Because he has always been a person who helps relatives but does not help.

At this moment, it was past nine o'clock, and the cute cat house was closed for rest. There were only a few girls with cat ears cleaning. When they saw Hua Ye and Rafael pushing the door in, they couldn't help but apologize and said, "I'm sorry, we have already closed the house today. Rest, please come back tomorrow..."

Hua Ye's eyes swept away, and the girls with cat ears buzzed in their heads, and their brains were blank in place.

"Well, who are you?"

A tall and thin man in a shirt stood up from the sofa, squinted his eyes, and looked at Hua Ye with a frown.

There is a strange light in the eyes, and there is a faint evil spirit around the body, obviously it is a monster.

Hua Ye just glanced at him indifferently, without any intention of answering, and walked in calmly.

"Arrogant human beings... the premise is that you have the capital to be arrogant."

There was anger on the tall and thin man's face, and a dangerous aura bloomed from him.

This feeling of being ignored by really uncomfortable.

Rafael stepped aside obediently, and shouted:

"Hua Ye, come on, Hua Ye will win! (*^▽^*)"

Although she can move through space with magic steps, and even heal some injured animals with holy light, she must not participate in the battle, otherwise she will be discovered by the supervisors of the upper realm, and the consequences will be very serious, and she may even be forced to fight. It might be possible to recall the heavens.

"court death!"

The thin and tall man suddenly jumped up, grabbed an apple on the table, and smashed it angrily.

The apple whimpered and whizzed across the air, creating a sharp airflow and heading straight for Hua Ye's face. If it was hit, it would be no less powerful than a bullet.

At the same time, the thin and tall man also bent down, looking for Hua Ye's flaws, ready to move at any time.

"It is very unwise to attack rashly without knowing the capabilities of the enemy."

"Since the young man in front of me can come to the door so quickly, he must not be underestimated."

"Look for the flaw first, and wait for the eldest sister to come over. Of course, it's best if you can win..."


However, the next moment, he opened his eyes wide, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Because the apple actually stopped in mid-air in a strange way that violated the laws of physics.

"W-what's the matter?"

Before he could react, the apple flew backwards at ten times the speed, hitting it instantly.


The tall and thin man crashed directly into the counter. The huge impact made his eyes protrude from their sockets, blood gushed from his mouth and nose, and he fell to the ground unconsciously, without making a sound.

At the same time, a tall woman wearing sunglasses also came out after hearing the sound.

The black and shiny hair cascaded down like a waterfall, and her face was unparalleled, but there was a coldness between her brows, exuding a cold aura that no one should enter.

She frowned slightly, and when she glanced across the hall and the fallen monster, she couldn't help but pause, then looked at Hua Ye coldly: "You did it?"

When she checked the surveillance at noon, she only noticed Wei Nai alone, but only now did she realize that the young man in front of her was also very unusual.

The monster who fell on the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead was one of her capable subordinates, and now he was defeated without any resistance, it was unbelievable.

"Your behavior just now has been regarded as a declaration of war, so... pay the price."

The woman said something coldly, and raised her hand to take off the sunglasses on her face. Under the sunglasses were a pair of erect pupils, shining with a strange amber light.

Then, in an instant, the whole cute cat house changed its appearance, from a hall with simple style and bright lights to a secluded courtyard with dim moonlight and falling petals.

The silver moon is in the sky, and it sprinkles ten thousand hectares of silver light.

A few cherry blossom trees bloom quietly, and the cool breeze blows, and the cherry blossoms are scattered all over the tree, drifting away and haggard.

Bloody crows flew across the sky, leaving behind a burst of croaking.

"A fox demon?"

Hua Ye stood quietly on the spot.

The theory of fox fairies and ghosts has a long history, and the eyes of fox demons can indeed pull others into illusions.

The woman just now was obviously a fox demon.

blah blah blah.

The cold footsteps of clogs on the stone slab sounded.

The next moment, a woman wearing a red robe walked up the dark path. The woman's face was indistinct, only a pair of amber eyes were extremely bright, shining with a strange light, which was breathtaking. of power.

However, at the next moment, the woman's footsteps stopped, and those strange eyes suddenly revealed a light of incomparable horror.

Because at some point in the sky, two dark golden "moons" appeared unexpectedly.

No, not the moon.

but the eyes.

Two golden eyes replaced the silver moon, hanging high above the frosty sky, indifferent, noble, mysterious and powerful.

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