"Idiot!" Hua Ye couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

Are you a repeater!

You can read as I write!

"Puff puff——" the students in the class laughed even louder. Even Wei Nai, who was covering her forehead and sighing, stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, with a smile in her eyes.

Teacher Jing on the podium also burst into a smile, and couldn't help but say, "That's right, the naive classmate has grown up."


Accidentally read out such a bad thing!

After class, I'll kill that bastard in front of me?

"Okay, Tianzhen, please sit down first." Teacher Jing coughed lightly, and for the sake of being so happy, she didn't pursue it. She just said with a smile on her face, "Next, let's ask Machiko to read the composition. ..."

after class.

"Hun Dan!" As soon as Teacher Jing left, Jia Baili immediately jumped at Hua Ye like a cat with fur frowned, "I'll bite you to death!"

"Stupid refusal." Hua Ye stretched out his hand to stop him.

In the end, it was under Wei Nai's mediation that the crippled angel stopped temporarily.


Lunch break finally arrived.

Hua Ye was going to eat in the cafeteria when Xiao Niaoyou Liuhua came over and said pitifully, "Brave and brave, let's go to the cafeteria for lunch together?"

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "Don't you have lunch?"

"No." Liuhua shook his head, "The manager who couldn't see the boundary line didn't come back last night, so I didn't bring a box to replenish the magic today..."

The manager of the invisible boundary is obviously your sister Shihua who can use the "unlimited spoon system"!

"I also go to the cafeteria to eat, and it doesn't feel good to always eat cold bento." Gabriel puffed up her mouth and said, "As the price of forgiving you, today's lunch is yours!"

"Indeed." Wei Nai nodded subconsciously, "After learning Chinese cuisine recently, I think hot food tastes better..."

Satania hurried over: "Don't leave me behind! I'll go if Gabriel goes!"

So a group of people walked to the cafeteria.

Chapter 182

The taste of the food in the canteen is not bad, and you can rest assured about the hygiene. You don’t have to worry about eating messy things, and the price is relatively cheap. However, because of the traditional custom of bento, there are actually not many students eating in the canteen.

Therefore, after entering the cafeteria, there is no need to wait in line, just go directly to the automatic ticket vending machine to buy tickets.

Among them, Wei Nai has the bento she made in the morning, Satania, the idiot, also has two seaweed rice balls in her hand, Liuhua only ordered a fox udon because of her small appetite, and Gabriel ordered a curry and rice balls. fried chicken.

Hua Ye here, of course, will not wrong himself, and directly ordered a pork chop rice bowl, grilled shrimp and dumplings.

It is worth mentioning that dumplings are eaten as a dish in Japan.

Gabriel poked the curry on the plate, pouted and said, "So curry tastes like this? It doesn't feel as good as the bento made by Wei Nai."

Then the useless angel rolled his eyes, "Look at you, it took you a long time to eat so little, I'll help you eat these grilled shrimp."

As he spoke, he stretched out his chopsticks and grabbed a grilled shrimp from Hua Ye's dinner plate.

"Xiao Jia, what are you doing?" Wei Nai frowned slightly.

"It's okay." Gabriel waved his hand, "This guy did such a bad thing to me last night, I just ate him a shrimp, and I've already forgiven him..."

"You, what are you talking about? A terrible thing?" Wei Nai pursed her lips, turned to look at Hua Ye, with a look of hesitation on her face.

"No, it's nothing! It's just that this guy refuses to lend me the snacks." Gabriel shook her head hastily, "And other people's food tastes better."

"Huh~ So that's the case." Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Eh? Really?" Satania also opened her eyes wide and said curiously, "Then I want to eat too!"

"Stupid refusal."

"Damn it! I'm going to fight you now!"

"Calm down, both of you!" Wei Nai's face was full of black lines, and he raised his hand and knocked on each of them, "Don't deliberately make trouble."


"Drip—the physical strength has been replenished."

Xiaoniao Youliuhua quickly finished eating the udon noodles, then raised his hand to cover the blindfold, and the dumb hair on his head swayed from side to side, "The next action goal is to replenish the consumed magic power with cola..."

Don't talk to yourself there!

When will Coca-Cola be able to replenish the magic power!

Could it be that the top executives of Coca-Cola are actually witches who master dark magic?

In addition, Coke just looks black, but it is actually brown!

"Brave, I'm going to buy a Coke." Because Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua was sitting on the inside, if he wanted to go out, Hua Ye had to get up and get out of the way.

"I'll go buy it, I just want to drink it too." Hua Ye got up and said.

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