"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, "It's pretty nice to wear."

"You, you, you——" Wei Nai's face suddenly turned red, she bit her lip and gave Hua Ye a nasty look, "No need, I've already found a place to work."


"It's the coffee shop opened by the uncle who is very confident in blending coffee on the food street..."

At this time, someone passed by nearby, so Wei Nai hurriedly said: "I'm going to eat a bento, you can go to the cafeteria to have lunch by yourself."

After speaking, he turned around and walked away, as if he was afraid of being seen in close contact with the boy.

Hua Ye arrived at the cafeteria. After buying lunch, he just sat down for a while when he saw Vinai leading Satania, Gabriel and Liuhua in.

There were still tears in the corners of the red-haired idiot's eyes, and he looked pitiful after being bullied by the campus gangsters.

"What's wrong?" Hua Ye asked curiously.

Wei Nai sighed: "The little white dog somehow appeared in the school, frightened Satania's hands, and then dropped the only seaweed rice ball on the ground."


It's nothing more than being snatched from a pineapple bun by a dog, but now a look can make you tremble in fright!

What about your majesty as a demon!

What a disgrace, quickly take off your skirt!


"Let's eat here." Xiao Niaoyou Liuhua swayed the hair on her head from side to side, and sat beside Hua Ye.

"I'm so bored." Gabriel put the bento across from Hua Ye, "Why is it not the weekend yet, I really want to stay at home and play games all day long."

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, then sat down.

Hua Ye glanced over and found that Wei Nai's bento was indeed the simplest. There was only one omurice in the bento box, a few sliced ​​tomatoes, and a vegetable tempura.

In front of the crippled angel Gabriel was a lunch box bought from a convenience store, which looked pretty good.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua ate the bento prepared by her sister Shihua, which was the richest and most delicate.

"Well~ this mushroom udon is delicious!" Satania bought a bowl of mushroom udon, and now she squinted her eyes, obviously forgetting about the matter just now, "by the way, when it comes to Mushroom, I suddenly remembered a very strange joke I saw yesterday."

"What joke?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

"It's probably like this..." Satania propped her chin, blinked and said, "A man likes to take a nap in the forest. One day, a little girl came to pick mushrooms and counted them. One mushroom, two mushrooms. Mushrooms, three mushrooms, four mushrooms, five mushrooms, five mushrooms, five mushrooms, five mushrooms... I don’t know why the fifth mushroom can’t be picked. Then when I go home at night, the little girl Crying and telling my sister, a mushroom spit on me today!"

Everyone: "..."

Shut up!

Don't make pornographic jokes in public!

Wei Nai was a little embarrassed, glanced at Hua Ye, and said in a low voice: "Satania, don't talk about this..."

"But it's really strange." Satania pursed her lips, "Why do mushrooms spit? Even if it's a joke, you have to pay attention to basic logic!"

Several girls who were eating in the cafeteria looked surprised, and some even covered their mouths and chuckled.

Hearing the laughter, Wei Nai became even more embarrassed, and said with a reddish face, "Satania, please lower your voice."

"Hmph, I'm going to prove to those guys when I go back that when picking mushrooms, it's impossible for mushrooms to spit!" Satania clenched her fists, with a persistent look of dedicating herself to the truth.

Vinay covered her forehead and sighed.

"Tch, idiot." Gabriel pouted, "Didn't you read your physical health textbook?"

"Who, who said that." Satania argued with some lack of confidence, "Just reading a book makes me sleepy, so I really want to sleep..."

"Yes, that's right." Xiaoniao Youliuhua nodded in agreement beside him, the hair on his head swaying from side to side, "I am also like this, every time I read mathematics and physics textbooks, I feel so strange, obviously the above I know all the words, but I don't understand them at all...It must be because of the magic of 'cognitive impairment' cast by someone, so it's like this?"

It's obvious that you don't study hard by yourself, so don't throw the blame, idiot!

The face of the mysterious side will be lost by you!


In a blink of an eye, it's afternoon school time.

Most of the students in the classroom quickly left, but the crippled angel, Gabriel, was uncharacteristically still sitting on the seat, propping his chin with one hand, looking out of the window with a pensive expression.

The golden sun shines through the window and falls on her long hair, shining brightly like ears of wheat.

"Xiao Jia, why aren't you going home?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

"I'm thinking about something very important." Gabriel replied seriously.

"Huh?" Wei Nai's eyes widened.

Is this the little Jia I know, the one who goes home to play games after class?When did you get so serious!

"Well, what are you thinking about?" Wei Nai asked cautiously.

Could it be that I was in a bad mood and wanted to blow the horn to destroy the earth, or maybe the "Single Dog Recipe Survey Report" two days ago?

Gabriel snorted, and said casually, "I just think that studying medicine can't save stupid people on Earth."

"Study, study medicine?" A drop of cold sweat fell on Wei Nai's head, "Xiaojia, what are you talking about?"

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