
Hua Ye responded, walked into the bathroom where the squad leader was, and closed the door behind him.

The bathroom area of ​​this kind of school is not large, one person is okay, but two people are a little crowded.

Hua Ye handed over the Kao in his hand: "Your sanitary napkin."

Machiko's pretty face was flushed, as if blood was about to bleed, she quickly reached out to take it, and said nervously, "Student Hua Ye, don't talk."

She had already heard the sound of footsteps and laughter outside, and silently prayed in her heart that the other party was just passing by.

Unfortunately it backfired.

The prayer was not answered, but the laughter became clearer, and they walked directly into the bathroom.

(One, two... like two girls.)

(hope they just wash their hands and leave...)

Prayer fails again.

There was a conversation between two girls outside the door.

"It's finally finished cleaning, I'm so tired."

"Wait and eat udon? I'm so hungry, I want to eat fox udon."

"You just sneaked snacks during class, why are you hungry again?"

"Snacks don't count as meals, they've already been digested."

Two unknown girls opened the door and walked into the bathroom while talking, and then there was the sound of running water.

Machiko silently bit her lower lip, wanting to die.

Don't come early, don't come late, but why did I encounter such an embarrassing thing when Hua Ye was delivering something to the bathroom?

Machiko quietly raised her head to look at Hua Ye, seeing that Hua Ye's face was as usual, extraordinarily calm, as if he hadn't heard the sound close at hand, so she was a little relieved.

At times like this, one person must have a thick skin, and if both of them are embarrassed, the embarrassment index will explode exponentially.

The squad leader closed his eyes and prayed silently: "Please, please leave quickly..."

After a while, the sound of flushing the toilet sounded.

The two girls, who had never been masked, went to wash their hands while chirping and talking, and then left together.


Hearing the laughter outside go away, Machiko let out a long sigh of relief. It took only a few minutes before and after, but it seemed that he had gone through a torment and battle, and his whole body was a little weak.

There is no way, what happened just now is really too embarrassing, in reality, few people will experience it personally!

"Student Hua Ye, go out..." Machiko's pretty face was flushed, her voice was like a mosquito, she didn't dare to look up, and said in a low voice, "Wait for me outside."


Naturally, Hua Ye wouldn't stand still like a pervert. He was about to turn around and go out when his footsteps suddenly stopped and stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Machiko looked up, feeling a bad premonition welling up in his heart.

Hua Ye withdrew his right hand that was on the bolt, and calmly said, "Someone is here again."


Machiko bit her lower lip, feeling dizzy.

(It is obviously a good opportunity to go out, why, why did it become like this...)

"Wait a little longer..."

There's no way, I definitely can't go out now, if Hua Ye is discovered, he won't be able to clean himself up by jumping into the Yellow River!

Tomorrow morning, there will definitely be all kinds of bad headlines on the front page of the campus newspaper, such as "Shocked, the class leader of the first grade and a boy in the same class secretly meet in the women's bathroom, the scene is very bloody", or "Testing on the edge of taboo, teenagers and girls can't say "Secret Game"... All in all, even if you die and jump from the window, you can never expose Hua Ye's existence.

A moment later, the sound of footsteps reached Machiko's ears.

The visitor walked into the women's bathroom, and then put water on the sink to wash his hands. The sound of the faucet's "squeaky" made Machiko feel relieved.

"This girl should just come in and wash her hands, and leave after washing her hands, otherwise the order is wrong..."

Thinking of this, the sound of the faucet running outside stopped quickly, but the sound of Machiko's expected footsteps going away did not appear. Instead, the girl outside stepped over and knocked lightly on the first bathroom door. twice.

"Dong dong."

The knocking sound came to her ears, startling Machiko, she quickly raised her head, and looked at Hua Ye nervously.

(W-why knock on the door?)

(Could it be that he discovered himself and classmate Hua Ye?)

(Or did you hear strange movements and check the situation from room to room?)

Hua Ye shook his head and signaled with his eyes: "Don't be nervous."

(How can I not be nervous? It feels like Hanako is knocking on the door one by one outside. Once she knocks in front of her, something terrible will happen?

It's just that at this point, Machiko has nothing to do. He can only take a deep breath, raise his hand to cover his mouth, and then signal Hua Ye with his eyes: "No matter what, don't open the door."

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