You are a black-bellied angel who is elegant in front of others but immoral in back of others!

If the members of the support club in the school knew your true character, I don't know how many people's dreams would be shattered.

and many more!

Why do you suddenly feel that some people will be more excited after knowing the true character of this black-bellied girl?


After half an hour.

Breakfast is finally ready.

Wearing a plaid apron, Wei Nai came out of the kitchen with a spoon in her hand, looking a bit like a chef: "Dinner will be ready soon, you all go wash your hands."

As he spoke, he glanced at Hua Ye who was sitting with Rafael watching TV, and ordered: "Go and bring the rice cooker."

"Huh?" Hua Ye was puzzled.

Didn't you say that I just need to be responsible for eating?

"Hurry up." Wei Nai said with a straight face, "What if the others get burned?"

Hey, don't I get burned!

"You?" Wei Nai turned and walked towards the kitchen, "The skin is so thick, it won't be burnt."


When Hua Ye brought the rice cooker over, Machiko had already arranged the dishes.

Although there are many dishes in the kitchen, everyone still uses serving chopsticks. After all, washing dishes after eating is also a very troublesome thing.

"Well, it smells so good." Raphael clasped his hands together and said with a smile, "Thank you, Wei Nai-chan."

Wei Nai shook her head and said, "You don't need to thank me, after noon, I will leave the cooking to you."

"Hey, but my cooking is not delicious..."

"That's why you need to practice more."

Wei Nai walked up to the second floor as she said, "Eat first, I'll call Xiao Jia."

After a while, Wei Nai came down from upstairs again, sighing speechlessly: "Xiao Jia didn't know what time she played last night, she refused to get up no matter how much she yelled, and she said that 'rest days exist for sleeping in' , 'If you don't sleep late, you can't experience the joy of life at all'...Forget it, leave her alone, let's eat."

It's not that Wei Nai abandoned that crippled angel, it's impossible to abandon it, even in this life.

It's just that when Gabriel woke up, it was probably already lunch time.


"I'm gonna start now!"

Everyone shouted, and then began to eat.

There is a large rectangular dining table in the living room, enough for everyone to sit around.

The staple food for breakfast is Akita rice. After all, rice plays a very important role in the island country. Basically, it’s not enough for three meals a day. Eat noodles together!

Hua Ye once saw an old man eat a mouthful of noodles and then a mouthful of rice when he was having dinner in the evening. It looked quite comfortable.

The saury is grilled by Machiko. In fact, the grilled saury does not need any special seasoning, and there is no need for too much troublesome process. Basically, it only needs to master the heat.

These saury are grilled just right, and they are burnt enough to taste. In order to reconcile the taste, Machiko also specially added a slice of fresh lemon. If the taste is a little stronger, you can also pour sour lemon juice on it.

Wei Nai took a bite, gave a thumbs up, and praised:

"The squad leader made delicious food!"

"No, it's just a very common grilled fish, everyone can do it."

Machiko pursed her lips modestly, but her eyes were quite happy.


The sound of sucking air suddenly sounded.

Hua Ye looked up and saw Satania who was sitting opposite him sucking in the cold air. The shocked Yan Yi was quite interesting.

"What's the matter?" Wei Nai put down the chopsticks, "Did you bite your lip?"

Satania shook her head and gasped, "No, I didn't bite it. I just ate that lemon. It's so sour... Hurry up and give me another piece."

Wei Nai said speechlessly: "If you feel sour, hurry up and have a sip of miso soup, what do you need lemon for?"

Satania blinked and looked up at the sky:

" can 'fight poison with fire'?"

Your sister fights poison with poison!What is the scientific basis for this behavior?

Could it be that if you were bitten by a five-step snake, do you want to catch a Zhuyeqing to bite again?

Hua Ye clearly remembered that some time ago, he read a news article saying that an old man was accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake while spraying herbicides in the orchard.

In this situation, a normal person should quickly use a rope or cloth to tighten the upper part of the wound to prevent the poisonous blood from circulating to other parts of the body, and then call for help.

In the end, the old man didn't know what he was thinking. Maybe it was because the weather was so hot that his head was dazed. He actually chose the method of "fighting poison with poison".

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