Among other things, the waterfall-like long hair alone is very iconic...

It's not Machiko... Who else could it be!

Do you have the legendary 'catch rape' attribute? !

Why does it always appear on such occasions!


Seeing Hua Ye sweeping towards this side, Machiko let out a low cry, quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, and then hid behind the billboard, as if this way she would not be discovered by Hua Ye.

"I didn't expect to meet classmate Hua Ye again..."

"And they were still discussing eroge books on the tram..."

"Could it be that classmate Hua Ye wants to take that little girl to buy an erotic book?"

"Oh my god! It's nothing more than taking classmate Jia Baili to buy erotic games, but taking such a young girl to buy erotic books... Isn't it too much?"

"And just now I seem to have heard that little girl call 'little girlfriend' or something... Could it be that classmate Hua Ye and that little girl are also in a relationship?"

"This kind of thing... As the squad leader, I really can't sit idly by!"


at the same time.

"By the way, do you want to buy tools for drawing manga?" The maid who distributed the leaflets asked with a smile.

"Do you know where it is?"

Hua Ye looked up.

"Well, I know all the big and small things on this street." The girl smiled cutely, raised her arms, pointed forward and said, "You can walk a hundred meters in this direction, and you can see a manga shop named Chuanchi. Shop, you can buy the tools you need when you go in.”

"Thank you sister."

The dirty loli politely thanked her.

"You're welcome." The maid waved her hand and said with a sweet smile, "If you're free, it would be great if the two masters came to our Cute Cat Cafe~"

After bidding farewell to the maid girl, Hua Ye and Dirty Loli walked forward, and they saw a comic shop not far away. There were people coming and going, the decoration was bright and professional, and it looked very professional.


As soon as he entered the door, a girl greeted him with a smile.

Hua Ye nodded slightly, and said straight to the point: "She wants to buy tools for drawing comics."

As an energy conservationist, Hua Ye doesn't like to pick and choose and shop around. As long as you see the right thing, you can buy it directly.

"Okay, please follow me here..."

Someone was there to help, and Hua Ye and Lou Li were not picky and picky people, so they bought things very quickly. After a while, they bought a high-end digital tablet and other comics tool.

When he walked to the cashier, Hua Ye was about to pay the bill when someone tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Looking down, I saw Xiao Hinata holding a cute frog wallet, looking up and saying, "Brother Xiaoye, I have money here."

Hua Ye glanced at it casually, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Where did you get so much money?"

"Because my sister asked me to practice sword, piano, and make quilts by myself, she would give me some pocket money..."

Is it just pocket money?

If Gabriel, that useless angel, saw your "pocket money", he would definitely cry with envy!

"Need not."

Hua Ye shook his head and swiped his card to pay.

Although there is enough money in the wallet, it is all small change of different denominations, and it needs to be counted to pay the bill. How can it be convenient and troublesome to swipe the card directly.

After shopping, Hua Ye lowered his head and said:

"Go, take you back."

"That, that..." Dirty Loli didn't speak, but her face was slightly flushed, and she looked awkward and shy.

"What's wrong?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

Is it because I feel embarrassed because of the bill I paid?

How could it be!

Even erotic notebooks can draw them with fun, so what's the point of embarrassment?

"That, that..."

Xiao Hinata stretched out two white, tender and slender fingers, and lightly tapped on her chest, and subconsciously rubbed her two legs lightly, with a shy look of groaning and hesitating.

Hua Ye scowled: "What happened?"

"I want to go to the bathroom..." Dirty Loli blushed slightly and mumbled.

Was it about personal hygiene?It must be because I drank too many drinks before, and I said that my sister will not let you drink Coke after I go back, so I took the opportunity to drink an extra bottle, something is wrong now!

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Go to the coffee shop in front, have a cup of coffee, and go to the bathroom by the way."

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