Because of the lollipop in his mouth, what he said seemed vague: "I'm just the teacher leading the team... and it's not all my idea, why keep staring at me."

Hua Ye turned to look at Rafael.

The black-bellied girl immediately showed an expression of "I'm rather dumb", and then hugged Wei Nai's arm.


Your sister, don't teach me the skills of that blue-eyed baby dragon!

Sure enough, you all conspired together! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

At the same time, Jing Keai clapped her hands and shouted:

"Everyone follow, let's go to the hotel first, put our luggage away, and then go to eat!"

The others agreed one after another, cheering and walking together.

The moon is hazy.

The evening breeze is refreshing.

On both sides of the road, there are square paddy fields. It is midsummer. In the paddy fields, insects and frogs are croaking one after another, and countless fireflies are dancing gently in the evening wind, which makes people really feel the rural atmosphere. .

"so beautiful!"

"I didn't expect to see so many fireflies. There are no fireflies in the city."

"This is what summer feels like."

A group of people were amazed, and even Wei Nai showed a happy look on his face.

Under the leadership of Jing Keai, everyone soon came to a nearby hotel.

The hotel is an old two-story building, which seems to have been around for some time. There are red lanterns and blue carp streamers hanging at the door, and there are many wind chimes made of strings of shells hanging under the eaves. The cool evening wind blows occasionally After a while, there was a crisp and pleasant jingle sound.

Entering the hotel, you can see that the decoration style inside is very simple and fresh, with an elegant meaning of all glitz and glamour.

A mother-in-law in her fifties was sitting at the front desk. Seeing everyone coming, she hurriedly stood up to welcome her. Naturally, she was quiet and lovely in negotiating. After a busy time, the check-in procedures were quickly completed.

Then the mother-in-law introduced the history and attractions of the town very politely, and also presented a travel brochure by the way.

Although the town is remote, tourists often come to visit it, and there is no shortage of travel brochures.

After Jing Keai finished thanking her, she turned around and said loudly:

"Okay, you little devils, go to your room and put away your things. I'll give you [-] minutes. You must go downstairs at seven o'clock!"

It seems that Jing Keai is not the first time to lead a team out, everything should be handled in an orderly manner, and her dominance is MAX... It's a pity that she can't get married.


A group of people responded and walked to the second floor of the hotel together.

After sitting in the car for such a long time, it is inevitable that there are some hygiene issues that need to be resolved. By the way, you also need to charge your phone, touch up your makeup, etc... Twenty minutes is actually not much.

Basically, two people live in one room. Of course, if you don't want to sleep with others, you can pay for another room.

However, because the number of people was odd, Hua Ye happened to be able to live in a room alone.

It is worth mentioning that in this team, apart from Hua Ye, there are also two melon-eating teenagers whose names are not known for the time being. The resentment of "exploding the current charge" on the bus before was emitted by these two people. of.

Naturally, the two of them would not form a team with Hua Ye, the "present charge", and went upstairs shoulder to shoulder at this moment.

In the case of having a common enemy (now Chong Huaye), it is indeed easy to establish a revolutionary friendship (basic relationship), and in the subsequent exchanges, the two seem to have found the same hobby (my king saber), so in During the short journey, the two became good brothers, and exchanged in low voices what clothes their "wife" looks good in, and they will give each other clothes for their wives later.

Hua Ye was a little puzzled.

Isn't your wife that silly girl?

Even if he changed his clothes, he was still the same person, right?

Seeing that you have such a good relationship, you are giving each other clothes, and you are exchanging experiences in loving your wives... Could this be the so-called "brothers in the same nest"?


"Vina, shall I share a room with you?" Machiko said nervously.

She absolutely did not dare to live in a room with Raphael, otherwise it might break down after one night!

Wei Nai also knew what Machiko was afraid of, and immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's live in one room."

"Hey, I don't know the other girls very well." Rafael stretched out a finger, and said with a light tap of his lips, "It seems that I can only live in a room with classmate Hua Ye..."

Before the words fell, a voice suddenly sounded.


Wei Nai Liu frowned and refused decisively.

Maybe I felt that the reaction was a bit intense, so I hurriedly said, "How can a girl and a boy live in the same room, and the teacher will not agree!"

"Hey, is that just the case?" Rafael looked at Wei Nai with a smile.

"No, what do you think?" Wei Nai bit her lip, lowered her head to hide her slightly hot cheeks, and hurried upstairs, "Hurry up, time is running out!"

Machiko immediately followed Vinai up to the second floor.

Lafael, a black-bellied girl, walked last, and quietly blinked at Hua Ye, expressing aggrieved: "It's a pity, I can't warm the bed for classmate Hua Ye..."

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