Picking up the doll, a look of surprise flashed across Wei Nai's face, but soon she put on a pretty face and glared at Hua Ye "angrily", but there was no pressure at all.

"Which one do you want?" Hua Ye tilted his head and asked.

"No more." Wei Nai shook her head, as if she was afraid that Hua Ye would grab her hand again, she took a step back and said vigilantly, "You help Kang Najiang catch her hand."

When Hua Ye made a move, the success rate of catching the dolls naturally increased in a straight line. Even if all the dolls inside were caught, it was only a matter of time.

But after catching a few, Wei Nai said: "These few are enough, there are too many to fit, and tomorrow I have to buy some special products and other gifts for Machiko and the others. Don't forget to buy them later, and It is also very important to have a good relationship with classmates…”

Send a gift?

What a troublesome custom.

At this time, a bright light suddenly shone overhead, followed by a loud "bang", suppressing the hustle and bustle of the long street.

Hua Ye looked up.

A brilliant firework blooms in the sky, lighting up the night, filling the sky with splendor and beauty.

"It's fireworks."

Wei Nai and Kang Na also raised their heads to look at the fireworks in the sky, their hair tips fluttering gently in the night wind, their pretty faces flickered under the light of the fireworks, it was so beautiful.

(PS: I may have been a little dizzy yesterday, and then I didn’t find the typo. I’m sorry, I’m guilty (?_?), please hit me with a blade (laughs))

Chapter 324 When You Have Children...

As the fireworks show started, Gabriel and Raphael all came back.

"What a beautiful firework (〃'▽'〃)."

The black-bellied angel took out the camera from nowhere, and said with a smile: "Hey, it's hard to come here once, let's take a photo together as a souvenir?"

"Okay, okay."

Everyone agrees.


The heavy responsibility of taking pictures fell on Hua Ye.

"Student Hua Ye, I'm counting on you." Rafael handed over the camera with a smile.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and reached out to take the camera.

Under the fireworks all over the sky, the girls stood together, their eyes reflected the bright streamer in the sky, and their flowery smiles seemed to be more beautiful than the fireworks in the sky.


The picture freezes and is engraved in the depths of memory.

Then I saw Rafael took out a selfie stick, set up the phone, waved and shouted: "Student Hua Ye, come here, let's take a group photo together."

Hua Ye: "..."

Your sister, since there is a selfie stick, why do you want me to take pictures with a camera? Is it intended to use this method for adaptive training?

It's like boiling a frog in warm water. At the beginning, all the requests are insignificant, but if you keep agreeing, you will slowly develop a habit, and finally you will be completely trapped in it.

"Student Hua Ye, come here quickly." Rafael shouted.

"Don't go."

"Hey, is student Hua Ye shy?" Raphael said with a smile.

Shy your sister, you can't succeed! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


In addition to the fireworks display, there is also a parade party in the evening.

A huge team of performance troupes and tourists marched happily on the street, laughing and shouting everywhere, like a raging tide, drowning people.

Everyone walked together to take pictures at the beginning, but they were dispersed by the crowd after a while.

When Hua Ye looked back, except for the useless angel Gabriel, all the people around him were gone.

"I don't know what's so good about fireworks, it's so boring." Gabriel pouted.

That's because you are too short, your vision is all covered by others.

"Is there no one else? That's just right." The crippled angel turned and walked back: "I'm going back to play games..."

Ah, you are so diligent, you are worthy of being diligent. Xiuxian. Gabriel... You are going to be sent to Yuzhang Academy for education like this.

As a result, after Gabriel turned around, a childish cry suddenly sounded.

"Wow! Not Mom!"


This is a little girl about four or five years old. She is wearing a white skirt and has delicate pigtails. She looks very cute. Her big eyes are full of tears at this moment. It seems that she has mistaken Gabriel. Recognized as a mother.

"Isn't she lost?" Gabriel frowned.

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the little girl.

The little girl paused, glanced at Hua Ye through her separated fingers, and then cried louder.

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