

Silent all night.

It was dawn in a blink of an eye.

Wei Nai's sleep quality has always been very good, and there is no need to set an alarm. Every morning at [-]:[-], she will wake up on time under the influence of her biological clock.


Wei Nai opened her eyes in a daze, looking at Hua Ye's face close at hand, with a slightly cute expression.

"Hey, last night..."

Nothing happened last night.

Wei Nai only remembered that the two of them kept talking, Xiaojia, Christmas, Kang Nachan, New Year's plans and arrangements, etc., and then fell asleep while talking.

"Huh...how did you fall asleep in your arms?" Wei Nai blinked her eyes, but she hadn't fully woken up yet. After a while, she realized that she was holding something strange in her hand. Throwing away the things in his hands, he hurriedly sat up.

Leaving the bed, the cold morning air rushed in, making Wei Nai shiver slightly.

Hua Ye opened his eyes, "It's still early, let's sleep for a while."

"Don't sleep anymore!" Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks and covered her chest with one hand. The scorching heat left on her hand made her feel ashamed and angry, "I won't cross the line I promised!"

Hua Ye said, "I didn't cross the line."

"You didn't..." Wei Nai turned her head to take a look, and soon saw the dolphin doll that was used to divide the territory last night, and she was speechless.

Hua Ye did not cross the line, the little dolphin doll was placed there upright, he was the one who was carried over!

"You're too much!"

"There is nothing in the rules that says that you are not allowed to carry you over."

"……I do not want to talk to you."

Hua Ye didn't speak, stretched out his arms, and pulled Wei Nai into his arms again: "Be careful of catching a cold."

"I slept well." Wei Nai's breathing was a little short, and a blush rose on her cheeks, "I'm going to get up and take a shower."

Hua Ye said, "Kiss again."

Wei Nai said, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

Hua Ye said, "No problem."

Wei Nai looked disgusted and said, "I mean you didn't brush your teeth."


After dawdling for a while, Wei Nai finally escaped from the clutches, got out of bed panting, and while arranging her pajamas, gritted her silver teeth and said, "...nasty!"

Walking into the bathroom, Wei Nai realized that the electricity that was cut off last night was turned on again at some point.

"The power is on." After washing up, Wei Nai came out and asked, "What do you want for breakfast?"

Hua Ye said, "Can I order it myself?"

"No." Wei Nai said with a straight face, "There are eggs, carrots, onions, potatoes, prawns, and a small piece of pork, which can only be eaten inside."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Then omelet rice."


"There are also love bento boxes to take to school."

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed: "No."


After giving Hua Ye a blank look, Wei Nai put on her apron and started making breakfast and bento. Seeing Hua Ye walk into the bathroom to wash up, she suddenly felt a little delicate.

Help tidy up clothes, make breakfast, make bento, why is it a bit like... a full-time wife?

When I go out in the morning, I don’t see soy milk, fried dough sticks, steamed stuffed buns, tofu nao and other breakfasts on the roadside. The main reason is that full-time wives will wake up in the morning and prepare the whole family’s breakfast and lunch box, and then the whole family will go out separately after eating.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that bachelors don’t have breakfast. Bread and milk can also be served for breakfast. Convenience stores also serve breakfast, but there are not many types, nothing more than seaweed rice balls, sandwiches, and ordinary bentos.

It's just that the breakfast bought at a convenience store is completely different from the breakfast I made myself.

Hua Ye quickly walked out of the bathroom, "I'll do it."

Wei Nai was still immersed in the delicate atmosphere of a full-time wife, and when she heard this, she gave Hua Ye an angry look: "You don't need to come."

Hua Ye said, "I'll do the cooking, and you wash the dishes after eating."

Wei Nai: "..."

"I'm gonna start now."

Wei Nai clasped her hands together and let out a soft cry, her eyes quickly turned into crescent moons.

The only thing in the world is love and food to live up to.

Both are accounted for, and the mood is naturally super good.

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