"It would be much better if Hua Ye was caught like this in winter, right?"


Hua Ye looked down at her feet.

Machiko blushed and grabbed the hem of the skirt with her hand, then pulled it down awkwardly.

She is currently wearing a summer school uniform. The standard outfit for girls is a brown short skirt and white stockings just below the knees. The palm-width absolute area reflects a delicate ivory luster under the light.

But at this time, her ankle was red and swollen, obviously just sprained accidentally.

"Sit down first." Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

"No, no need..."

Machiko still wanted to refuse, but after being glared at by Hua Ye, she obediently remained silent.

"I'm sorry! I accidentally bumped into you just now!" The maid bowed again to apologize, and then said nervously, "Please wait a moment, I'll go get the medicine box."

I have to say that this country pays great attention to politeness. It was obvious that Machiko bumped into her, but the other party kept apologizing instead.

"It's none of your business, it's because I didn't look at the road just now..."

Machiko blushed and hurriedly apologized. She said such bad things to Hua Ye just now that her shame exploded. She felt that she had no face to stay any longer, so she turned around and ran away, only to accidentally bump into someone else. , really no wonder others.

"Master, you are welcome."

The maid pursed her lips into a smile, pulled up her skirt and saluted, then turned to get the medicine box.

At the same time, Lolita blinked her big black eyes, got up obediently, picked up the schoolbag that Machiko dropped on the ground, and asked curiously, "Hey, does sister also like to read light novels?"


Hua Ye took a sip of his coffee and glanced at him casually. With his excellent eyesight, he clearly saw the exquisite covers of several light novels in his schoolbag. Then his heart moved, and he finally understood where Machiko's brain hole came from...

So it's all from reading light novels! ! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


A bolt of lightning strikes down.

Machiko paled instantly, petrified in place.

"Fuck, bad!"

"Watching light novels and so on is discovered by classmate Hua Ye...will they be treated as house girls?"

Machiko still remembers the summer vacation in junior high school.She went to visit her cousin's house that day, and she came into contact with light novels for the first time in her cousin's room, and then she was attracted by the wonderful plot in the book, and it has been out of control ever since.

But Machiko understands that this hobby cannot be exposed.

Because at that time, a very controversial news happened in the society. A man who was obsessed with reading light novels did terrible things to little girls, so that everything about "nerd" in school would become Everyone hates...

The circle of girls is obvious, if they find out that they are a house girl... they will definitely be rejected, right?

Maybe you will be bullied by others.

Machiko doesn't want to be ostracized or bullied, so she has always been careful to hide her hobbies and only read her favorite light novels when she gets home...

That's right, this is Makoto.

He is the squad leader in school, but he is still a good student with excellent academic performance.

After returning home, she will become a house girl who likes to read light novels and has a lot of brains.

The reason why she came here today was to buy the latest version of the light novel, but she didn't expect to meet Hua Ye again on the road today, and it seemed that Hua Ye was going to do terrible things with the little girl, so she couldn't help but follow Hua Ye behind.

When Huaye and Louli were buying digital boards and other tools in the store, she happened to see the latest version of light novels in a bookstore next to her. , just happened to be seen.

"What, what should I do?"

"Will you be treated as a house girl?"

"Will classmate Hua Ye feel disgusted? Or tell others?"

Machiko lowered her head, pinching the corners of her clothes with both hands, feeling more and more uneasy in her heart, and the long hair hanging on her shoulders trembled slightly.

However, a moment later, a clear and pleasant voice sounded in her ear.

"Sister Machiko, I like these light novels too!"

"Eh... eh?"

Machiko looked up in astonishment.

Seeing the little girl sitting opposite her, the pink and jade-carved little girl poked her face and said excitedly: "These light novels will be released on Monday, I've already bought them!"

"Let me tell you, I know 'Mr. Eromanga' who is responsible for the illustrations of this book "The Reincarnated Silver Wolf"! Hehehe!"

That complacent look almost said "I'm amazing, come and praise me".


Machiko blinked in astonishment, then turned her head to look at Hua Ye, only to see Hua Ye drinking coffee calmly there, and only then did her heart gradually calm down.

I seem to be... thinking too much?

(PS: The post has been unblocked, I haven’t seen everyone’s complaints for a long time, I look forward to it~~ (laughs)~)

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