Chapter 310 The Maid Shop

Machiko woke up quickly.

That's right, since Hua Ye went to buy erotic games with Jia Baili, he is also considered a member of the otaku group, right?

If you're all nerds, you won't hate me, right?

Thinking about it this way, the tension dissipated again.

But after all, Machiko is too embarrassed to talk about light novels in public, so when talking to Dirty Lolita, she just whispered 'hmm' to deal with it.

Fortunately, at this time, the maid who went to get the medicine box came back, and the first thing she did was to bow and say, "I'm sorry, master, for keeping you waiting!"

"No." Machiko hurriedly shook her head, "I accidentally bumped into you just now, I should say I'm sorry..."

The maid stared blankly, then pursed her lips into a smile, the smile was less formulaic and more sincere.

She put down the medicine box, took out the spray, and said:

"Master bear with it a little bit, the pain will pass after a while."


Machiko nodded slightly.

She held the armrest of the sofa with her left hand, and pressed the other hand on her chest. She had a serious look as if she was about to go to the battlefield. She was usually afraid of getting an injection. It was inevitable for her to be nervous, but she showed Kind of clumsy and cute.

The maid gestured for Machiko to hold back, then picked up the spray, and the cool mist sprayed directly on her ankles.

The black long straight girl couldn't help but took a light breath of cool air, but if she was prepared, it wasn't unbearable, and after a moment of pain, she could soon feel a trace of clarity pervading her ankle It turned out that the burning pain quickly dissipated a lot.

"Okay." The maid said with a smile on her face, "Master, remember to go home and take a good rest."

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." The maid smiled and asked, "By the way, is this the first time for the two masters to come to the maid shop?"

"Forget it, let's do it..."

Machiko hesitated to answer.

Although he was dragged into the shop by Raphael and changed into a maid outfit when he was walking with Huaye before, it was indeed the first time he entered such a shop as a customer.

"In this case, let me explain to you the lessons of the cute cat coffee shop~~"

The voice of the maid is crisp and pleasant, coupled with all kinds of cute movements, it is hard to be disgusted.

The so-called courses are actually some rules that need to be followed when shopping in a maid shop.

After all, maid shops are different from ordinary restaurants. The waiters inside are all cute maids, and most of the customers are otaku and middle-aged uncles.

Take this moment as an example, there are only two or three girls like Machiko in the store, and the rest are all men. One can imagine the degree of imbalance between men and women.

Not every customer who comes here is polite, and it often happens that she secretly takes pictures of the maid's skirt with her mobile phone, or deliberately touches the maid's body, so when the customer comes to the store for the first time , it is necessary to explain the prohibited content when consuming in the maid shop, so as to avoid unpleasant things.

However, this maid lady didn't stand there with a straight face and read the scriptures, but sometimes held her hands in front of her chest, and sometimes put her hands in the shape of a cat beside her face... In short, she was as cute as she could make the guests buy it.

After finishing speaking, the maid raised her skirt and saluted, and said with a sweet smile: "Then, the two masters enjoy it slowly, and call me anytime you have something to do."

"Thank you."

Machiko nodded, her tone slightly envious.

She couldn't do such shameful words and actions anyway.


Coffee was served quickly.

Hua Ye played with his phone calmly.

Machiko lowered her head, sipping coffee in small sips.

Poor Loli blinked her big black eyes, looked left and right, and suddenly shouted: "Brother Xiaoye, I want to add another piece of candy."

Hua Ye glanced at her and refused directly: "Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth."

Dirty loli puffed up her cheeks: "Woo~~ Even the words to teach others are the same as my sister."

"Eh, sister?"

Machiko looked at Kohinata curiously.

Having said that, although she and Hua Ye have gotten closer due to various misunderstandings, she doesn't know Hua Ye's usual life outside of school. And Rafael is often followed... To Machiko, that smiling silver-haired girl is the most terrifying person.

Because if you are not careful, you will be attacked by the opponent, and Raphael's smiling appearance looks super scary.

Lolita puffed out her small chest, "That's right, brother Xiaoye stayed overnight for the first time, and it was my sister who served him..."

Serve your sister!

Hua Ye was so angry that he almost crushed his phone.

It's obviously just staying overnight, don't upgrade me to serve without authorization!

There is neither back rubbing service nor sleeping service, how can it be regarded as serving! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

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