"Ding!" The system prompt sounded: "Sata Meow has been muted for three minutes."

Even Gabriel said, "Hey, welcome newcomers."

Nishinomiya Glass was obviously a little shy, but silently typed a line: "Good evening everyone, sorry to bother you."

Hua Ye didn't intend to speak at first, as a Wannian diving party, he just had to watch the screen silently.

As a result, Rafael, the black-bellied angel, typed and said:

"Student Hua Ye, hurry up and bring Mengxin."


(PS: I just found out that the passer-by heroine finally came out. Kato Megumi's position in the main palace is really unshakable, and he defeated all opponents calmly~~ (laughs), and then I like Yinglili the most, so I won't accept it Debate (serious face).)

Chapter 313 Anniversary


Hua Ye silently typed a series of ellipses.

So far, I haven't even said a word to that pink-haired girl named Nishinomiya Glass, and it's you, the old driver, who are going to take the newcomers.

Moreover, the other party is shy and introverted at first glance, and rarely talks. It is estimated that even if two people sit face to face, they will not have a word to chat with, right?

That scene is super embarrassing to think about.

Rafael: "Wow! I found a wild classmate Hua Ye, and I'm catching..."

"Successful capture!"

"Please name everyone."

Satania: "Meow meow? How about a fool?"

Shut up, where on earth do you have the courage to say that others are idiots, pass the exam first and then talk.

Liuhua: "A dark hero who walks between darkness and light?"

Sorry, I'm not a hero.

Hua Ye casually sent a shut up emoji to Rafael, you guys have become more and more courageous recently, that legal loli who became the teacher of the art club must have something to do with you, right?

I'll settle it with you later.

"They usually look like this..." Wei Nai sweated a little, "By the way, Nizijiang, we are going to the food festival in Linshi tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

"No, no." Nishinomiya Glass sent an apologetic expression with folded hands, "I'm sorry, I made an appointment to go out with Shoya tomorrow..."

Will also?

Is it the boy who dived with you that day, but the relationship between the two seems to be a bit complicated...

"Is that so?" Wei Nai thought for a while and said, "Then let's play together next time."


The phone vibrated suddenly, it was a private message from Wei Nai.

"Student Hua Ye, I have something to tell you."

Hua Ye: "Huh?"

"When I went home this afternoon, I met Kang Na-chan in the park...well, it's okay to take Kang Na-chan to the food festival, right?"


There must be a problem!

As long as she encounters something she wants to eat, she will grab the corner of your clothes and keep looking at you with the eyes of "I will stare at you if you don't feed me". Besides, there must be many special delicacies at the food festival. Maybe it will be difficult to move an inch, and even the clothes will be torn by her.

Hua Ye was speechless: "Can I refuse?"

Wei Nai's answer was straightforward: "No!"

"I'm just letting you know... You don't need to bring it when the time comes, I'll just feed Kangna-chan." Wei Nai was full of confidence.

Courage is commendable, but the premise is that your wallet must be big enough, otherwise you can’t afford to take it with you.

Hua Ye put away his phone and went under the kitchen.

Take out the soba noodles you bought before from the refrigerator, wait for the induction cooker to boil the water, then put the noodles into the water, add the ingredients when you pick them up, and a bowl of fragrant soba noodles will be ready.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Hua Ye took the phone and looked at it. The caller was his cousin Xiao Lin.

"Hello, is this Xiaoye?"

Xiao Lin's slightly tired voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

"It's like this." Xiao Lin said with a smile, "I just got home, and then I heard from Kang Na that you are going to the food festival in Linshi tomorrow? Then Kang Na will be counting on you."

Since Wei Nai agreed, then you go find her, I don't want to feed on that blue-eyed baby dragon.

"Tomorrow is eight o'clock in the morning, right? You don't have to pick it up tomorrow morning, Kangna will go to the tram stop by herself, don't worry..."

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