
"Welcome! Master!"

As soon as he walked in, two girls in maid outfits shouted sweetly.

So flyers and advertisements do have their uses. There are many maid cafes on this street. If it wasn't for the flyers sent by the girl before, Hua Ye would probably choose the one nearby instead of coming to here.

Entering the coffee shop, you can see that the decoration inside is full of the atmosphere of the house. There are group photos of maids and customers hanging on the wall, and there is a large closet in the corner. There are various figures in it. The light is dim, but It won't hurt people's eyes. There are cubicles and circular sofas for people to talk and chat. On the coffee table nearby, there are light novels and comics with beautiful covers, as well as furry dolls. The environment is warm and lovely.

There were quite a lot of customers in the store, but most of them were men. Fortunately, when Hua Ye came in, there happened to be a table of customers who had checked out and left, so Hua Ye walked over under the guidance of a maid and ordered a cup of coffee. , and then asked the maid to take the dirty loli to the bathroom.

After sitting down, Hua Ye turned his head and looked out the window. The girl with long black hair was standing on tiptoes sneaking around. Hua Ye thought for a while and waved to her.


Machiko quickly shrank back, "I was, I was discovered!"

She was about to run away, when she suddenly remembered the two conversations she had heard before, gritted her teeth, and finally made up her mind and walked in.

"Welcome! Master!"

The sweet welcome sounds of the two maids startled Machiko, she couldn't shout out the master or something anyway.

"Is it one or two?"

"One...no, two." Machiko panicked and pointed at Hua Ye, "I'm here to find him!"

The maid glanced at Hua Ye, smiled and said, "Then you can tell us anytime you want, master."

"I know, I know."

The feeling of being called master by a girl of similar age for the first time is unexpectedly good... The reason why Hua Ye came here must be the same as other boys, with impure thoughts, right?

"Huh~~" Machiko came to sit down opposite Hua Ye, then took a deep breath, put her legs together, pressed her hands on her knees, and said with a serious expression: "Student Hua Ye, I have something to tell you!"

So what's wrong with your super serious expression, I haven't held you accountable for the whole journey!

"Hua Ye, it's wrong for you to do this!"

Machiko pursed her lips with a serious expression.

"It's not that serious, is it?" Hua Ye shrugged.

Although it is indeed wrong to bring a ten-year-old girl to buy tools for drawing manga, it is not such a serious issue.

Machiko bit her lip and said:

"You're going to go to jail..."


Hua Ye almost spit out the coffee.

It was just wrong just now, are you going to jail now? Could it be that I didn't give money when I bought things?

Hua Ye wiped his mouth, squinted his eyes and said:

"Obviously it's a one-handed payment and one-handed delivery. The transaction you love and I want, why is it going to jail?"

"So, is that really the case?" Machiko lowered her head, her black hair trembling on her shoulders, "She's just a child..."

What's wrong with the child?

Children can't buy comic tools!

and many more!

Why do you always feel that what you said and what I said are not the same thing?

"Obviously we already have Wei Nai and the others... Isn't Hua Ye satisfied?" Machiko tried to make the last effort.

"What are you doing with Wei Nai? They're not here now." Hua Ye was even more puzzled, thinking that the girl with long black and straight hair was talking about why she came to the maid cafe, and immediately explained, "After all, people always have urgent needs." when needed……"

People have three urgencies, and this is something that cannot be helped.

However, after hearing this explanation, Machiko became more serious.

She clenched her fist and pressed it on her chest, as if hesitating about something, took a deep breath after a while, raised her head and said, "Student Hua Ye! Please don't do that kind of thing with children, you will be caught in prison !... If you really need it urgently, you can come to me!"

The moment she uttered these words, the girl's face was already rosy, like a ripe apple.

She turned her head, the black hair on her shoulders couldn't stop trembling, and said in a shy voice, "I, I can take off my underwear for you..."


Hua Ye finally understood what the other party meant.

But what do you mean by taking off your underwear to me?

Do you want me to take the underwear you took off, which still has body temperature and fragrance, to the bathroom to solve it?

How perverted am I to do something like that?

And underwear or something, how can it satisfy me, at least it is you!

Sensing Hua Ye's oppressive gaze, Machiko shuddered and shook her head.

"No, I can't! Although classmate Hua Ye has helped you before, I haven't thanked you yet, but giving you underwear is already the limit... That kind of thing, that kind of thing is impossible!"

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