Hua Ye said speechlessly, "You don't usually care about it, do you?"

Wei Nai stood up and closed the curtains: "Why don't you?"

The police only manage domestic violence, okay?Husband and wife quarreling, the sound of the bed shaking too loudly, and not wearing clothes are not within the scope of jurisdiction at all. They should be resolved through consultation with the community committee!

"Hurry up and get dressed!" Wei Nai clenched her silver teeth.

Hua Ye put on his shorts: "Okay."

I just put on these shorts when I got up this morning, and I have no problem wearing them now. They are much cleaner than those who only take a shower once a month!

Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye out of the corner of her eye. After seeing the shorts, she turned her head and puffed her cheeks and said, "You take a shower so fast? I haven't finished writing my diary yet."

"I saw a statistic on Twitter that the average shower time for boys is five to twenty minutes, and for girls it starts at [-] minutes..." Hua Ye complained, "There is no upper limit, two hours of bathing is too long someone here."


Wei Nai was speechless, girls tend to be cleaner than boys, so it's normal to spend a little more time in the shower.

Hua Ye wiped his hair, turned and sat on the bed.

"Get up." Wei Nai said vigilantly, "you sleep on the floor at night."

Hua Ye said, "I'll warm your bed for you."

"No need." Wei Nai snorted softly, "I'm not cold at all right now, so I don't need you to warm the bed at all."

As soon as the words were finished, a gust of cold wind blew in from the window, rolled the curtains, made Wei Nai hug her arm, and shivered uncontrollably, the warm and comfortable body temperature disappeared, and the cold winter night without air conditioning once again brought Wei Nai Chennai surrounded.

"Eh? What's wrong?"

Wei Nai opened her eyes wide and looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Now you're cold."


The time has quietly come to ten o'clock in the evening.

Wei Nai's work and rest schedule is very regular. She goes to bed at ten o'clock in the evening and wakes up at nine o'clock in the morning. She needs to sleep for eight hours a day. In this era when the night is ruled by mobile phones, such a regular schedule as Wei Nai can only be found in prisons. Only then did I find it!

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, and whispered, "Let me kiss you, give me back the warmth just now."


"Kiss you twice."

Hua Ye still shook his head: "No."

"Up to three times..." Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks, "Don't go too far."

Unmoved, Hua Ye patted the side of the bed and said, "Hurry up and go to bed."


Chapter 1504 Full-time wife Wei Nai sauce

Wei Nai put the diary in the cabinet, turned around and walked to the bed, said with a pretty face, "Go inside."


The bed is an ordinary double bed, and there is no problem sleeping two people.

Wei Nai sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and brought an oversized toy dolphin, and stuffed it under the quilt.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "When did you sleep with a pillow?"

"It's not a pillow, it's an anti-wolf siren." Wei Nai glanced over, her pretty face flushed slightly, "Sleep at night, don't pass this dolphin."

Hey, this kind of behavior of dividing territory with things is only used by kindergarten children, even elementary school students don't bother to use it!

Hua Ye said, "Understood, I won't go over there."

Only then did Wei Nai snort softly, take off her slippers, and get ready to go to bed, after such a short time, her feet were already slightly tingling.

Lifting the quilt, it was extremely cold in the bed. Covering the quilt in winter is the most distressing thing for Wei Nai. If there is no heat on the feet, don't even try to cover the heat for half an hour, and you can't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

Wei Nai shivered slightly, at this moment, a hand reached out and held her hand.

"I haven't covered the heat just now." Hua Ye said, "Let's hold it for a while."

"Only, only for a while." Wei Nai snorted softly, "Let go of your hands when it gets hot."

Warm heat flowed in, and the body was once again wrapped in familiar warmth.

Wei Nai lay on her back and said, "Turn off the lights."


Hua Ye raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the bright and soft light in the room disappeared instantly.

Wei Nai breathed out lightly.

When I first got home, I was a little flustered and at a loss when faced with an unknown power outage. It was freezing cold, the air conditioner was not working, I didn’t take a shower, and the battery of my mobile phone was at a precarious level.

If Hua Ye hadn't come back to knock on the door, he should have gone to the convenience store alone to buy candles and lighters, and then used his body temperature to cover the quilt silently in the dark winter night, right?

Although it can be done by one person, it will probably be a little helpless.

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