However, I just came out for a walk casually, and I never worried about you at all.

Rafael lifted the bag to his chest, stretched out a slender finger, and said with a smile, "Hua Ye, guess what's inside?"

Sorry, I'm not at all interested in what's in there.

The eyes of this black-bellied angel shone with joy: "Hmph, it's actually a girl's secret..."

Since it's a girl's secret, don't mention it in front of me.

Rafael moved closer to Hua Ye, and said with a smile: "I bought this specially for Hua Ye, and Hua Ye will definitely like it tonight..."

"Hey, if classmate Hua Ye wants to know now, it's not impossible to tell you~~" The black-bellied angel smiled happily, "After all, classmate Hua Ye is so strong, I'm just a weak girl, if Hua Ye If the students use strong words, they will definitely be powerless to resist..."

"Wait a minute, don't listen, leave!"

With a dark face, Hua Ye slapped out three consecutive rejections, then turned and left.


Time passed quietly.

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

In the evening, everyone went to the buffet and had a good time eating, especially the blue-eyed baby dragon, who was very happy (*^▽^*).

It's just that the owner of the buffet restaurant is very unhappy, his lips are trembling, his face is pale, and he almost fainted to the ground.

The food street is still full of people, and the enthusiasm of tourists has not diminished because of the nightfall.

Looking around, a piece of lights are brilliant, just like the fire trees and silver flowers that never go to the sky.

Wei Nai pursed her lips, with a look of anticipation on her face, and said, "Let's go shopping separately, I remember there will be a fireworks show later, so don't miss it..."

Chapter 323

Walking out of the restaurant under the happy eyes of the owner of the buffet restaurant Yusheng, Wei Nai said with some embarrassment: "Well... shall we change to a buffet restaurant tomorrow?"

Then this proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

If it happened again tomorrow, the owner of this buffet restaurant might be so distressed that he couldn't breathe, and then explode on the spot, spiraling into the sky.

Generally speaking, those who run a restaurant are not afraid of encountering a big belly man, but the problem is that Kang Na is not a big belly man, but a very hungry dragon.



Tuna sashimi?


Fruit pudding?


As long as there is no food that cannot be eaten in sight, there are only good and bad food.

The menu of this buffet restaurant is divided into three grades. The number of dishes that can be eaten in different grades is different. Hua Ye is not short of money, so he naturally ordered the highest-grade set meal for himself and the blue-eyed young dragon, so there are a total of [-] meals. Twenty dishes can be eaten, and the meal time is [-] minutes.

How much can you eat if you don't hold your mouth for [-] minutes?

Just look at the pile of plates as high as a hill in the kitchen.

Later, wherever Kangna looked, the waiter would subconsciously bring over the dishes without even ordering. During this period, Kangna looked at the chef with some happiness, obviously affirming his craftsmanship, but in the end he was scared. It made the chef tremble, for fear that Kang Na would include him in the recipe, so that the plate in his hand would break.

When they walked out of the store, from the waiter to the chef to the boss, they all breathed a sigh of relief, with expressions of rejoicing that they survived the disaster, and they couldn't wait to applaud and see them off.

Wei Nai knelt down, reached out and pinched Kang Na's small face, and asked, "Are you full?"

Kang Na nodded: "I'm full."

"Are you still eating?"



In the final analysis, the energy level of this world is too low to meet the needs of Kangna's growth. Even after eating so many dishes, she will not feel "full." The world goes round and round.


"Want to watch the fireworks? There's still half an hour left." Jiabai thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go shopping, I'll go back and play games first..."

"Huh?" Wei Nai narrowed her eyes and looked over dangerously, "Xiao Jia, what did you just say?"

The useless angel looked at the sky and wanted to forcefully continue for a second: "Well, today's active tasks have not been completed yet..."


Wei Nai flashed to Gabriel's side, with a terrifying blackened smile on her face, "I didn't hear you clearly just now, why don't you say it again?"

"...Vina is scary!"

Fukuoka City at night is a little less hot during the day, but it looks more lively.

Along the way, women in bathing suits, tourists with backpacks, couples strolling hand in hand, and parents with children filled every corner of the street, and a real breath of the world rushed to our faces.

"Gabriel, let's fight!" Satania's eyes lit up, she pointed to a row of crane machines on the street, and said, "We should use the dolls to win. I lost to you in amusement parks and resorts before. A lifetime of shame!"

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