Wei Nai covered her forehead and said:

"By the way, I saw your name on the list, is Lafite going too?"

"Well, I received the notice two classes earlier than you." Rafael stretched out a finger and said with a smile, "But I think if I said it earlier, there would be no surprises, so I have been holding back until now I just came here to find you~~(*^▽^*)"

Now there are no surprises at all, only fright!

"Vina and Machiko-chan, let's go together?" Raphael said again.

Wei Nai hesitated, "But..."

"If you miss such a rare opportunity, you will miss it!" Rafael clenched his fist with his right hand, "Whether it is study or extracurricular activities, they are all part of a beautiful campus life. Once you miss it, there may be no more, so go and go."

"Then, that's fine..."

Wei Nai finally nodded in agreement.

After all, she is usually free on weekends, and unlike Gabriel, who plays games all day long, going outdoors to sketch or something seems like a good choice.

After finishing Machiko and Wei Nai, Rafael turned his eyes, looked at Hua Ye, and said with a smile: "Student Hua Ye, let's go together?"

Hua Ye didn't speak, but just looked at the black-bellied angel.

This matter must have something to do with you!

Back then when that legal loli met me, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, but suddenly she ran to the school to be an art teacher with audacity, and now she is doing some outdoor sketching, definitely with your handwriting in it.

"Hey, isn't classmate Hua Ye going? Then I can only go with Wei Nai-chan." Raphael blinked, stretched out his finger and said, "But there are other boys in the team, if Wei Nai-chan Nai-chan was snatched away..."

"Lafite! What are you talking about!" Wei Nai blushed and hurriedly argued, "That kind of thing won't happen!"

After finishing speaking, he bit his lip and gave Hua Ye an angry look, "It's already lunch break, you should hurry up and eat!"



After school.

Gabriel next door came over to eat again.

"Hey, what's for dinner today?"

The useless angel sat down at the computer desk with ease and asked while turning it on.

Hua Ye replied: "Steak and tofu in fish soup."

It has to be said that Dahe seems to be very rich, and the ingredients sent are all high-end ingredients, which are of great value.


A distressed hum sounded.

Hua Ye turned his head and saw Gabriel covering her mouth with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

"It's all these things." Gabriel held up a bag of snacks tearfully, "It's so unpalatable!"

Hua Ye was speechless after seeing clearly.

Because the bag of snacks is ginger candy made of ginger slices. At first glance, I thought it was lemon slices. The taste is strange if you say it is good, but it is strange if you say it is bad. The taste is sweet and spicy. Although it can dispel dampness and cold. But because of the weird taste, many people still can't accept it.

"Go and wash an apple for me." Gabriel covered her mouth and shouted.

Hua Ye put down what he was doing, "Then do you want me to feed you?"

"whispering sound."

Gabriel pouted, and clattered to wash the apples in her slippers.

I have to say that the power of habit is very powerful. In the past, if Hua Ye said something like "I'll feed you", this crippled angel would reply "hentai" with an [-]% probability. When he was in a bad mood, he would even He punished Hua Ye with Meow Meow Fist, but now, there is only one "Qi" who expresses contempt.

After Gabriel washed the apples and came out, she suddenly remembered something, stretched out her hand to Hua Ye and said, "By the way, lend me two coins."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "You haven't paid back the money you borrowed a few times ago."

"It's not that I don't want to pay back, I'll wait for my living expenses to be paid." Gabriel snorted and said, "And you're going to play for so long at once, do you want to watch me starve to death?"

Obviously I went to sketch outdoors, but why did it become a tour of mountains and rivers when I came to you?

And I'll be back on Sunday, it's only two days, I can't starve to death.

Gabriel said confidently, "All the ingredients are with you, how can I eat when you leave?"

Hua Ye proposed:

"You can take the ingredients and make them yourself..."


Gabriel "clicked" and took a bite of the apple: "It's impossible to cook, and I'll never know how to cook in my life!"

"Should we go to the convenience store to buy bento?" Hua Ye said again.

"No, no." Gabriel shook her head, "It's so hot, maybe I'll heat up when I walk on the road."

Shut up, do you think you are chewing gum, and you will melt when you say it.

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