Spraying the pesticide directly on the snakebite wound!

And then...there is no more!

"Huh?" Alice blinked and asked curiously, "I remember that Satania is not a taste idiot?"

"What, I'm not an idiot!" Satania protested dissatisfied, but was ignored directly.

Raphael stretched out a finger and explained:

"A taste idiot is not the same as a taste failure..."

Taste idiots are born. The distribution density of taste buds on the tongue is lower than that of ordinary people. Most taste idiots can eat food that others think is very spicy. Taste, but a pain!

Fortunately, other than spicy, other flavors can still be tasted. If you can't taste any flavors, this idiot will not prefer pineapple buns.


If you want to say who is the quietest person at the dinner table, of course it must be Kanna.

When everyone else was talking, as long as Kang Naan sat there quietly, holding a bowl that was almost as big as her face in her small hands, picking up the rice with chopsticks, and eating in small bites, and because of the delicious food , a pair of big eyes narrowed happily.

As the cutest Kangna sauce in the world, a group of girls like to serve her food, especially the housekeeper Fujiwara Norika, who feeds her food frequently, wishing to hold her in her arms.

Kang Na also never refuses anyone who comes, and eats as much as others pick up. In the end, the whole table was eaten clean.

"Kana-chan, are you full?"

Norika Fujiwara went to tease Kang Na.

Kang Na nodded, her voice soft and waxy:


"Are you still eating?"


"Didn't you just say you were full?"


Kang Na didn't answer anymore, but just raised her small face and looked over with big sky blue eyes.

The eyes are capitalized dislike →_→.


After eating, Satania turned around and ran back to the room to change into her swimsuit, then hugged the inflatable dolphin, and ran to the beach with a smirk, and the others also went out one after another.

Hua Ye also changed into his swimming trunks and walked out of the villa.

Today's weather is very good, the sky is like a clean mirror, as clear as washing, the warm sun is falling on the body, and the moist sea breeze is blowing gently, which is very comfortable.

Under the gentle breeze, the sapphire-like sea in the distance is gently waving, and the golden sandy beach is extremely dazzling in the sun.

Hua Ye was sitting under the umbrella, playing with his mobile phone.

A shout full of vitality suddenly sounded.

"Aide, aide! Look what I found?"

Satania, who was digging sand near him, ran over with sparkling eyes, clenched her right hand in front of her, and waved her arms triumphantly.

Hua Ye glanced at her: "No guess."

"Guess it, guess it." The idiot began to act coquettishly.

Hua Ye had no choice but to say casually:


"I guessed wrong, it's not a shell!" Satania spread her hands and smiled triumphantly, "It's an egg."

"Is that a turtle egg?"

Alice glanced at it, and soon lost interest: "I thought you found something."

The blond girl wore a pair of big sunglasses on her face, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white and delicate skin. Standing on the shallow seashore with the waves lapping her feet, she said with some lack of interest: "This beach often has sea turtles laying eggs. There is also a shop specializing in turtle egg dishes."

Chapter 413 The Vengeful Turtle

"Hey, so it's a turtle egg?" Satania was disappointed, "I thought I picked up a pet egg and planned to take it back to hatch a fire-breathing dragon."

You are enough!

Is it going to hatch eggs like an old hen sitting on a nest?

Liuhua also held a turtle egg in her hand, and said, "My egg is the strongest egg that can hatch the Osiris sky dragon."

your sister!

That's not your egg, it's a turtle's egg, you don't have that kind of part at all, okay?

And if you pick an egg at random, you want to hatch a sky dragon... If you are so lucky, you won't only get two points in the math test.

"This is the turtle egg."

Alice shattered the last hope of the two girls playing with eggs: "If you want to eat, you can eat at noon."

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