The sun is shining outside the window.

The warm summer breeze blows gently, and the fragrance of green grass floats into the room.

The curtains swayed gently in the breeze, and the chirping of cicadas was quite loud, completely different from the previous flower pavilion where the wind and rain were dark.

Kitty cat girl Lingna blinked her eyes in a daze, and looked at her two little followers: "How long have we been away, meow?"

"Eh?" Xiao Ai Xiaoxia glanced at each other, Qiqi shook her head, "I'm not leaving."

Miss Miko stared at the alarm clock on the bedside table, and was surprised to find that she had stayed in this flower pavilion for nearly a day, but in reality it had only been five minutes.

In the words of the two rabbit maids, after she closed her eyes, she stood there motionless, and did not open them again until five minutes later, and then Xiao Hinata woke up.

"It feels... wonderful."

Miss Miko couldn't help but think of an idiom, watching chess is bad.

It is said that in ancient times, a man went up a mountain to cut firewood. When he saw two boys playing Go under a big tree, he stopped and watched curiously. After inquiring, it turned out that hundreds of years had passed.

In the past, I only listened to it as an ordinary idiom, and didn't feel much at all. Now, after experiencing it myself, I realized that it feels quite amazing.

Dirty Loli raised the puppet in her hand and asked:

"What about Aju?"

This cursed puppet has completely lost its breath and turned into an ordinary puppet.

Hua Ye said, "Put it away."

Aju, who was born in solitude and loneliness, should now continue to play the game of chasing each other with that 'enemy of life' in this flower pavilion, right?

Miss Miko nodded: "I will keep it."

"It's strange, it's already dark over there, and it's morning now..." Poor Lolita shook her head, her eyes suddenly lit up, "By the way, let's go to the amusement park, shall we?"

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "You guys should go make a cup of tea and take a good rest for a day."

Generally speaking, after the soul of an ordinary person enters this flower pavilion and then comes out, the memory will quickly become blurred, and the previous experience will be quickly forgotten. Otherwise, the sense of confusion caused by the fusion of the memories of the two worlds may make people People go crazy.

With Hua Ye around, that kind of danger would not happen naturally, but it is better to rest for a day.


Blink of an eye to the afternoon.

Hua Ye got up to say goodbye and returned to the apartment.

Not long after entering the room, there was a knock on the door, "dong dong dong".

When I opened the door, I saw the useless angel next door covering his stomach with one hand, his face turned slightly pale, and covering his mouth with the other hand, looking like he was about to vomit.

"Hun Dan! You have done good deeds, and I will take responsibility for them!"


Chapter 463


Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

This crippled angel was covering his stomach with his right hand, his face was pale, his beautiful eyebrows were slightly furrowed, he looked pitiful as if he wanted to vomit, and then he said "responsible to me"...

It's too bad!

I didn't know, I thought you were pregnant with a child and came to look for a heartless man who had always been in chaos and then abandoned!

Hua Ye swallowed the drink in his mouth, tightened the bottle cap, and asked:

"What am I responsible for?"

Gabriel's face was pale, and she gritted her teeth fiercely and said:

"I just threw up..."

There are many possibilities for vomiting, anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be morning sickness!

"The reason why I vomit is all because of you...take responsibility for me!"

The beverage bottle in Hua Ye's hand "clicked", and he wondered if it was really his fault?

It is true that it has been two months since I kissed you for the first time near the tram station, and after counting the time, there is a reaction... No!

Respond to your sister!

If it's just kissing, it's impossible to get pregnant! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Gabriel continued weakly:

"Obviously I used to like cup noodles very much, but now I just ate two mouthfuls and couldn't help but spit it out..."


A row of black lines fell on Hua Ye's head. He took a deep breath and asked:

"Did you just say cup noodles?"

"Of course, otherwise what do you think it is?" Gabriel said convincingly, "It's all because you fed me so picky, I can't eat cup noodles whatever you think is your fault! You have to be responsible tonight my dinner!"

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