"I don't want to." Hua Ye said, "The phone hasn't been flooded, so of course there is no need to change it."

"Enter, enter the water..."

There was water vapor whistling from above Alice's head, she closed her eyes again, and shrank her body like a quail, "A pervert with a paralyzed face, don't say such lewd things."

Where is the color Q?

You can wet your mobile phone, and others are not allowed to say it. Typically, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and ordinary people are not allowed to light lamps!

"I'm going to class." Hua Ye put away his phone and was about to leave.

Short Douding panicked: "Don't leave me alone."

Hua Ye said: "When you have a good rest, just open the door and go out."


Now that I am sore and limp, I can't even stand up, what if a boy comes in suddenly?

What if the boy who came in became so beastly and did such a terrible thing to himself?

I have seen a lot of similar locker room plots, so don't be the heroine in it!

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, so Hua Ye must never be allowed to leave.


Afraid that the word came to her lips, and she couldn't say it, Alice could only snort arrogantly: "Didn't you just tell me to choose one of the two?"

"I've chosen."

"Help me up and I'll kiss you."

Alice's eyes wandered, and she comforted herself in her heart: "It's not the first time to kiss. It's the first time I've done this kind of thing. The second time is nothing, right?"

Hua Ye reached out and picked up the short bean, and put it on the chair.

Alice took a deep breath and said, "Wait for me to brew."

Hua Ye said, "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"Yes, damn it!"

Alice, who originally planned to finish the task just by scratching the surface, was immediately unhappy after hearing this sentence.

A beautiful girl offered to kiss you, but you said you were in a hurry?

This will be a lonely life!

"Come here." Alice puffed up her cheeks, "bend down."

Master Bai Yu has time to kiss you, but I don’t have time to kiss you. You are simply a fool.

Hua Ye said, "Okay."


Alice snorted softly, raised her little face, and kissed it with resentment. This short bean must have been wearing some kind of citrus lipstick. The cold lips are not only moist, but also have the sweet fragrance of citrus.


The little grievance in her heart suppressed her shyness, and Alice kept kissing for more than ten seconds, until the class bell rang, and finally let Hua Ye go.

"Bah." The short bean raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and said pretending to be disgusted, "I've already kissed him, don't think about threatening me with this thing in the future."

Hua Ye stood up straight and said, "Don't you want to go to class?"

"Huh?" Alice was stunned, dumbfounded, "Oops, Oops, I forgot to go to class!"


The phone vibrated suddenly.

Alice was so startled that she almost slipped out of the chair.

"Don't be nervous." Hua Ye said, "It's your call."

"Huh..." The short bean let out a sigh of relief, as long as the phone doesn't vibrate inside the fat time, everything will be fine.

Picking up the phone, it was a message from Lafite.

"Master Baiyu asked me where I was." Alice put away her phone and stood up with a little weakness in her legs and feet. "I'm going back to class."

As he spoke, he looked up at Hua Ye, and said fiercely, "Don't tell the third person what happened just now."

Whether it's the shocking incident of the fat times, or the willingness to gamble and admit defeat just now, they are things that cannot be mentioned to others, so it is enough to know the embarrassing things yourself.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Forget everything, don't mention a word."

"it is good."

Alice thought for a while: "No, you write a letter of guarantee. If you violate the contract, you will be punished twice..."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Ye held it in his hand and walked out the door.

"Put me down." Alice couldn't help shouting, being carried around by you like a little chicken, I don't want to lose face!

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