"Then buy a box of cup noodles?"

Gabriel shook her head again: "I've already eaten enough of that kind of thing, but it smells good. If you eat too much, it won't taste good."

"Then there is no other way." Hua Ye thought for a while, and finally came up with the ultimate solution.

"Drink more hot water."

"Huh?" Gabriel looked in surprise.

Hua Ye said in a serious analysis: "Scientific research has proved that drinking water instead of eating can last for at least a week..."

"Go away, I don't want to hear you talk!"

Gabriel gritted her teeth, with a murderous look on her face, "Anyway, hurry up and pay, or I'll beat you!"

Chapter 340 Watching Meat Comics with Raphael

Time passed quietly, and it was Friday in a blink of an eye.

Since he was about to take a car to a neighboring city for outdoor sketching training, he naturally didn't need to participate in club activities, so Hua Ye casually handed his schoolbag to Gabriel.

"Help me take it back."

"Oh." Gabriel replied weakly, and said with decadent eyes: "By the way, remember to come back early..."


You still care about me and let me come back early?

Gabriel continued: "Otherwise, no one will take me to the top..."

Your sister, really can't have expectations of you!

Hua Ye snorted, turned and walked outside.

The weather was as bright as ever.

In the blue sky, there are only a few white clouds dotted like cotton candy.

Amidst the hot sun and the loud chirping of cicadas, Hua Ye calmly walked to the meeting point.

Looking up, we can see that Wei Nai, Rafael, and Machiko have all arrived, and there are some melon-eaters who can't be named. It can be said that most people regard this outdoor sketching training as an outdoor trip. The chirping and chattering among each other is comparable to the sparrows on the telegraph poles.

"Student Hua Ye, here, here!"

Rafael waved his hand lightly, with an elegant demeanor and a gentle smile. His long silver hair fluttered gently in the breeze, attracting attention. Many male passers-by nearby couldn't help but secretly look at it.

It is a pity that the good expectations of these people are doomed to fail.

Because this elegant young lady with a sweet voice and a charming smile is all a disguise. Only those who are really familiar with her know that she is actually a black belly.

"Student Hua Ye, good afternoon."

When Machiko saw Hua Ye, his eyes lit up, and he subconsciously took a step closer to him. While saying hello, he looked at Rafael timidly, obviously already frightened, for fear of being suddenly attacked by Rafael.

Wei Nai also looked over, and asked softly: "The charger and a change of clothes, are you ready?"

"Ready." Hua Ye nodded.

In fact, Hua Ye felt that there was no need to deliberately prepare these things, as long as he had money, he could buy them anywhere.

But of course you can't say this, otherwise you will have to get some supercilious looks from Wei Nai.

While speaking, a bus drove over and stopped firmly in front of everyone.

Then Jing's lovely voice sounded:

"Okay, everyone is ready to get in the car."

"So why is this woman here?" Hua Ye's face was full of dark lines.

Jing Keai put her hands in her pockets, looked at Hua Ye with a half-smile, seemed to understand Hua Ye's expression, and said: "Outdoor interactions are usually led by two teachers, Teacher Igarashi counts as one, teacher As for me, in addition to teaching you Chinese, I am also a teacher of life and health care, isn't it reasonable to come here to lead the team?"

Then don't look at me with interested eyes, be a quiet and beautiful teacher for me, don't always think about making big things.


There was no scrambling, and everyone got on the bus in an orderly manner.

There were only a dozen or so people participating in this outdoor sketching, and there were naturally enough seats in the car, so everyone found their acquaintances to sit in a team.

Then came the problem.

After Wei Nai sat down, Hua Ye planned to sit next to her as a matter of course, but when Wei Nai noticed Hua Ye's intention, her face flushed suddenly, and after giving him an angry look, she hurriedly shouted: "La Fei, come I'll sit here!"


Rafael blinked, then looked at Machiko beside her, shook her head with a smile and said, "No, no, I want to sit with Machiko-chan and cultivate our relationship~~"

As soon as the words fell, the black long straight girl was trembling, she was so frightened that she almost cried.

How could Machiko dare to sit with the great demon Rafael?

Immediately, he hurried to Wei Nai's side: "Vina Wei Nai, shall I sit with you?"

With a pitiful request in his eyes, one couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay, let's sit together."

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