Why do you "swipe" and appear immediately when someone calls you!

"Eh? Ehhh?" Machiko was startled suddenly, her feet couldn't help stepping on the air, she lost her balance, and fell straight forward.

Hua Ye was standing beside him, but he was unmoved in the slightest.

Of course, it didn't mean to admire the style of the other party's fat clothes again. In fact, after yesterday's fat exposure incident, today's black long straight girl obviously wore an extra pair of safety pants under her skirt.

The reason why Hua Ye didn't do anything was because someone was faster than him.

Seeing a flash of white shadow, Raphael had already hugged Machiko, preventing her from falling down.

"Thank you, thank you~" The dazed and dizzy girl with long black hair subconsciously thanked her, but just as she was about to stand up straight again, a lovely cry came out of her mouth.


Looking down, he saw Raphael actually put a hand on the opponent's chest.

Even though she knew that Rafael was also a girl, the black, long and straight girl blushed immediately, water steam kept rising from her head, and her whole body showed signs of dying.

Rafael didn't care about it. As a breast rubbing madman, she had already successfully captured Wei Nai, Gabriel, Satania and Xiaotiao Youliuhua, so she was skilled and experienced.

At this moment, he clasped his hands together and said with a giggle, "Hey, Machiko-chan, thank you for your hospitality~~"


Hey, what the hell is that "thank you for the treat" at the end!

Do you think you are going to someone else's house for dinner?You can't eat it even in a place where you treat guests!

And what's there to be grateful for? If you want to touch it, touch your own. It must be bigger than Machiko's!

"Lafei, when did you even bully Machiko!" Wei Nai raised her eyebrows, took out a piece of paper from her schoolbag, rolled it into a paper tube, and tapped it on Rafael's head.

Then he turned to Machiko and said, "Squad leader, don't be angry, Lafite is just joking with you."

Machiko finally came back to her senses, carrying her schoolbag in one hand and covering her chest with the other, she hurriedly turned around and ran out as if to escape: "No, it's okay! I accidentally fell down by myself just now... I, I If there are other things, let’s go first.”

Ah, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a little white rabbit fleeing from the mouth of a big bad wolf.

In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

Hua Ye was about to get up to eat, but Wei Nai walked over with a blushing face, pinched the corner of her clothes, looked out the window with erratic eyes, and said in a low voice, "Well... I have something to tell you..."

"What's the matter?" Just say something, what kind of trouble is suddenly so shy.

Wei Nai looked out the window, bit her lip, and said, "That's... can I make you a bento next week?"


You, who always keep your word, actually say something you regret today, something terrible must have happened!

"What's the reason?" Hua Ye raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Because, because my living expenses are gone..." Wei Nai blushed, obviously feeling ashamed for breaking her original promise, and dared not go to see Hua Ye, "So I can only wait until next month to get it." Only the living expenses can make lunch for you..."

It turned out to be the case.

Recently, under Gabriel's useless angel, he went to the movie theater, went to the hot spring resort, and from time to time had to feed on Kang Na and the two fold-eared cats, and even the one who opened the room the day before yesterday. You still have to pay half of the bill, so that now you finally become a girl who eats dirt!

But judging from your tone, it seems that eating by yourself has already become a problem, right?

Hua Ye thought for a while and asked, "There is still more than a week before next month, what are you going to do?"

"No, don't worry about it..."

Chapter 171 The Spit Mushroom

"Don't worry about it..."

Doesn't it matter if I watch you eat dirt?

Maybe the next time you run in physical education class, you will be hungry and dizzy because of eating dirt, and then there will be one more person to send to the health room.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the window.

A few mischievous strands of hair fell in front of her eyes, and Wei Nai had to stretch out her hand to pull her hair behind her ears in a little distress. The palm of her hand was like white jade, and even the blue blood vessels were clearly visible.

Seeing this scene, Hua Ye suddenly thought of a sentence he saw while watching TV yesterday: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't eat bento...you can eat it too."

Ah, I always feel that if I say this, I will be hunted down by Wei Nai with a trident.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go to my house?"

"Eh? You, you, what do you want to do?!" Wei Nai immediately took a step back, looking at her with wary eyes.

Hey, what's wrong with your vigilant expression!

Do you think I will do something terrible to you!

Don't be kidding, I just ask you to help cook for the sake of your good cooking, and just eat along with it!

"No need." Wei Nai shook her head decisively, "I won't go!"

Hua Ye shrugged and said, "By the way, there is a maid cafe nearby that is recruiting people, you can try it..."

"It's the coffee shop you went to yesterday, right?" Wei Nai said a little angrily, "Yesterday, Liuhua and the others have already mentioned in the group...that's why they don't know how to wear maid outfits!"

Said and looked sideways, "Do you want me to wear that kind of clothes?"

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