"What time is it?" Igarashi looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said, "It's twenty past eleven."

"It's already so late." Igarashi folded his hands on his chest, obviously very cold, exhaled lightly, white water vapor drifted in the air, tilted his head and said, "I won't go back now, find a hotel Stay one night and come back tomorrow?"

Hua Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

Everyone is hungry and tired right now, driving is easy to get tired, and Hoshino Xia needs to buy clothes, and Hua Ye doesn't need to worry about asking for leave... There are three teachers around, so who cares about asking for leave!

While talking, Mei drove the car over, everyone got in the car, and then drove to the city center.


Igarashi sneezed, rubbed his nose with his hand, and said, "Look for a hot spring hotel, I'm freezing to death, I want to soak in the hot spring."

"Take a hot spring." Jing Keai stretched out her hand to straighten the creases on her jeans, "The last time I went to the hot spring, I came with my friends who had a good time in college."

He said with a sigh: "It seems that there is no chance to get together again now."

Hoshino Natsu asked, "Hey, what do you say?"

Hua Ye said from the side: "After getting married and having children, of course family is the most important thing."

"You know a lot." Jing Kei became angry with embarrassment, her fingers were crackling, "Come, come, teacher will help you loosen your muscles and bones."

Izu is a famous tourist destination, but also a holy land of hot springs, with many hot springs all over the place.

After a short drive, I arrived at the entrance of a time-honored Skylark Hotel.

Mei stopped the car and turned off the engine, walked into the hotel, chatted with a girl at the front desk who was dozing off for a while, and quickly said: "Master Igarashi, there is only one room left in this hotel, do you want to change it?"

"No need, this is the only one." Igarashi looked up, "If you change again, there may not be a vacant room."

"I'm fine." Jing Keai said directly, "When I was hiking in the past, camping in the wilderness was not a big deal."

Igarashi glanced at Hua Ye, pinched his waist with one hand and said, "Then it's settled."

Hey, how come it's settled?

Before making a decision, ask other people's opinions!

"This big-breasted monster has rough skin and thick flesh. Now she is not afraid of the cold. Let her stay in the yard."

Hoshino Xia puffed up her cheeks: "You need to rest even if you are not afraid of the cold, okay?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly."

After a simple registration, under the guidance of the staff, a group of people walked to the room. The room is not small. There are beds and sofas in it. It is no problem to sleep. There are both indoor hot springs and outdoor hot springs. Igarashi is the same very satisfied.

Hua Ye sat on the sofa, took the charger, and charged his phone. Mei went out to buy a change of clothes without hesitation, and Igarashi went to the bathroom to wash up without hesitation, and was ready to soak in the hot spring after washing.

But not long after, the bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, and white water vapor escaped from the bathroom, and a star with small breasts walked up to Hua Ye with his whole body wet, his face was flushed, and his eyes were cute. , the voice is super soft: "Don't leave me alone..."

Chapter 1518 Don't You Love Me?

"Take a bath together..."

Igarashi's face was flushed, and she walked up to Hua Ye wetly with bare feet like this, and reached out to hug Hua Ye's arm.

Hua Ye said, "Let go, your clothes are wet."

Igarashi opened his eyes wide, with a very aggrieved expression on his small face: "You are killing me."


Jing Keai just took a sip of milk, and when she heard this sentence, she immediately spit it out.

Seeing Hua Ye and Igarashi looking over, the tough and quiet boss hurriedly wiped his mouth, blushed and waved his hands, "Ahem, go ahead and pretend I don't exist."

Jing Keai looked at Hoshino Xia while talking.


"Xiao Ai, who cares about face so much, has learned to act like a baby?"

"Shouldn't be killed and silenced later!"

It is entirely possible to kill people and silence them. Once this poor-breasted star wakes up, he might be so embarrassing that he can destroy the world!

"Well, I've only seen this state once." Hoshino Xia was eating snacks, facing the wet Igarashi, she wasn't shy at all, but her face was full of interest, "It should be...fever?"

"It's not like I haven't had a fever before." Jing Keai screwed on the bottle cap and complained, "This is clearly a different person!"

"Some people are allergic to food and water." Hoshino Xia mumbled with a chocolate bar in his mouth, "Kacha Kacha", "There are always some people who are different."

"Anyway, get some clothes for Xiao Ai before we talk..."

Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, glanced over Igarashi, got up and walked into the bathroom.

(No wonder Ai-chan reacted so strongly when she complained about 'I'm bald and I've become stronger' before... So it's because she's bald herself.)

"Here you are." Jing Keai came over with a white bath towel and wrapped it around Igarashi, "Be careful of catching a cold."

Hua Ye said, "I already have a fever."

This poor-breasted star was already wearing little clothes. On the way back, for the sake of saving face, he forced himself to blow the sea breeze all the way, and it was normal to have a fever.

"I'll give it a try." Jing Keai put her hand on Igarashi's forehead, "It's really hot, shall I go out and buy her some antipyretics?"

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