Now... I feel at ease.

You don't need to think about everything, you don't even need to warm the bed, you just need to lie down comfortably.

A round of silver moon hangs high outside the window, and the faint silver light sprinkles in, like mercury pouring down on the ground, covering everything with a hazy moonlight veil.

Wei Nai turned her head to look at Hua Ye, just in time to meet Hua Ye's calm eyes, her pretty face blushed slightly and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

Hua Ye said, "I like Wei Nai."

"You..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip, blushing even more, "Don't talk like a big meow."

"I didn't learn."

"You've changed, it wasn't like this before." Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks, "Xiaoqian taught you to say this, right?"

"No." Hua Ye refused to admit it.

"Hmph." Wei Nai snorted softly, closed her eyes and said, "Don't look, go to bed quickly."

Hua Ye said, "I can't sleep."

"It's past ten o'clock, what do you want to do if you can't sleep?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "This is the first time I'm resting here with you, why not..."

"Don't even think about it." Wei Nai was super vigilant, not giving Hua Ye a chance to do bad things, "Don't pass the little bear, you promised."

When the brain is dizzy due to lack of oxygen, the consciousness will also become blurred. If Hua Ye said, "Let me rub it for a while", he nodded and agreed in a dazed way... something super, super scary will happen!Not only was he ashamed to face Xiaojia and Lafite, he was also ashamed to go home to see his parents!

"I mean chat." Hua Ye said speechlessly, "What do you think?"

Wei Nai blushed, "I didn't think about anything!"

"There are still two weeks until Christmas, and the school is officially closed the day before Christmas." Wei Nai turned her head to look, her eyes were clear and bright under the moonlight, "When I went to help Xiao Jia clean up yesterday, and Xiao Jia discussed it, and after Christmas, we will go back."

"Christmas..." Hua Ye's tone was a little subtle, "Are you looking forward to Christmas?"

"Christmas is very lively, isn't it? It's much more lively than Halloween. I read a lot of interesting Christmas news on the Internet." Wei Nai's eyes were longing. She was obviously a devil, but she was very interested in Christmas. If it wasn't for the wrong race , Gabriel will definitely not be able to get the position of head of the grade.

"I have never experienced Christmas on earth, so I am looking forward to it."

Hua Ye said, "Actually, I have experienced it."

"Eh?" Wei Nai was taken aback, and blinked slightly, "You must have celebrated Christmas, Xiaojia and I didn't."

Hua Ye didn't speak any more.

Wei Nai didn't ask, and said softly, "How do you plan to spend the New Year?"

Hua Ye said, "Maybe to Kobayashi's house, or to the shrine."

"Cousin Xiaolin...doesn't she go home for the New Year?" Wei Nai thought for a while and said, "That's right. If you go home, it's hard for Thor and Kang Nachan to explain."

"You think too much." Hua Ye complained, "Xiao Lin's refusal to go home is not because of Thor and Kang Na, but also because of something that all older young women are afraid of."

Wei Nai was taken aback, but quickly realized, and said speechlessly, "You mean Cousin Xiaolin is afraid of urging her to marry?"

Of course I'm afraid!Even Jing Ke, who has been on a blind date with hundreds of men, will still have a headache when she hears about a blind date, let alone Cousin Xiao Lin, who is not sociable and usually dull, will probably feel a sudden pain in her temples when she hears about a blind date!

"That kind of really a headache." Wei Nai sighed softly, and mourned for Cousin Xiaolin for three seconds.

Everyone has their own way of life. Some people are used to being single, and it is a pain to forcefully get married.

"I haven't seen Kang Na-chan for another week." Wei Nai blinked, "I heard that Kang Na-chan is rehearsing a play with Thor?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

The play rehearsed was still the script written by the useless angel. At that time, the squad leader and Wei Nai were the most conscientious writers of the script, and Gabriel was the least serious. This useless angel wrote hundreds of words intermittently during the game loading time. I didn't expect to stand out in the end!

Little Red Riding Hood that sells nuclear bombs, you deserve it.

Later, Thor asked for a script, and Gabriel, who was playing a game, was taken aback. She really couldn't make up a reasonable plot, so she asked other people to help supplement it, which satisfied Thor.

"I want to see the Little Red Riding Hood played by Kang Najiang." Wei Nai's eyes sparkled, her tone was longing, and the corners of her pink lips slightly raised, "It must be very, very cute, right?"

Hey, when it comes to little loli, her eyes are shining, her lips are smiling, and she likes to rub her cheeks. Vinay is the real lolicon!You've been getting it wrong all along!

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "I want to see it tomorrow afternoon. The time for the show is coming up. Recently, they have rehearsals every day."

This proposal made Wei Nai's heart flutter. Wearing Little Red Riding Hood and holding a small bamboo basket in her hand, Kang Najiang, just thinking about it makes people unable to help but hug and hold her high.

"Ming, let's talk about it tomorrow..." Wei Nai closed her eyes, "Hurry up and go to sleep."

Hua Ye said, "Let me sleep with one kiss."

"Give me some moderation." Wei Nai bit her pink lips and said disgustedly, "If you dare to say that, I will kick you out of bed."

"I'm inside, you can't keep kicking." Hua Ye said solemnly, "If you don't kiss, you have to cash in the chest pillow coupon."

"You, you are talking nonsense!" Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, "Obviously there is only a knee pillow exchange coupon, why don't I remember that there is a chest pillow coupon?"

Hua Ye said: "Three knee pillow coupons can be combined into one chest pillow coupon."

"The final interpretation rests with me, and your explanation is invalid."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "I won the morning when Shihua treated guests to dinner, you..."

"Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba recites the scriptures."

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