Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Speak louder."

The voice is like squeezing toothpaste, I can't help but want to bully you when I see it!

"Oh..." The glasses girl replied pitifully, and then she made a rare excuse and said aggrievedly, "I, I used to speak very softly."

"Tian Zhongnao said that you used to love to laugh, and you laughed a lot."

"No." The glasses girl raised her hand to cover her mouth, "I also laugh very little..."

The laughter was loud, and the mouth was wide open. Isn't that like that... a pig screaming out of laughter?

It is the twelfth lunar month of winter.

It was freezing cold.

Although it was daytime, the temperature was still very low. A gust of cold wind blew past, and the glasses girl shivered with her arms folded.

"It's so cold."

Standing in the cold wind, Hua Ye didn't notice it. To him, this temperature was actually similar to the spring breeze.

Before the tram arrived, the lady with glasses quietly looked at Hua Ye for a while, and after a while, like a cat stealing a small dried fish, she quietly cast a look at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye looked at the phone without turning his face: "What are you looking at?"

"That, that." The glasses girl took a deep breath and couldn't help whispering, "Is it cold to play with a mobile phone in this weather?"

Haruka Kitano clenched her right hand and pressed it to her chest. She mustered up her courage and said in a low voice with a blushing face, "Student Hua Ye, do you want to wear my gloves? My gloves can expose your fingers without hindering you from playing with your phone."

Hua Ye said, "No need."

The role of gloves is to keep warm and cold, and I am not cold at all, so I don't need to wear any gloves.


The lady with glasses turned pale, and lowered her head silently, giving the impression that the flowers and plants watered by a pot of hot water had wilted in an instant.

It's just that you don't want to wear gloves. Your expression looks like a little girl who failed to sell matches!

Hua Ye thought for a while and explained, "Hands are not cold."


"If you don't believe me, touch it."

"Ehhh?" The glasses girl raised her head, the blush appeared on her cheeks again, she shook her head in a panic, "No, no need."

Hua Ye put away his phone and said, "The tram is coming, let's go."


Walking on the tram, there were naturally no seats, so Hua Ye and the glasses girl walked to the corner and stood still.

This lady with glasses has short legs and is less than [-] meters tall, only half a head taller than Gabriel. It is hard to avoid holding onto the handrail when riding the tram.

Hua Ye saw it, took a step back and said, "Come here."

If you know it’s difficult, don’t hold on. If you can’t grab the handrail, come and grab the crossbar. If you don’t say a word, you can stand on tiptoe and stand in an uncomfortable position until you get off the bus!

"Thank you Hua Ye."

Kitano Haruka thanked in a low voice, turned her body sideways, and carefully passed in front of Hua Ye.

It's a pity that the weather was unpredictable. When the glasses girl passed sideways, the tram happened to turn, and the centrifugal force caused Kitano Haruka to fall forward.

In a panic, a hand landed on her waist, pulling Kitano Haruka back.

The glasses girl froze for a moment, and struggled hastily.

"do not move."

The familiar voice was heard from behind, and the glasses girl instantly relaxed.

"It's classmate Hua Ye..."

It wasn't anyone else, and it wasn't even the dreaded tram moron.

After she calmed down, the glasses girl was very embarrassed and panicked, because Hua Ye's hand was very hot, and the temperature of the hand that fell on her waist seemed to be able to penetrate the clothes and reach the bottom of her heart, making people flustered.

The two happened to be standing by the door.

The lady with glasses looked up, and she happened to be able to see the current posture of the two of them from the reflection of the glass - a petite girl wearing glasses, leaning forward, blushing, with a flustered expression, and behind her was a tall, A boy with a cold face...

A strong sense of déjà vu came over us.

Haruka Kitano froze for a moment, and quickly recalled where this sense of sight came from.

The bad cousin Tian Zhongnan once forced her to study the book together in order to attack Hua Ye. I remember that the content of one of the books was related to trams. bully story.

(Could it be that Hua Ye would also do that kind of thing?)

Thinking of this, the glasses girl couldn't help but start to think wildly, her skirt was lifted from behind by Hua Ye, and then... her body suddenly softened.


As soon as Hua Ye let go, he felt that the glasses girl fell forward even more unbearably, her face darkened, and she reached out and grabbed Kitano Haruka's shoulder again.

Enough is enough for you, just now when the tram turned around and couldn't stand still, it's all right now, there's nothing going on now, why are you still so soft, don't you want to be supported all the time?

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