"To shut up."

Walking outside the locker room, Hua Ye put the little bean on the ground, and said, "Hurry up and go to class."

"Hmph." Alice crossed her arms, glanced at Hua Ye, then pouted and ran away.

Hua Ye looked away and walked towards the basketball court.

As soon as he walked through the passage, he could hear a signature smirk.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Satania pinched her waist with one hand and rested the other on her forehead. She was wearing a basketball uniform, and the deliberate pose was quite embarrassing.

"Stupid Gabriel, you have no chance of defeating me!"

Chapter 1537 The Technique of Buff Transfer

When Hua Ye came over, the physical education class had already started.

It was Satania's home time.

"Hahahaha——" the idiot held the basketball in his right hand, and put his left hand on his forehead, his iconic smirk was extraordinarily loud, "All of you are no match for me."

Basketball is one of the compulsory subjects in physical education class. Although Satania is stupid, she has a very developed motor nerve. Some teachers once suggested that she change to track and field, thinking that Satania can make a difference in national competitions. Unfortunately, that The teacher didn't even know that more than half of Satania's running ability was acquired by fighting stray dogs for bread!

The new year is coming, the school will be on holiday soon, and the physical education class also has final assessment tasks. For example, today is the basketball shooting assessment.

"Student Hua Ye." Machiko held the scoring book in his hand and a silver whistle hanging around his neck, and was responsible for recording the test results. Seeing Hua Ye walking over at this moment, his pretty face blushed.

Having encountered such a terrible thing in the women's bathroom, the shame has not yet cooled down.

"Aide." Satania ran in front of Hua Ye, raised her face, the little canine teeth on the corners of her mouth were particularly shiny, "Did you see that I shot a basketball just now? Isn't it super handsome?"


Just grab a melon-eating girl and come over, the evaluation of you is definitely not handsome, only stupid!

The school implements a small-class elite teaching system, with a maximum of [-] students in a class, some are still unknown, some are well-known, and Satania is a well-known person, for example, in class, she can confidently say, "I didn't do my homework, it was on purpose." Didn't write', almost every week I have to stand at the door of the class with a bucket, and every time I take the exam, I am the last one in the class, and the position has never been shaken... We have been together for a year, and everyone has accepted that she is an idiot fact.

"Hey, it's a pity I didn't see it." Satania rolled up her sleeves, "Shall I vote for you again?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "Don't watch."

It's just a shooting test, and it's not about showing you fat times with a disgusted face. Who likes to watch that kind of thing!

"Look, I'm in great shape today." Satania asked Ying to play.

"Satania, it's ready." A drop of cold sweat fell on Machiko's head, and she hurriedly stopped the stupid little devil who was eager to try, "I got a perfect score in the shooting test, so I don't need to shoot anymore."

"Squad leader." Satania tilted her head, "Is physical education just for exams?"


Machiko was startled, turned to look at Hua Ye, and then asked after consideration: "Is that for exercise?"

"Obviously not." Hua Ye shook his head.

There is no exercise in this idiot's dictionary at all. Only people who lack exercise will talk about exercise!

Satania pinched her waist with one hand and said, "Of course the physical education class is to prove myself."


The squad leader was shocked. A fool could say such philosophical words. Could it be that he suddenly became enlightened?

Satania continued: "I have only one purpose for participating in the Martial Arts Conference, and that is to become the strongest."


The exam continues.

The speed of the shooting test was very fast, and it wasn't long before it was Liuhua's turn.

"Liuhua, come on." Satania cheered at the side, "The second place in the Budokai will be given to you."

"Don't worry, Sata-meow." Liuhua tensed her face, the hair on her head swayed, and stepped onto the battlefield.

Exam results... [-] out of [-], barely pass.

Machiko took a pen to record the score, and then said, "Vina, it's your turn."


Wei Nai nodded, took the basketball, walked to the penalty area, hooked her wrist, and threw the ball. The movement was exceptionally standard. Coupled with her pursed pink lips and sharp and bright eyes, she looked quite heroic. smell.

Although she is not as athletic as Satania, she hits all ten shots, but hits seven out of ten goals, and her grades are excellent.

Machiko took a pen to record the results, continued the exam, and soon it was the turn of the useless angel who was playing with the phone next to him.

"Xiaojia, it's your turn to shoot."

"Ah..." The useless angel put away the phone and took the basketball weakly, "It's so troublesome."

"Obviously I'm a student, it's fine to stay in the classroom, why do I have to take physical education class."

"I wish someone could blow up the school every day so that there would be no classes."

The useless angel walked to the penalty area with the basketball in his arms while thinking about it.

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