
Alice puffed up her cheeks and stared at Hua Ye with wide eyes.

Hua Ye tied his shoelaces, stood up and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Hmph!" Alice turned her head and snorted softly, her golden twin ponytails drew a dazzling arc behind her, "Don't talk to me."

Hua Ye said: "It's time for class, return the phone to me."

"Understood, long-winded." Alice's shoulders were up and down, her forehead was dripping with sweat, she looked like she had just finished a marathon, panting and complaining, "Ju, how dare you trick a girl into watching such a disgusting and obscene video, It really is a fool, a liar, a perverted Q maniac, go to jail!"

Where is it disgusting and obscene?

It's just a very common mating video, but the number of people is one more. Whether it is in history or now, it is very common and common, just look at it normally!

Hua Ye said blankly: "You want to see it yourself, I didn't lie to you."

"Why did Anna send you such disgusting things?"

"Because you said you wanted to play a threesome." Hua Ye said with a poker face, "Anna is very interested, and often tells me how to play with three people during the New Year, such as stacking the two of you..."

"That's enough, I don't want to hear such nasty things!" Alice shook her head hurriedly, the blush on her cheeks pervaded again, her earlobes and neck all turned delicate pink, Hua Ye just opened her head briefly, and she had already guessed What kind of posture is it? After all, it is the old Si Ji who has read many books. Although she is short and short-legged, her theoretical posture is quite rich.

"Shouldn't you agree?" Alice became nervous.

When I was traveling in Italy, in order to appease Anna, I invited Anna to come over for the New Year. I thought there was still a lot of time, but in the blink of an eye, there was still one week left before Christmas, and the exam was over in a few days. It's New Year's Eve.

If Hua Ye agrees to have a threesome, Anna will definitely agree with it, and she might do that kind of thing in front of her... I absolutely don't want to see it!

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

"That's good." Alice breathed a sigh of relief, "Here's your phone... ah!"

A trembling sound that made the body numb suddenly sounded, and the little bean opened his eyes wide, and his body trembled again like an electric shock.

Alice realized that she had made a very serious mistake.

When a normal person makes a call, the first call fails, and the second call will definitely be made in a short time. I was only focused on talking to Hua Ye, and forgot to take out the phone, but the second call came again!


The usual vibration of the mobile phone, but now it sounded like Sadako's death ringtone, spreading to every nerve in the body in an instant.

Caught off guard by the second round of attacks, Alice suddenly raised her head, revealing her snow-white and slender neck, like a swan eager to kill.

Hua Ye stepped up to the side of the little bean, squatted down, and reached out to grab Alice's skirt.

"You, what are you doing?" Alice's eyes were filled with moisture, and her voice trembled uncontrollably.

Hua Ye lifted up the skirt of this short peacock, revealing the pale pink bear Pangci, and said calmly, "I'll take the phone."

"Don't touch me." Alice panicked immediately, and hurriedly stammered, "I, I'll take it myself."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Can you still move now?"


Alice was speechless.

When I read the notebooks before, I always felt that the descriptions in it were quite exaggerated. It would take hours at every turn, and my whole body would be limp.

When the thing happened to her, Alice was shocked to find that her performance was not as good as that of the heroine in the book. The non-professional mobile phone couldn’t support it. If I replaced it with professional props, I might have passed out!

While thinking wildly, Alice suddenly felt a chill under her skirt, and immediately came back to her senses, "Wait a minute..."

Hua Ye didn't wait any longer, the bell for class was about to ring, so he couldn't keep wasting time here.

One hand hooked the edge of Fatty, and the other reached into it. Hua Ye quickly took out the phone.

Seeing the wet water stains on the phone, Alice closed her eyes tightly without saying a word, feeling as if she wanted to die.

(I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die...)

(I have lived for sixteen years, and I have never encountered such a shameful thing, actually, unexpectedly, by a mobile phone...)

(Explode! This world will explode directly!)

Hua Ye took out the tissue and wiped the water stains on the phone calmly.

"Okay." After quickly wiping the phone clean, Hua Ye said, "I'm going to class."

"Wait a minute." Alice opened her eyes, with a broken can on her face, and said, "Give me the phone."

"doing what?"

"I want to send it to the sun to vaporize directly!"

Suicide by jumping from a building does not have the courage after all, so the witnesses and evidence of the people present can only be destroyed.

The first is the mobile phone, the culprit, the unforgivable crime!Thinking of the wet phone being played by Hua Ye in his hands, Alice wanted to crush the phone into pieces.

"I'll buy you a new mobile phone." Alice took a deep breath, the flush on her face hadn't faded, and there was still a teardrop hanging on her eyelashes. The movements of trying to tense her face did not show majesty, but rather Unexpectedly cute, "You can choose any mobile phone you want."

It's a pity that the domineering female CEO is doomed to fail.

Hua Ye said calmly, "No."

"You don't want to get a new phone?"

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