"Is it okay not to take the medicine?" Igarashi raised her small face and spoke timidly, like a pitiful, weak and helpless kitten.

"It will be very uncomfortable if you don't take medicine." Jing Keai subconsciously lowered her voice and said softly, suddenly there was an illusion of taking care of children in her heart.

Igarashi said pitifully, "I'll be fine after a night of sleep."

While talking, she hugged Hua Ye's arm and shook it. The strong contrast made Jing Keai unable to hold back and took out her phone: "Let's take a bath together."

Hua Ye shook his head: "No, you go soak with someone else."

It's not just two people, there are other people in the room. When your fever subsides, you will definitely explode!

Igarashi had tears in his eyes: "Don't you love me?"


Jing Keai silently put away the phone again, we dare not say it, we dare not ask, if we accidentally record this sentence, we will definitely be killed.


"extremely like."

"I like love sauce the most."

At some point, Hoshino Xia slipped behind Hua Ye and quietly imitated her tongue, and her accent was actually three points similar.

Hearing Hua Ye's 'answer', His Royal Highness Igarashi, who was usually full of majesty, quickly bent his eyes into crescent moons, wrapped his hands around Hua Ye's neck, and said in a cute voice, "I like you the most, too. "



Hoshino Xia shook the phone, two dimples appeared on her cheeks: "The recording was successful."

You are looking for your own death!When this star with poor breasts wakes up, he will never let it go with you!

"Xiao Ye, shall we take a bath with Ai-chan?" Hoshino Xia stood up and said, "It's normal to have mixed baths in hot springs or something. If you don't try mixed baths in hot springs, you will regret it."

I'm sorry, but I've tried the hot spring mixed bath many times, and I don't feel excited at all.

"It's so cold."

Igarashi looked up aggrievedly.

The air conditioner had only been turned on for a while, and the room was indeed a bit cold. Of course, the main reason was that the star with poor breasts was wet and naked.

"Hurry up and hug me."


Hug you uncle!Do you know what is the way of heaven and good reincarnation? You are acting coquettish now, and when you wake up, you will return ten times the shame to you!

Hua Ye stood up and said, "Let's go take a shower."


Hoshino Xia followed behind, and when he reached the door of the bathroom, he looked inside, and then said: "So the area is very large, and there is no problem for three people to take a bath."

Then she turned her head and said, "Xiao Jing, do you want to come in and take a shower together?"

"No." Jing Keai had black lines all over her face.

"Forget it." Hoshino Xia waved her hand, "Let's soak in the hot spring together later."

"I won't promise you!"

Watching the three of Hua Ye walk into the bathroom, Teacher Jing Jing was a little uneasy for a while.

At a time like this... I should stop it, right?

The combination of a female teacher and a male student, if you say it, you will die socially, but the words to stop it swayed around your mouth a few times, but you still can't say it.

She had already seen that Igarashi and Hoshino came to the school to be teachers for the purpose of Hua Ye, and they could still have a good time if they weren't teachers.

Stop something, if Hua Ye really wants to have a three-person mixed bath, he has no ability to stop it, right?

If you dare to speak more, maybe even yourself will be caught and played with!

"Forget it." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, and sighed, "If you don't see it, you can't see it. Students with other problems can use their fists to educate them. This kid can't control it at all."

in the bathroom.

Igarashi looked up at Hua Ye: "I'll help you undress."

"I'll take off my clothes myself." Hua Ye squinted his eyes, "Go ahead and continue taking a shower."


Igarashi nodded obediently, sat on the small bench and began to take a shower.

Seeing Hua Ye taking off his clothes, Hoshino Xia blushed a little, but took off his clothes without hesitation.

The first time he was seen was only on the school rooftop, and the second time was at the outdoor swimming pool on the top floor of the hotel. Even when he was diagnosed with serious illness in the hospital, Hua Ye was even asked to give him a massage.

So there's no need to be shy at all, right?

"I'm done taking off..."

Hoshino Natsu covered her chest with one hand and whispered.

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