Gabriel grunted, put on her slippers, and walked outside.

Anyway, it's the end of the month, and Tianjie will pay living expenses soon, and it won't be too late to pay Hua Ye back then.

Thinking of this, Gabriel walked feebly to the door of Hua Ye's room, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

There was no movement.

Knock again, still nothing.

"Hey, didn't he hear it?"

"No..." Gabriel quickly came to her senses, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth, "You didn't come back at all!"

"That Hun Dan didn't come back so late?"

"Isn't this considered a night out?"

Gabriel was not happy.


Life imprisonment for betraying you!

Just when Gabriel puffed her cheeks angrily and was about to turn around and go back, Hua Ye happened to come up from the stairs.

Seeing Hua Ye, the useless angel snorted softly and said, "What are you doing back here?"


Hua Ye was speechless.

This is my room, if I don't come back, I'm going to sleep on the street!

On the contrary, it's you, blocking the door of my room, what kind of trouble is there in the posture of provoking a teacher!

Hua Ye went straight to Gabriel.

This useless angel was wearing a large fluffy shirt at the moment, revealing a delicate collarbone and a delicate white neck, but it was a pity that he was a bit short, at about [-] meters tall, even Hua Ye's chin couldn't reach it.

She raised her face and said fiercely, "Do you know what time it is?"

"Seven o'clock."

Hua Ye checked the time on his phone, it was only a quarter past seven, is there any problem?

"If you don't come back after seven o'clock, you will starve me to death!"

Your sister, if you are hungry, go down and buy lunch by yourself, it is a skill to be able to starve yourself to death!

Hua Ye glanced at her: "You lost the game again?"

It’s okay if you don’t mention it, but when it’s mentioned, Gabriel gets angry: "A group of unmovable teammates! I really want to beat them up!"

Shut up, as a poisonous e-sports milk, you have the nerve to say that others are noobs. Don't think that you can lead your teammates to victory if you take the lead in the charge, and more to the destruction of the group!

Hua Ye opened the door with the key, looked at Gabriel who was walking in looking for snacks, raised his eyebrows, and said, "You haven't eaten dinner yet?"

"No, I'm full of gas."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "How about I eat it for you?"


"It tastes good under me..."

Gabriel's face was filled with murderous intent, and she swung her meow fist and said, "Soul Dan! Go to hell!"

Your sister, I'm talking about soba noodles, where did you go!

Soba noodles are one of the three major noodles in Japan. It can be regarded as a home-cooked delicacy. One of its characteristics is that it is very convenient to cook. Boil water, put the noodles in the pot, and add seasonings, and you can eat them. The noodles are smooth and tender. It tastes very fragrant, adding some kelp, soy sauce, sake and other soups, as well as some chopped green onions and eggs, the taste is actually quite good.

"You don't want to eat."

Hua Ye's face darkened and he grabbed her fist.

"Who said I don't want to eat?" Gabriel puffed up her cheeks, only feeling her stomach getting hungrier, and said immediately, "Hurry up and order some noodles."

At this time, the notification tone of the chat group suddenly sounded.

Hua Ye took out his phone and looked, but there was a new member joining the chat group.

"Ding dong! New member 'Nishimiya Glass' has joined the chat group."

Nishinomiya Glass?

Hua Ye didn't have much impression of the girl named Nishinomiya Glass. She was probably a quiet girl, always with a smile on her face, and the first thing she did was to say "I'm sorry".

Having said that, since Nishimiya Glass thanked Wei Nai on Wednesday morning, she quickly became friends with the helpful Wei Nai, and the way to warm up the friendship was just feeding the fish together for two days...

Wei Nai: "Good evening, Nitro."

Rafael: "Hey, Nizijiang is here, welcome with flowers! Laugh~~"

Xiaoniao Youliuhua: "Good evening, the elf apostle who walks in the dark."

Machiko: "Although I don't know what Liuhua is talking about, it sounds very powerful."

Satania: "Hmph, confused girl, come and believe in the great His Royal Highness Satania, I will bestow upon you great glory..."

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