Gabriel raised her hand, "Bring me a cup too!"

After a while, Hua Ye came over with four cups of Coke.

One cup was passed to Xiaotiao Youliuhua, another cup was passed to Gabriel, and one cup was kept for herself, and the last cup was passed to Wei Nai.

"What, what are you doing?" Wei Nai blushed.

"There's no miso soup, let's drink Coke for now." Hua Ye said casually.

"It's not fair!" Satania's grief-stricken voice sounded, "Why don't I have Coke?"

Hua Ye squinted, with disgust in his eyes, "Because you are so stupid."

"Ju, you're actually disgusted by the attendant!" Satania's back turned into black and white.

So you just found out now!

My eyes have always disliked you, okay!

"Okay, I'll give you this Coke." Wei Nai brought the Coke in front of Satania, and whispered, "I don't like to drink this kind of thing..."

As he spoke, he gave Hua Ye a slight annoyed look.

Hey, what are you staring at me for!

If it wasn't for being too lazy to find change, and because you invited me to dinner last night, I wouldn't have bought you a drink.

Humph, forget about drinking!


The quiet Monday is finally coming to an end.

After a day's class, most of the students were like fish stranded on the shore, lying on the table in a decadent state.

It wasn't until the school bell rang that he suddenly "lived" over.

Gabriel rushed home to play games, and left after school. Wei Nai also left in a hurry because she was going to work in a coffee shop. Even Satania and Liuhua went to buy pineapple buns together.

It was rare for Hua Ye to be quiet, and he walked back slowly with his schoolbag in his hand.

When I arrived at the gate of the community, I happened to meet a tall and beautiful woman walking towards me.

"Hey, is it you?" The woman stopped and looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye followed the prestige, and quickly remembered that this woman was the sister of Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, Xiaoniaoyou Shihua.

"Are you back from school?" Xiaoniaoyou Shihua greeted.

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

"Where is Liuhua, didn't she come back with you?"

"Go play with Satania."

"That's it." Xiaoniao You Shihua raised the corners of his mouth slightly, drawing a nice curve, "It seems that Liuhua has also made friends."

A middle school student and an idiot, of course they can play together, and their compatibility is surprisingly high!

While speaking, Xiaoniao You Shihua narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Hua Ye with a slight scrutiny.

The last time we met was on a foggy and rainy night, it was inevitable that I didn't see the truth. Now that I looked at it carefully, I realized that the boy in front of me was quite attractive. The key is that his temperament is completely different from that of ordinary peers. He is not pretending to be mature. It's not young and immature, but it's just standing there quietly, but it gives people an indescribable indifferent and elegant temperament.

"Since you are Liuhua's classmate, I'll call you Xiaoye." Xiao Niaoyou Shihua crossed his arms, and two clusters of majesty stood out directly on his chest, "I've been busy with work in the past few days, and I haven't thanked you for taking care of me yet." What about Liuhua?"

"It's not taken care of." Hua Ye shook his head, "I don't want to take care of him either."

Xiaoniaoyou Shihua was stunned, and there was a smile on his face, neither shy nor exaggerated, it should be the so-called sister next door's very comfortable smile.

"I was a little worried about Liuhua at first, but after hearing what you said, there is no need to worry."

Where did you get so much confidence!

Give me a little more worry about my problem sister!

"Hey, it's a little late today. Wait for me to arrange my work in the next two days, and I'll invite you to my house for dinner on the weekend." Xiaoniaoyou Shihua yawned, then stretched his hands and stretched his waist .

As a result, the pair of mountain peaks wrapped under the shirt looked more upright, and the bulging, slim and plump appearance was very attractive.


A crisp sound of "pop" suddenly sounded.

The source is obviously the chest of Xiaoniaoyou Shihua.

At the same time as the sound sounded, a white button "biu" bounced towards Hua Ye.

Hua Ye subconsciously took the button, which was still slightly warm and fragrant, in his hand.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he could clearly see the collar of Xiaoniaoyou Shihua's shirt collapsed, revealing a faint black bra, and a round and snow-white scene...

Then a thought subconsciously popped up in my mind:

"Even stretching can break buttons. A woman with big breasts is indeed a troublesome creature..."

Chapter 183 Want to Kiss Kang Na, Kiss Me First

Xiaoniao You Shihua's face flushed slightly, but after all, she was a woman who had been working in the workplace for a while, and she didn't flush with shame like a little girl, or make a cute cry, she just raised her hand to cover her The neckline, he said in a calm tone: "The overalls that are distributed are a bit small, so the buttons often fall off..."

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