua Ye into the bathroom, "Go take your shower."

Seeing Hua Ye walk into the bathroom, Wei Nai quietly breathed a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, I was smart enough, otherwise I would be bullied again.

Wei Nai raised her hands, covered her hot and hot cheeks, turned around and opened the window, a gust of cool wind came in from the window, the coolness was actually quite comfortable.

Picking up the towel, she continued to wipe her hair until it was half dry. Wei Nai opened the drawer and took out the diary.

Keeping a diary is one of the habits that Wei Nai has developed since childhood, because the memory will always be blurred. Many touches, laughter and tears will be buried by the mottled time. Write it down in the notebook and make a cup of tea on a sunny afternoon , Sitting on the balcony and quietly flipping through previous diaries is a very comfortable and comfortable thing.

The pencil makes a slight circle on the finger.

December [-]th.


The light in the room is soft and bright, and the light source does not know where it comes from, which does not affect diary writing at all.

With one hand on her chin, Wei Nai began to record what happened today. In fact, there is not much to write, and it is not a trip. The weekend is very ordinary.

I quickly wrote that the apartment was out of power and was about to go out to buy candles. Then Hua Ye went upstairs and knocked on the door. The following content...

"Seal seal, seal all!"


The door of the bathroom was pushed open, and white water vapor escaped from the bathroom and quickly disappeared into the air.

Wei Nai turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her pretty face blushed immediately, she raised her hand to shield her eyes, and said shyly and angrily, "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Hua Ye said, "There is no change of clothes."

"Exhibitionist!" Wei Nai turned her head and shouted in disgust, "Either wear a skirt or the clothes you just changed, or I'll call the police!"

It's not that I haven't seen it, why do I have to cover my eyes every time I see it!

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