The orange-red sunset has completely sunk below the horizon, leaving only a dark red like the last embers in the sky, and the vast twilight enveloped the surrounding fields.

"Go home." Hua Ye turned around and said.

Liuhua was carrying a small schoolbag, and Satania was carrying the remaining few popsicles, and still holding the red bean popsicle that she only took a bite of but didn't eat a single bite of, and ran after her.

"Aide, I will sleep with Liuhua at night."


This idiot often comes to sleep with Liuhua, anyway, the bed is not careful, enough for two people to toss on the bed.

"Aide." Satania raised her hand, "What about the popsicle?"

Hua Ye said: "Take it back and put it in the refrigerator, wait for the temperature of the air conditioner to come up, then take it out and eat it, it will be fine."

"It turns out that it can still be like this."

When northerners eat ice cream, they always eat it indoors, and few people feel that eating ice cream outside is in the icy and snowy environment.

"Brave and brave." Liuhua raised her small hand and asked a question, "Sata's tongue is frostbitten, can he still eat at night?"

Of course it can, tooth extraction, you know?

After the tooth is pulled out, the wound cannot heal quickly, and even a small hole will appear. When eating at this time, rice grains or dishes will even enter the hole, and I have never seen anyone who is too scared not to eat!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Why don't you ask if you can eat on an empty stomach?"

"Huh?" Liuhua was stunned, and murmured to herself, "I only remember that I can't drink milk on an empty stomach, but I really don't know if I can eat on an empty stomach."

A black line fell from the top of Hua Ye's head: "I'm in a hurry to urinate, can I go to the toilet?"

"That..." Liuhua fluttered her eyes and said hesitantly, "It should be possible?"

What do you mean should, don't go to the toilet if you are in a hurry to urinate, are you going to wet your crotch!

Forgot, most of the clothes girls wear are skirts, such as Liuhua and Satania, which are a combination of pantyhose and winter school uniform skirts, and there is no crotch at all.

Hua Ye asked again: "Can oysters still be called oysters after being cooked?"

"Can't it?" Satania looked up at the sky, "How can you say that something raw is still raw when it's cooked?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Then what do you call oysters?"

"Of course it's called cooked oyster... eh, no, it doesn't seem to have such a name." The idiot thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "I remembered, I saw it on TV before, and the host said it was 'garlic paste' Oyster'."


Hua Ye didn't want to discuss garlic oysters with Satania, so he reached out his hand silently, "Give me the popsicle."

"Hey." Satania handed over the shopping bag, "I don't want to eat, I will give all the contents to the attendant."

Hua Ye said, "It's the one in your hand."

Satania shook her head: "This one is too hard, it will freeze your mouth."

Hua Ye said, "I can't freeze it."

If his mouth would be frozen by a small red bean popsicle, he should commit suicide on the spot!

"Okay then." Satania handed over the popsicle and warned, "Servant, be careful."

Liuhua put her hand on the blindfold, and solemnly acted as a fortune-teller: "I smell the smell of blood, the attendant's popsicle trip this time, maybe he will bleed and get hurt..."

Hua Ye didn't speak, and silently opened his mouth and took a bite of the red bean popsicle. The "indestructible" popsicle was like a kitchen knife cutting butter in Hua Ye's mouth. The frozen popsicle couldn't stop Hua Ye's teeth at all, and it would shatter when touched. .

I have to say that eating popsicles in winter feels pretty good. Of course, ordinary people can't enjoy this kind of comfort, because if they are not careful, their lips or tongue may be frozen, and it will be impossible to call for help. Can't do it!

Watching Hua Ye eat the popsicle with a 'click click', a slight blush suddenly appeared on Satania's cheeks.

After seeing it, Liuhua asked curiously, "Sata meow, what's wrong with you?"

"That..." Satania whispered, "Is it an indirect kiss if the attendant eats the popsicles I have eaten?"

You have already kissed real kisses, but you are still struggling with the problem of indirect kissing. Could it be that the reflex arc in your head is too long, and you haven't been able to react until today!


On the way back to the apartment, it was completely dark.

When passing through the food street, there happened to be a gust of evening wind blowing.

The aroma of stir-fried shallots, ginger, and garlic, mixed with the sweet aroma of cakes, the salty aroma of octopus balls, etc., floats into the nose along the evening wind, instantly hooking people's appetite.

"Octopus balls!" Liuhua raised her face, her eyes filled with anticipation, "Brave, do you want to eat octopus balls?"

Hua Ye said, "If you want to eat, go buy it."

Obviously you want to eat, don't ask other people's opinions, just do whatever you want!

"Let's eat together." Liuhua dragged Hua Ye to the small shop selling takoyaki.

Satania followed closely behind, her eyes looking forward, her little tiger teeth shining: "I want to eat too."

Hua Ye said, "You can't eat it."

Satania was startled, and immediately felt aggrieved: "Why, why?"


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