Then you have so many shames in your life, you can write a book "My Life of Shame".

"Oh." Gabriel responded without any fluctuation in her eyes, "Not interested."

"What, what? You're not interested?" Satania took a step back and raised her right hand, "Are you actually scared?"

"It's normal to be afraid..."

"During this period of time, I have practiced hard on the skills of catching dolls. It is impossible for you to beat me!"

Probably because he was thinking about how Gabriel would cry and surrender after he lost. With a thumb, he said in a clumsy provocative way: "If you are afraid, surrender under the name of my great demon Satania, and I may consider letting you go."

"Tch, idiot."

"Nonsense, I'm not an idiot!"

While bickering, the two went to the front to grab the doll.

"Master Bai Yu, shall we go play too?" Alice's eyes lit up, and she whispered enviously, "I've never caught a doll before."

"Hey, why?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

"Because, you will be laughed at if you can't catch it?" Alice blushed slightly, "If you like something, just ask the maid to buy it when you go home... But if Lord Baiyu is by your side, I will buy it for you." Don't be afraid of anything!"

Rafael nodded and chuckled lightly: "Then let's go play together."

"Yeah, I like Master Baiyu the most! (*^▽^*)!"

Girls have no natural resistance to cute things, facing the dazzling array of dolls in the claw machine, even Kang Na's eyes lit up slightly, and then looked up at Wei Nai.

"Hey, does Kang Na-chan want to catch the doll?"

Wei Nai reached out and pinched Kang Na's small face, her tone slightly hesitant.

Although she is lucky, she often wins some small prizes when buying things in convenience stores, but catching dolls is more about skill, and it is difficult to catch things if the skills are not good.

"Yeah." Kang Na nodded, pointing to a Pikachu in the claw machine, "I want that."

Wei Nai pursed her lips and looked at Hua Ye:

"Why don't you catch it?"

She knew that Hua Ye was good at catching dolls. When the two of them went home that night, they could easily grab such a big pillow.

Hua Ye shook his head: "Try first, maybe you will catch it."

"Then, that's fine..." Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and agreed, "I'll just grab it a little..."

Invest five hundred yen and get three chances to catch the doll.

The first time, failed.

The second time, still failed.

Wei Nai couldn't help puffing up her pink cheeks, and bit her lips lightly.

It seems that your skill tree is a little bit off. It is obvious that your cooking skills are at the full level and you can do all kinds of housework, but you have no talent in catching dolls.

Seeing the smile on Hua Ye's face, Wei Nai glared at him, reached out and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, pursed her lips and said, "Why don't you come?"

Hua Ye thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "Okay."

As he said that, he took a step forward and held Wei Nai's hand together with the grab bar.

"You you you you, what are you doing?!"

Wei Nai's shy and angry voice sounded hurriedly.

"Catch the baby." Hua Ye said innocently.

"I know!" Wei Nai blushed, "But you, what are you doing holding my hand?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "If I can't catch you, I'm going to bite my lip again, so catch them together."

"Who, who is going to catch you together." Wei Nai lowered her voice, shy and anxious, "Let go quickly, Xiaojia and the others will see..."

Was it because you were worried about being seen?

Doesn't that mean it's okay when there's no one around?

But even here, they can't see it.

"Don't move, it's starting." Hua Ye ordered.


Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks, and could only let Hua Ye hold her hand and move the clip together.

"Well, at least it's five hundred yen. If you can't catch anything, you will be a bit disappointed..."

Wei Nai muttered to herself and explained that she didn't know who she was talking to.

It's just that her pretty face became more and more red like fire, and water vapor gradually rose from the top of her head.


Hua Ye's steady voice rang in her ears.

Only then did Wei Nai come back to her senses, and found that a doll had rolled out.

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