Hearing the word "eat", the eyes of Kangna who was playing next to her lit up, she raised her face, and looked at Wei Nai with big eyes as blue as the sky.


A drop of cold sweat fell on Wei Nai's head, and she hurriedly said, "Raw eggs are inedible because they contain a lot of bacteria...If you want to eat them, cook them at noon before eating."

"Yes, you can still eat it."

Satania soon became happy again, held up the egg and ran to Vinay, proudly said: "Vinette, Vinette, eat this egg at noon."

It's just a turtle egg the size of a ping-pong ball. Those who didn't know it thought you stole a dragon egg!

"Understood." Wei Nai nodded speechlessly, "Don't keep playing with it in your hand, the egg will break."

"Hey, here it is."

Satania handed the egg to Wei Nai, and then clapped her hands: "I'll look for it again, maybe I can find an egg that is big enough for all of us."

"There are no such big eggs here!" Alice couldn't help complaining, "I guess only the lonely George has such a big egg!"

"Hey, lonely George?" Satania blinked, "So people can lay eggs?"

"It's not a human egg!" Alice shook her ponytail angrily. "Lonely George is a Galapagos tortoise! ​​George is his name!"

It's as if Bluetooth is actually a king of Denmark. This man loves to eat blueberries so much that his teeth are dyed blue. Then he named the wireless transmission technology after him, referred to as Bluetooth for short.

Fortunately, the king didn't have a hobby of eating betel nuts. Otherwise, with a mouthful of black teeth, Bluetooth might be renamed black teeth!

"Liuhua, let's look for it again?"


Satania was full of enthusiasm and wanted to find other turtle eggs, but she didn't find them. Instead, she found some crabs, sea cucumbers, shells, and starfish.

"Eh, what is this?"

Satania's curious voice sounded.

The idiot came back from the sea, carefully holding a black thing full of hard thorns in his hand, and said curiously: "I just saw this on the reef. It feels so strange."

"This is... a sea urchin, right?" Wei Nai hesitated.

"That's right, it's a sea urchin." Rafael stretched out a finger, and said with a smile, "I saw pictures of sea urchins on the Internet before, and they looked like this. It is said that sea urchins are one of the longest-lived marine animals on earth. One, it is not only edible, but also has high medical value.”

The dark-bellied girl blinked her eyes, with a mischievous smile on her face, stretched out her hand to pull up a strand of hair that was blown by the sea breeze, then gave a thumbs up, narrowed one eye and said: "And the taste is the best when eaten raw." Well, I heard that the taste is extremely delicious, and everyone who has tasted it said it was good."

This is not Raphael's teasing. The sea urchin can indeed be eaten raw, and it is quite popular in Japan. After cutting it with scissors, the sea urchin yellow inside will show five petals, somewhat similar to the shape of a starfish.

"Eh, really?"

Satania's eyes lit up, and she began to look for suitable tools.

"Use this." The housekeeper Fujiwara Norika handed over a pocket knife.


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth.

What's wrong with you, a housekeeper who carries a knife with you, and why did you deliberately look at me when you took the knife.

It's a pity that Satania's knife skills are not good, and she has never dealt with sea urchins before. She first cut off the spines of the sea urchin in a random way, and then cut it with the knife. After a while, she finally opened the hard sea urchin. shell.

Then, the beach fell into a deadly silence.


Seeing the horrible black, red, and bloody mass inside the sea urchin, Wei Nai silently looked away and pulled Kang Na away.

Alice put on her sunglasses and went to the beach.

Even Xiaoniao Youliuhua raised his hand and pressed his eyes: "No, the evil king's real eye is about to go berserk..."

Satania stood there holding a knife, her whole body lost its color.

"This kind of thing... how can it be delicious!"

Silly Meow threw the sea urchin back into the sea.

Rafael blinked, took the phone to Satania, covered his mouth and said, "But as long as it is washed with water, it can be eaten?"


After the "sea urchin incident", Satania lost interest in continuing to look for ingredients, hugged the inflatable dolphin, and went swimming in the sea again.

After a while.

A horrified low cry suddenly sounded from the sea.

Hua Ye sat up abruptly, narrowed his eyes and walked towards the beach.

"Vina, what's wrong?"

The others also ran away one after another, not knowing why the always calm Wei Nai would make such a frightened voice.

Satania in the sea swam the fastest, like a swordfish, swam to Vinai in a blink of an eye, and then said in shock, "Oh, it's this one!"

"What, what's wrong?" Wei Nai couldn't see behind her, so she could only shout with a trembling voice, "Is there a snake?"

When she was just swimming in the sea, she suddenly felt that the swimsuit was heavy, as if something was biting the strap of the swimsuit on her back, and she immediately thought of a cold and slippery sea snake, so she couldn't help but scream.

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