"Hundan! Don't even think about it!"


When we got back to the hotel, everyone else had already returned.

"Hey, isn't Wei Nai with you guys?" Raphael asked curiously.

"No." Gabriel shook her head with some guilt and said, "After the photo was taken, they got separated."

Satania put her hand on her brows, posing like a detective: "It's strange, neither Liuhua nor I saw Vinai..."

"Yeah." Liuhua nodded.

Then everyone finally found a very serious problem.

"Vina... is gone?"

The fireworks conference is over, and with Wei Nai's character, it's impossible not to come back for so long.

"May I make a call to see?" Rafael took out his mobile phone, but no one answered the phone for a long time.

Hua Ye frowned.

Wei Nai doesn't use her phone much, charging it once a day before going to bed is enough for a day's use, and even if she loses her phone, she should come back at this time.

"Is... something happened?"

Hua Ye's first thought was to directly freeze the time and space of this city.

But think about it, there is no need for this.

Although Wei Nai looks like an ordinary high school student, she is actually a demon. Second, there is Kang Na by her side... Don't look at the harmless blue-eyed baby dragon, if you really want to move With your hands, the city can be demolished in minutes.

"It might be that Wei Nai encountered some special circumstances where she couldn't use her mobile phone." Gabriel frowned slightly, and suggested, "Let's go out and look for it separately?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Hua Ye didn't speak, just turned around in silence and walked out

You know nothing of true power.

Chapter 326 You don't know anything about power

"Student Hua Ye, I'll look for it with you." Lafayette quickly caught up and said in a low voice, "Vina should have gotten lost after taking the photo. Let's start looking for it from the place where the photo was taken?"

Hua Ye glanced at her and raised his hand to press her abdomen.

"It doesn't take that much trouble."

Seal, open!

After unlocking the third layer of seal, you can teleport in this fragile world, and you can also unseal clairvoyance, mind reading and other abilities by the way.

The only bad thing is that the more the seal is released, the stronger the sense of self-existence will be. When the seal is fully opened, it will even become the eye of the magical tide. Distortion of the law.

For example, turn the technology side into the magic side, distort the heterosexual view into the same sex is true love, and the opposite sex is only for reproduction, so that girls will always maintain a fourteen-year-old loli body, so that everyone will not get fat no matter how much they eat , and when a cute girl lifts her skirt, there will be an unidentified protrusion and so on.

Such a scene is too scary to think about.


"found it."

In just a split second, Hua Ye found out where Wei Nai and Kang Na were.

The breathing of the two was steady, and they were obviously not hurt.

But think about it, the combination of demons and young dragons, who can suppress it silently?

Hua Ye took a step forward, ripples reverberated under his feet, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Suddenly I feel that student Hua Ye looks a lot better just now..."

After breaking the three-layer seal, Hua Ye's sense of existence will be affected even if he is an angel.

Rafael's eyes sparkled: "I can't miss such an interesting thing."

As he spoke, he closed his eyes, clasped his hands together in front of his chest, and his long silver hair fluttered gently in the evening wind.


A wing made of condensed light suddenly opened, shining a holy light under the moonlight.

The angel's wings fluttered lightly, and Raphael also disappeared from midair.

God walk!

When the school started, Gabriel used to use the magic walk to catch up with the time to go to school, but since she failed to activate the magic walk once and only sent one fat time to school, she never used it again.

The next moment, the two appeared outside a shop.

"Hey, cute cat house?" Raphael blinked, and stretched out a slender finger, "I remember Wei Nai said here at noon..."

That's right, Wei Nai and Kang Na are inside.

Is it because of what happened at noon today that she is missed?

Hua Ye didn't care.

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