your sister!Is it because you think the cup noodles are too unpalatable, so you vomit?Tell me clearly, Hun Dan!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Come in."


Gabriel subconsciously felt that something was wrong, so she turned around and was about to leave: "If you don't go in, I'll go back and play games first, and call me after you finish dinner..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hua Ye grabbed him and pulled him directly into the room, and then closed the door with a "click".

"What do you want to do?" Gabriel's eyes suddenly became vigilant.

"What do you think?" Hua Ye asked back, "Suddenly ran over and knocked on the door, clutching his stomach, and yelling for me to be responsible... So it turns out that she is pregnant with a child and just wants to eat!"

"Huh? Kid?"

Gabriel's face flushed slightly, and she let out a yell, her eyes were extremely disgusted, she reached out and hugged her arm, as if she wanted to drive away the bugs on her body.

"Pervert, disgusting! It's disgusting!"

"You actually thought I was pregnant with your child... Sure enough, there are super nasty things in my head!"

"I'm not going to give birth to you!"

The crippled angel pushed Hua Ye, and shouted ferociously: "Quickly get out of the way, I'm going back!"

Hua Ye was unmoved, and said calmly:

"I'm pissed right now."


Gabriel looked up, how dare you say you are angry?

I can’t eat cup noodles now, and all the stock will be wasted. If I change to bento, I have to order food, and I have to open the door to pick it up. It’s expensive and troublesome, so it’s your fault no matter what you think!It's me who should be angry!

and many more!

When this Hundan is angry, he likes...

Thinking of this, Gabriel subconsciously wanted to back away, but the next moment, she was hugged directly by Hua Ye.

"You, you are so weak! Just wait for me!"

Most of the salty fish smell in Gabriel's eyes disappeared, replaced by shame, anger and panic.

This Hundan really wants to kiss me again!

It's super shameless to do this trick when you get angry!Don't think that you will succeed every time!

"You wait a minute!"

This crippled angel wanted to last another second for himself.

She fumbled in her pocket with her right hand, and took out a large weapon specially designed to deal with Hua Ye.

Weird candy with a super nasty taste.

Based on the principle of killing eight hundred enemies and harming one thousand, Hua Ye was afraid and did not dare to act recklessly.

It's a pity that Hua Ye took the candy away before peeling off the icing.



Looking at each other, this useless angel's cheeks were pink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the crystal earlobes were stained pink.

"Soul light soul light soul light!"

Although he wanted to cut Hua Ye into eight pieces, Ling Chi's waist, five horses, and a crow to fly, his heart still couldn't stop beating violently.

He wanted to beat Hua Ye with the fist of punishment until his face was full of peach blossoms, but his arms were limp and had no strength. He even had to wrap his arms around Hua Ye's neck in order not to fall to the ground.

Gabriel pursed her lips tightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, trying not to close her eyes, as if whoever closes her eyes first would lose.

Then I saw Hua Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he wanted to do something.

"Could it be that Hundan wants to stick out his tongue again?!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"One time is enough for such a disgusting thing, if you dare to stick it in again, I will definitely bite it off!"

"Anyway, you will die if you bite your tongue, it's just a fiction in those novels..."

Thinking of this, Gabriel was ready to fight back fiercely, and even opened her teeth slightly, preparing to teach Hua Ye an unforgettable and painful lesson.

Then... Then Hua Ye put her down.


Gabriel looked up with doubt in his eyes.

Did this guy know that I was going to bite him, so he let go so soon this time?

However, Hua Ye just raised his hand and wiped his lips, saying:

"When you ate cup noodles, you didn't brush your teeth, did you?"

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