For boys, the women's restroom in the school is almost like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. If you come to the women's restroom to deliver the bathroom, you will definitely hesitate for a long time, right?

Even classmate Hua Ye would hesitate in the face of such a thing, right?

It's a pity that Machiko underestimated Hua Ye's lower limit and mistakenly thought that Hua Ye had the emotion of shame.

A second later, Machiko received a message from Hua Ye.

"almost there."


Hua Ye put away his mobile phone, turned around and returned to the teaching building. The only trouble was to change his shoes again at the shoe cabinet. After changing the shoes, he returned to the classroom and took out the prepared sanitary napkins from Machiko's schoolbag. It is a product of Kao.

Hua Ye picked up the sanitary napkin and walked straight to the third floor without any guilt at all. Fortunately, the teaching building was empty at the moment, so no one bumped into him.

"Student Union...toilet..."

With a glance, he quickly identified the bathroom where Machiko was.

Hua Ye walked to the entrance, stopped, and shouted inside: "I'm here."

Machiko was sitting on the toilet, waiting nervously for days and years, when she heard Hua Ye's shout suddenly, she almost fell down from fright.

Calling at the door of the women's bathroom, how thick-skinned Hua Ye is, everyone has heard it all!

The squad leader held his breath, put one hand on his chest, and listened nervously. After hearing nothing, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief. This bathroom is close to the student union, and the location is remote. Fortunately, there are no other girls there.

"I see." Machiko picked up the phone and hurriedly sent a message, "Student Hua Ye, don't shout so loudly, you will be heard."


"You wait at the door for a while. When a girl passes by, please ask her to bring me the sanitary napkin..."

In the middle of typing, Machiko suddenly stopped.

It's definitely not a problem to ask girls to help deliver sanitary napkins, but girls are very gossip, and there are many people who know themselves in school. By tomorrow evening, the whole school will know that Hua Ye gave him sanitary napkins, right?

What kind of situation will let the boys give it instead of the girl?

Of course it's a relationship.

Others don't care about the fact that friends have gone away. If gossip is more interesting than facts, then the audience of gossip will be wider.

Once the relationship is exposed, what will everyone do?

Now everyone maintains a tacit delicate balance. Once the whole school knows that they are dating Hua Ye, it is hard to imagine what will happen...

Maybe, maybe everyone will be sold off by Lafite, so that they can monopolize Hua Ye.

After thinking about it, Machiko quickly bit her lower lip, her pretty face blushed, and she held her breath and said, "Well... there is no one in the bathroom, classmate Hua Ye, give me the sanitary napkin."

After clicking send, Machiko covered her cheeks with her hands, cooling her cheeks with the coolness of her palms.

(Ju, actually invited classmate Hua Ye into the bathroom to deliver things...)

(Why would I say such a thing?

(Having said that, boys must be full of entanglements about entering the women's bathroom, right?)

(Will Hua Ye feel embarrassed to come in?)

Embarrassment, shyness, shyness, and shame are all emotions that Hua Ye does not have.

After seeing the message from Machiko, Hua Ye put away his phone and walked into the women's bathroom.

The layout of the women's washroom is basically the same as that of the men's washroom. Two steps inward from the entrance is a row of four white washstands, a large mirror occupying half of the wall, buckets, mops and cleaning tools in the corner, and 'fault maintenance' The yellow notice board in the middle', and then a row of ordinary campus toilets.

If there is any difference, only a row of devices against the wall has disappeared. No need to think about the reason, everyone understands.

No need to ask where the squad leader is, Hua Ye could hear Machiko's nervous and rapid heartbeat and breathing when he was standing at the door of the bathroom.

Now as he stepped closer, the heartbeat of Machiko in the bathroom became more rapid, making people worry that he would pass out with a 'plop' in the next moment.

Machiko was really nervous.

In the empty women's bathroom, clear footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door. No matter which way you think about it, you can't calm down, so don't take it seriously!

"I have arrived."

Hua Ye walked to the bathroom and stood still.

"I know, I know." Machiko took a deep breath, pressed one hand on his chest, held down the heart that wanted to jump out of his chest, and then stretched out his left hand to pull the latch of the lock door, only to find that the latch of the lock door had rusted, It couldn't be opened for a while.

"Someone is here." Hua Ye said suddenly.

"Eh?" Machiko in the bathroom was startled.

Hua Ye said, "I heard footsteps."

"I, I see." Machiko took a deep breath, concentrated her mind, and went to pull the latch.

(Please, open it quickly!)

(Student Hua Ye must not be discovered.)

(It's fine to stand at the door, if you are blocked by girls in the women's toilet, Hua Ye will be regarded as a pervert by the whole school!)

Probably praying brought strength, Machiko finally peeled off the rusted latch, hurriedly pushed the bathroom door, and shouted out: "Student Hua Ye, come in and hide for a while."

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