The expected kiss didn't happen, Hua Ye asked curiously, "What are you doing with your eyes closed?"


what do you say

Of course I asked you to kiss me, why did you suddenly become a fool!

"It's nothing." Machiko opened her eyes, very unhappy.

Looking at the squad leader with slightly puffed cheeks, Hua Ye quickly realized, "Do you want me to kiss you?"

"No." The squad leader refused to admit it.

"I thought it was because the wind was too cold just now, that's why you closed your eyes." Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Close your eyes, let's do it again."


Machiko puffed up her cheeks, and she is also a person with a temper, it's not something you can kiss if you want to.

Hua Ye didn't force it: "Forget it."


There was black resentment lingering and floating above Machiko's head, very unhappy.

After seeing the resentment wafting from the squad leader, Hua Ye quickly understood that the rejection here was obviously not a real rejection, but the same as Igarashi's "don't talk, but be honest". Small proud, and a little arrogant!

Hua Ye lowered his head and said, "I kissed you."

"I don't want it." Machiko was unhappy, and it was rare for him to lose his temper.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "I like the monitor."

"Ehhh?!" Machiko opened her eyes wide, opened her small mouth slightly, her expression was extremely cute, then she closed her eyes in a panic, but her face couldn't stop showing a shameful and sweet expression.

The two had kissed and hugged before, but it was the first time Hua Ye said the word "like" and Machiko felt shame and sweetness surging in her chest, and then it overflowed all over her head.

Chapter 1527 Sata Meow Vomits Blood

"I, I'm going back!"

After all, it was a busy street, and Machiko was born with a thin skin, and when she heard the phrase 'I like the squad leader', she immediately became dizzy and just wanted to go home and hide in the bed and roll around.

Hua Ye let go of his hands: "Shall I take you back?"

"No need." The squad leader's pretty face flushed and he waved his hand, "It's going to be dark soon, and it will be even colder at night. Hua Ye, hurry up and go home. I'll send you a message when I get home."


Watching the squad leader leave briskly, Hua Ye turned and walked towards the apartment.

When I walked to the shopping street, my phone suddenly vibrated.


Hua Ye took out his mobile phone, it was Liuhua calling.

"Brave, brave, help!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Liuhua shouted nervously.

Hua Ye's face was calm and unmoved. The protective power on Liuhua's body was not triggered at all, and it was obvious that he was not in danger.

"It's Sata-meow." Liuhua shouted, "Sata-meow is in a great crisis!"


A pitiful whimper sounded from the side, needless to say, it must be Satania.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "What's wrong with you?"

Liuhua said: "Sata Meow just bought a red bean popsicle..."

"Popsicles?" Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, "Do you eat popsicles in this season?"

In the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, when dripping water turns into ice, if you put a wet towel on the balcony before going to bed, the towel will freeze hard when you wake up the next morning. To eat popsicles in this season is clearly asking for death!

"Sata Meow said that when she was watching TV last night, a host said, 'A real warrior dares to face up to the dripping blood and dare to eat popsicles in winter'." Liuhua chirped and said, "Sata Meow wants to prove that he is A real warrior bought several popsicles, but the witch cursed them terribly, and the first one froze Sata Meow's tongue!"

It has nothing to do with magic. If you eat popsicles in the winter, you must always be prepared for the popsicles to freeze your lips or tongue!

Hua Ye sighed, "Where are you?"

"The park near the community." The address on the Liuhua newspaper, "It's the place where you and the brave can capture the night elves."

The night elves in Liuhua's mouth are actually fireflies, not the destroyer loli who head-butts people in the game, but the fireflies in "Firefly Sac Reflecting Snow". By the way, the guy who catches fireflies to illuminate and reads in the snow, In fact, it was two people, not one person catching fireflies in summer and squatting in snow pits in winter.

"I'll be there soon."

Hua Ye hung up the phone and walked towards the park. The shopping street is not far from the park, only a few minutes away.

It's a pity that Hua Ye was a step late.

"Brave, brave!" The phone vibrated again, and when it was connected, Liuhua's panicked cry came to his ears immediately, "No, it's not good, Sata is vomiting blood!"


What the hell is vomiting blood?

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