Hua Ye said: "If you like it, I will continue to make it for you tomorrow morning."

"No." Wei Nai snorted softly, "I can do it myself."

"Continue to warm your bed at night."

"...I called the police."



Had breakfast.

Put away the dishes and chopsticks, wipe off the water on the pot, and finally check the doors and windows. After confirming that there is no problem, Wei Nai waved: "Okay, let's go out."

When Wei Nai locked the door, the door of the next room was just pushed open, and a female OL wearing a uniform and high heels came out. Seeing Hua Ye and Wei Nai, she was slightly taken aback, and soon a clear smile appeared on her face. .

Wei Nai blushed pretty, and opened her mouth. She really didn't know how to explain it, so she just lowered her head, pulled Hua Ye around and fled.

"Have you been seen now?" Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help saying, "The one just now was Yu Ji, you will definitely laugh at me next time you see me."

Hua Ye said: "Warm your bed a few more times. If you do it more often, you won't laugh at you."

"..." Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "Don't even think about it."

The two walked to the small bridge and waited for Liuhua and Gabriel to pass by.

Liuhua and Gabriel hadn't come yet, but they met Glass first.

"Vina sauce." After seeing Hua Ye and Wei Nai, a very happy smile appeared on Nitro's face, and his voice was clear and sweet.

I haven't seen her for a while, but Nitro is still the gentle pink-haired girl, and her personality hasn't changed because of her hearing recovery, but she doesn't study in the same high school as Hua Ye and others.

Xiao ran to Hua Ye and Wei Nai, Nitro blinked his eyes, looked at Wei Nai, then at Hua Ye, a gentle and narrow smile appeared on his face.

"You misunderstood..." Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, and she was about to explain, it's just that she didn't carry her schoolbag, it's really so obvious!

"No need to explain." Nitro opened the backpack, took out a baguette from it, broke off two pieces of bread and handed them to Hua Ye and Wei Nai, and said in a gentle voice, "Just feed the fish."


Chapter 1505 Igarashi is super worried

"Xiaojia, Liuhua, you are here..."

Seeing Liuhua and Gabriel who arrived late, Wei Nai felt a little guilty.

Although I didn't do anything last night, after all, it was a lonely man and a widow in the same room. It's hard to explain clearly, right?

As a result, Wei Nai soon discovered that she was worrying too much.

"Ah, Vinay."

Gabriel was wearing black pantyhose and school uniform, with a brown scarf around her neck, her hands tucked into the sleeves, her petite figure of [-] meters, at first glance she looks like a primary school student, but there is no Such lazy eyes.

"Vina sauce, good morning." Liuhua waved her hand and called out crisply, then ran up to Hua Ye with her schoolbag in her hand, raised her face, and said with the hair on her head waving, "Brave man, your schoolbag, I I brought it for you. (*^▽^*)”

In the cold wind, Liuhua's little face was blown red, her right eye was still wearing a white eyepatch, and her left eye was filled with anticipation, "Come and praise me, come and praise me".

Hua Ye reached out to take the schoolbag.


Liuhua opened her eyes wide and looked over without blinking.

Hua Ye had no choice but to reach out and land on the top of Liuhua's head, gently smoothing the hair, and then said: "Good job."


A bright smile appeared on Liuhua's face, his eyes were bent into crescent moons, and his voice was like a kingfisher singing: "Then I will help the brave man carry his schoolbag tomorrow."

Hua Ye said, "No need."

"Hey, why?"

"Frozen hands."

"Really..." Liuhua looked down at the right hand carrying the schoolbag, her fingers were red from the cold wind, she quickly raised her face, and said pitifully, "Brave man, I was attacked by the Witch of Winter, my fingers hurt so much."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Let's run, it won't be cold after running."


A group of four turned around and walked towards the school.

On the way, Gabriel was still looking tired and lacking rest.

Wei Nai walked away in fear for a while, looked at Gabriel who was hiding behind the scarf, and couldn't help but cautiously said: "Xiao Jia, last night..."

Gabriel said, "What happened last night?"

"Nothing happened last night!" Wei Nai said hastily.

"That's fine." The crippled angel let out a breath, "That paralyzed hentai has been sleeping in the shrine for two days."

Wei Nai pursed her pink lips: "Why don't you ask?"

"Too lazy to ask." Gabriel squinted her eyes, "As long as it doesn't bother me to play games, I don't care what he does. Games are the most important thing. He can't even rank his little finger."

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