Before he finished speaking, he was punched in the chest by the crippled angel: "Shut up! Don't say those two words!"

Gaining weight is gaining weight, objective existence will not be transferred by your subjective will.

The useless angel wrinkled his face, shook his hands, and looked disgusted: "The chest is so hard, it hurts my hands."


The chest is so hard that it hurts your hand, I'm really sorry!

"I remember seeing an electronic scale at your place, it seems to be a prop brought by that idiot Satania..."

This crippled angel obviously refused to accept the fact that she was gaining weight, or rather, she lowered her head to look for electronic scales under the TV cabinet, looking for a very common posture—that is, a kneeling and crawling posture with her knees on the ground.

Hey, you made a foul like this!

Even if it's summer vacation, dress me well, don't just walk around in a shirt and shorts!

The shirt is a very common summer style, a white short-sleeved shirt, the front background is the sea, and there are seashells, starfish, dolphins and other sea animals on the beach... Wait, what the hell is that penguin?

Shells and everything are marine life, but penguins are not fish, but a kind of bird!The female penguin lays eggs, and then asks the male penguins to hatch the eggs on their feet (because the weather in Antarctica is too cold to hatch on the ground), so as to hatch the little penguins.

In addition, although dolphins look cute, they are actually super nasty!

Dolphins are one of the few species that, like humans, use the pleasure mechanism to mate, and their lives are quite "open", and they can be either 0 or 1. They are truly both offensive and defensive.

If there are no other dolphins around, and they are in urgent need and unable to vent, they will even make handmade, self-sufficient

Like catching a fish, biting off its head, and using it for something...

At this moment, Gabriel was lying there, looking down at the electronic scale under the TV cabinet. Her long golden hair flowed down her shoulders, and the size of her shirt was a little too big, revealing her snow-white and slender waist that could only be grasped. The beautiful curve formed by lying down... is actually quite attractive.

The crippled angel turned around and glared at Hua Ye, but didn't do anything else.Probably because I felt that I was wearing white shorts and a bra this time, but my waist was only exposed, and it was not considered naked, so I didn't mean to cover it up... You are so smart!These days, many people no longer put the chest as the first goal. Instead, they start to pay attention to the waist, legs, feet, and hands. Otherwise, where do the foot control and leg control come from?

It's a pity that Hua Ye didn't have a chance to watch it for long. The useless angel found the prop electronic scale left by Satania, then walked into the bathroom with the electronic scale, and closed the door with a "click".

Hua Ye looked away, ready to continue watching TV, but soon, an electronic notification sound came from the bathroom.


"Detection target: Naive Gabriel White."

"Height: 149 cm."

"Weight: 43 kg."


"Combat power:..."

Chapter 465 Kissing can also lose weight


There was a muffled "bang" sound from the bathroom. It was obvious that the useless angel was violently killing the electronic scale. The huge movement prevented Hua Ye from hearing the exact figure of his measurements...

In fact, it doesn't matter if you didn't hear clearly. Anyway, Hua Ye has seen it with his own eyes. It's just a pair of steamed buns. Needless to say, the data must be very poor.

Then the door opened with a "click", and the electronic scale rolled out. It was unexpectedly strong enough. When it rolled to Hua Ye's feet, it continued to broadcast with a mechanical electronic sound.

"Drip drip!"

"Evaluation of combat effectiveness: 0.1 goose, 0.1 goose..."


Your sister, what the hell is a 0.1 goose?

When did the goose become the basic unit of measurement for combat effectiveness?

and many more!

This electronic scale is a prop bought by Satania. After the meal last time, she said no for some reason, and then threw it at Hua Ye. I remember that idiot Satania used to be by the small river. Being chased by some geese running around

Because it left a deep psychological shadow, did you set the goose as the standard unit of measurement for combat power?

So simple conversion, one goose can beat ten Gabriel!

It seems that the useless angel's combat power has plummeted since he became obsessed with cultivating immortals, and he has become weak like a scum!

Gabriel came out of the bathroom, with a tight face, obviously determined to kill: "This guy is broken, I want to get rid of it!"


There was a red light flashing on the electronic scale, and the mechanical electronic sound sounded again: "The data collected by this product is accurate, please do not deliberately distort the facts and confuse the public..."

Your sister, is love still a smart electronic scale? It not only has the user's measurements and combat effectiveness evaluation functions, but also can speak!Much smarter than ordinary sweeping robots!

"Shut up!" Gabriel yelled through gritted teeth.

"Dididi - It is detected that the user is in a state of anger after being dismantled, and the anger value bonus is obtained, and the combat power is being re-evaluated..."

"Current combat power: 0.2 goose, 0.2 goose..."

Gabriel, who is in a state of emotional anger and rampage, will also be picked out by a big white goose!No wonder playing competitive games is so difficult, five of you added together, you are still a pig teammate!

The crippled angel was so angry that the cross tendons on his forehead throbbed, and the murderous aura behind his back almost turned into substance: "Go ahead! I'll smash your dog's head with a brick right away!"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, picked up the electronic scale, and was about to turn it off, but the electronic notification sound suddenly changed.

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