"Tch." The useless angel pouted, "When I eat cup noodles, it's not such a trouble at all."

Saying so, Gabriel trotted into the bathroom and washed his hands quickly.

Hua Ye pulled the chair away and let her sit down.

After sitting down, the useless angel said "I'm starting", and couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, and ate it into its mouth.

"Hmm~~ It really tastes better than cup noodles."

Nonsense, a cup of noodles is only [-] yen, what kind of delicacies do you want to eat?

"Eat slowly." Hua Ye put down his chopsticks, filled a bowl of miso soup, and put it in front of her, "Drink the soup first to moisten your stomach."

Gabriel nodded with puffy cheeks, picked up the bowl and took a sip of Zengtang, then glanced at the small plate on the table, and said, "Fishbone."

your sister!Don't always ask someone to pick fish bones for you just because you were stabbed by a fish bone before. If you don't practice often, your tongue will lose its flexibility and slowly degenerate!

With a straight face, Hua Ye helped the useless angel pick out the fishbone.

"You like fish that much?" Hua Ye said casually.

"Because..." the useless angel blinked his eyes and said his fallacy, "Because night is the best time to play games. It's late at night and there are no cars coming and going, so I need to add something. Can it be brighter at night? It’s the same reason why cats eat fish.”

Brighten up your sister!Cats eat fish because there are substances in fish that they cannot synthesize themselves. If you don’t supplement them, your eyes will become blind. No matter how much fish you eat, you can’t become cat-like eyes.

Gabriel continued to bury her head in her mouth, and said vaguely:

"Isn't there a saying that what you eat can make up what you eat, it must be of some use..."

Hearing the words "Eat what you can make up for", Hua Ye couldn't help thinking of a piece of news that he saw a few days ago.It is said that an old lady in Russia suffered from anemia and thought that iron could nourish blood, so she swallowed a kilogram of iron nails raw in line with the principle of "what you eat to make up for you".

Similarly, many people like to eat stewed trotters to supplement collagen for beauty and beauty. However, the boiled trotters produce large collagen, which is a macromolecule and cannot be absorbed by the human body!

Many people know that even if they eat pig's trotter soup, they will not be able to replenish collagen, but they still continue to eat. Don't they understand?

Understand better than anyone else!

To put it bluntly, he is a foodie!


Finish a meal.

Gabriel leaned lazily on the chair, stroking her stomach with one hand: "Finally full."

Looking at the rice cooker that had bottomed out, Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Have you not eaten all day?"

The useless angel blinked, shook his head and said: "It can't be counted as a day, because I didn't get up until after twelve o'clock in the noon, and when I first woke up, I wasn't hungry at all, and I just caught up with the event copy, so I just woke up." Didn't eat..."

enough!How dare you say it out loud!Gabriel, who is diligent and cultivating immortality, at least has reached the realm of Golden Core Stage now!If it is more powerful, maybe it can become a Nascent Soul!

The useless angel stood up after finishing speaking, stretched himself, and said:

"Okay, I'm resurrected with full blood on the spot, and I can play games energetically again at night!"

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to stop him, and said expressionlessly:

"do the washing up."


Gabriel's face collapsed, and there was a lazy salty fishy smell in his eyes: "You guys have done so much to me, how dare you let me do the dishes?"

Hua Ye remained unmoved, and said slowly:

"dont wash?"

"Don't wash! Washing the dishes will hurt your skin!" Gabriel shook her head resolutely, and plausibly said, "Washing the dishes is impossible, and I will never wash the dishes again in this life..."

Don't be kidding, the dishwashing liquid on the market now is the type that doesn't hurt your hands. If you wash a bowl, it will hurt people. No one dares to use it. And you are an angel anyway, give yourself a holy light spell , all injuries were healed.

Hua Ye said calmly:

"Then I won't cook anymore."


If a person gives for a long time without asking for anything in return, others will usually not cherish it because they are used to it.For example, if you are eating in the cafeteria, you give the egg to friend A because you don’t like it. If this continues for a period of time, one day you give the egg to friend B, and friend A will feel dissatisfied and resentful towards you instead.

Blindly giving without expecting anything in return is not a good thing for anyone... Well, the main reason is that Hua Ye doesn't want to do the dishes, and that's the real reason.

"You bastard!"

Gabriel was so angry that she clenched her fists tightly, but she knew in her heart that Hua Ye would do what she said, so although she wished to flush Hua Ye from the toilet into the Mariana Trench, she still had to get up to wash the dishes.

After everything was done, the useless angel came out of the kitchen lazily, and muttered to himself: "Forget it, let's just exercise. You should exercise properly after meals. You can't just sit there and play games. Otherwise, it will be easy to gain weight..."

Hua Ye sat on the sofa watching TV and said:

"You've gained weight."

"Ha, what did you say?" Gabriel looked with wide eyes.

Hua Ye explained:

"When I hugged you before, I found that your height has not changed, but your weight has increased significantly, so you have grown..."

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