Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Stand up."

"Yes, I'm sorry." Haruka Kitano grasped the handrail with both hands, her face was flushed, her eyes flustered and dodged, she didn't dare to look at anyone, and said falteringly, "I, just now..."

Just now I accidentally thought of a similar plot in this book, if I said it, would I be regarded as a slut?

Seeing this scene, Hua Ye didn't ask any more questions. He took out his mobile phone and said, "Stand firm and hold on tight."


Speechless all the way.

Twenty minutes later, Hua Ye and Kitano Haruka got off the tram and came outside a fairly high-end apartment building.

"It feels like a long time ago when I came last time..." The glasses girl raised her face and looked upstairs.

Unlike the small apartment building that Hua Ye rented with only a few floors, the apartment building in front of him was quite luxurious, with dozens of floors high, and large pieces of glass reflecting the dazzling light in the sun, it was a veritable high-end apartment.

Hua Ye said, "Not long ago, only three months and twenty-one days."

"Student Hua Ye is amazing." Kitano Yao tilted his head to look at him, his tone was a little complicated, "I can remember it so clearly."

I remember the time of meeting so clearly...Hua Ye really has an ulterior relationship with Teacher Jing, right?

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's not that bad. I still remember that the first time I went to your house was September [-]th."

Ordinary people consolidate memories by writing diaries, but for Hua Ye, everything that happened is clearly stored in his mind, as long as he wants, he can even be accurate to every minute.

The glasses girl blinked her eyes blankly, a slight blush soon appeared on her small face, and she hurriedly said, "I, let's go up."

Taking the elevator to the fifteenth floor, Hua Ye and the glasses girl walked outside the door of Jing's lovely apartment, raised their hands and rang the doorbell.

Soon there were footsteps behind the door.

With a sound of "click", the door was opened.

Jing Keai stood behind the door, with black hair shawl, pretty face a little pale, wearing a pink pajamas, looking much weaker than usual.

"You are here?"

The glasses girl hurriedly bowed: "Mr. Jing, good afternoon."

The day of the campus festival happened to be her birthday. Everyone was busy celebrating the campus festival. No one remembered her birthday. Only Jing Keai gave her a birthday present. It is difficult for someone who has never lost their warmth to understand that How precious is this warmth, that fidget spinner is still kept in the gift box.

"Come in." Jing Keai put her arms around her chest, her voice was a little weak, not as full of air as before, "Change your slippers yourself."

"Understood, teacher."

Walking into the room, the air conditioner was turned on in the room, which was quite warm.

Hua Ye sniffed his nose, turned to look at Jing Keai, and frowned slightly.

"Did you smell it?" Jing Keai bit her pink lips and looked up at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said calmly, "Yes."

"Hey, what did you smell?"

The glasses girl was a little dazed, she sniffed her nose quietly, only smelling a faint scent of flowers and perfume in the air, it smelled very good, and she couldn't smell the rest of the smell at all.

"That night..." Jing Kei looked at Haruka Kitano, put one hand on her stomach, and said vaguely, "When I got home that night, I felt unwell, and I rested at home all day on Saturday."

"By Sunday, it's even more unwell."

"So I went to the hospital for an examination, but the result was useless, but it became more and more serious..." Jing Keai breathed out, "Now I can only look for you."

(Meow meow meow?)

The glasses girl next to her had her eyes widened.

(He was not feeling well, so he went to the hospital for a check-up, so he could only ask Hua Ye to be responsible...)

(Could it be that Teacher Jing found out she was pregnant?!)

(No wonder Mr. Jing has been covering her stomach after she came in, because there is a child of classmate Hua Ye in her stomach!)

(Oops oops oops...)

(The female teacher is pregnant with a male student's child. If this kind of thing is known, Teacher Jing will die socially, right?)

Hua Ye said with a blank face: "You should have said that night."

"Who knew such bad luck." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, and sighed, "Teacher, you don't want to lose face."

(Hey, such bad luck...Is it about the safety period, classmate Hua Ye is not allowed to use that, that kind of thing, and the result is accidentally pregnant?)

Jing Keai hopes to come: "Can it be solved?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "Yes."

"Then let's deal with it now." Jing Keai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

A death-like voice suddenly sounded.

Hua Ye and Jing Keai turned their heads to look, and saw Kitano Haruka with her eyes closed, her fists clenched, her little face flushed red.


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