Warm your sister's bed!

It's summer now, so there's no need to warm the bed at all. If it's warm, it's also warm in winter.

Hua Ye snorted softly:

"Anyway, I'm the only one living here, so you just come at night."

"Hey, I have to pack my luggage." The black-bellied girl immediately chose to retreat strategically, "Student Hua Ye, see you later."


Twenty minutes later.

Everyone gathered again in the hotel lobby, and then, led by Jing Keai and pseudo-loli Igarashi, set out to look for food.

"Teacher, teacher!" Someone raised his hand and asked, "Can we solve it by ourselves?"

Jing Keai put her arms around her chest and resolutely refused:

"No! It's fine during the day, it's forbidden to act alone at night, and do you think they are here for tourism? A group of brats!"

Suddenly there was a sound of moaning and sighing all around.

Students always feel restrained in front of the teacher, and they can't even enjoy the conversation, but since Jing Keai said so, naturally no one will touch her bad luck, so she can only obediently follow behind the two female teachers, Walk to a nearby cafeteria.

When passing by an izakaya on the way, a faint smell of wine wafted out, Jing Keai couldn't help showing a touch of impulsiveness on her face, but quickly suppressed it.

After a while, everyone came to a restaurant. The signboard of the restaurant was very simple, but there were not many diners inside. Obviously, it had a good reputation.

Because this is a rural town, the price of the buffet is quite cheap, only [-] yen per person is enough, which is the price of a bowl of fugu ramen.

Jing Keai chatted with the owner of the buffet restaurant for a few words, then shouted:

"This is a self-service service. You can take what you want, but you can take as much as you eat. Waste is prohibited. Once you find out, I will be angry, teacher."


There are three freezers in the center of the restaurant, with pork chops, bacon rolls, sausages, chicken wings, squid, sweet shrimp and other ingredients in the middle, and desserts and vegetables in the other two, but there is no beef, high-end sashimi, or scallops. , oysters and crabs, etc., compared to the buffet at the food festival last week, it looks much simpler.

But there is nothing to force, after all, the price is quite cheap.

After choosing, the four of Hua Ye sat down at a dining table in the corner.

Wei Nai doesn't like meat very much, but she is very interested in a tofu pudding dessert. The pudding has strawberries, sliced ​​kiwi fruit, and pineapple on top. It looks pretty good.

After she ate one portion, she reluctantly put down the spoon, as if she wanted to eat another portion, but when she saw that there were only a few portions of tofu pudding left in the freezer, she looked away.

So what's there to be shy about, eat as much as you want, it's a buffet, who would laugh at you?

Hua Ye glanced at her and pushed the tofu pudding in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Wei Nai looked puzzled.

Hua Ye said: "You can eat."

"I, why should I eat?"

"Didn't you just want another one?"

Wei Nai blushed, and said in a low voice, "I won't eat, too much sweets will make me fat..."

"It's actually pretty good to be fat." Hua Ye replied.

For example, the good-for-nothing angel next door, after gaining two catties, is actually a little cuter than before. It's as soft as a big cat. If you hold it in your arms and rub it, it should feel pretty good, right?

But for the sake of life, it is better not to knead.


Vinay bit her lip.


A chuckle full of joy suddenly sounded.

A blush rose on Wei Nai's face, and she gave Hua Ye a shy and anxious look.

Why, why do you say such things in front of others!

After stepping on Hua Ye's foot under the table, Wei Nai turned to look at Rafael, bit her lower lip with her white teeth, leaving a deep mark: "Lafei!——"

"It's okay, it's okay, I suddenly remembered a joke just now."

Rafael stopped laughing, held his breath, and then slowly puffed up his cheeks like a puffer fish, and the corners of his mouth became more and more upturned, which looked quite cute.



Rafael raised his hand to cover his mouth, and laughed again, his eyes were bent into two crescent moons.

"Rafi, you—"

Wei Nai was ashamed, angry and anxious. Seeing that others were already looking at him curiously, she really wanted to explode on the spot.

"I'm sorry, I just remembered a joke I saw this afternoon!" Raphael put his hands together and apologized resolutely.

Are you laughing at the joke you saw this afternoon?

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