Just as Hua Ye was about to nod, Lolita hugged his arm pitifully, raised her face and said, "Brother Xiao Ye, I'm going too."

Hua Ye remained unmoved: "Ask your sister."

The little girl puffed up her mouth and said, "But you should decide the big things, right?"

Hey, you never forget to give assists to your sister!And this is a trivial matter at all, it should also be decided by your sister!

Miss Miko blushed slightly: "What are you going to do? Stay at home and take good care of the house."

"We're going too, meow!" Catwoman raised her hand and shouted, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Although the two young girls in maid outfits looked envious, they did not dare to speak loudly and could only look at Hua Ye eagerly.

"But apart from going to the Summer i Fair together, we haven't been to any other place. This visit to see my sister can also be regarded as a trip by the way." Poor Lolita rolled her big black and white eyes, "Even croaking If I can travel, I will be ridiculed by my classmates if I stay at home every day? They also want to travel!"

Your sister, are you playing "Traveling Frog" too?

Where did that frog get so much charm? It suddenly became known as 'Once Famous'!

It is worth mentioning that because the main content of the game is "travel" and "go home", and in Japanese, the pronunciation of "go home" is similar to that of a frog, so it is the frog that travels, not other small animals.


Half an hour later, a Shinkansen train boarded.

Hua Ye sat outside, Miko Ruri sat inside, and Kohinata sat in the middle. The cat girl didn't bring her and stayed at home to take care of the two young maids. As for the female ghost Uehara Miyuki, she entered the soul stone.

"Hua Jun, you dote on her too much." Miss Miko sighed.

Hua Ye said casually, "It's just a small matter."

"Brother Xiaoye is the best for me!" Lolita stuck out her tongue at Miss Miko, but she immediately covered her mouth when she was stared at by her sister.

After a while, Lolita took out a box of chocolates from her schoolbag and said, "Brother Xiaoye, do you want some chocolate?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

"It's chocolate truffles. I heard there are truffles in it."

Damn it, which irresponsible guy said that!There are no truffles in chocolate truffles. Well, the reason it is called chocolate truffles is that it looks like a truffle!Just like the Alps lollipop, the origin is Shanghai, not the Alps!

The dirty loli blinked her eyes: "Eh? It was my sister who said it."

Hua Ye silently looked at Miss Miko.


Miss Miko silently raised her hand to cover her blushing cheeks.


Time passed quietly, and after playing a few rounds of drawing wild cards, seeing that it was already ten o'clock in the evening, Miss Miko said to Xiaohinata: "Okay, this is the end of the game, you should go to bed, or you will not be energetic tomorrow .”

"But it's not sleepy at all." Poor Lolita coquettishly said, "Shall we play a few more rounds?"

"Don't play anymore." Miss Miko made a serious face, "Go to bed quickly."

"Sister Dictatorship!"

"Huh?" Miss Miko raised her eyebrows, "What did you say?"

"I said I like my sister the most!"

Lolita closed her eyes, hugged Hua Ye's hand, and began to count: "One sheep, two sheep, three sheep..."

Hua Ye was speechless: "What are you counting?"

"Counting sheep." Poor Loli quietly opened her eyes, and replied in a low voice, "It's always played like this on TV, if you count too many, you will fall asleep."

There are also iron-blooded tough guys on TV who can still fight the enemy bravely after dozens of shots, but ordinary people will lose their ability to move as long as they get shot once!Counting sheep to sleep is only effective for Westerners, because the words 'sheep' and 'sleep' have similar pronunciations, which can play the role of psychological suggestion, but it has no effect on you, it is not as good as counting Jiabaili!

As a result, Hua Ye had just finished complaining, and not long after, the sound of dirty loli counting sheep disappeared, replaced by the sound of even breathing.

Did you fall asleep so quickly?

But it's not the sheep's credit, but you are sleepy!


Silent all night.

When Hua Ye and Miss Miko arrived at their destination, it was already past six o'clock the next morning.

"Hey, are you here yet?" Poor Lolita opened her eyes, which were still hazy from sleep.

"Here we are." Miss Miko said, "Pack up your schoolbag and get off the bus."


Stepping off the Shinkansen train, the sun was shining outside, and it was another sunny sunny day. The sky was extremely blue and blue, with only a few white clouds dotted like cotton candy.

The sun in the morning is not as hot as noon, and the city is close to the sea. The wind blowing from the sea brings freshness and moisture, which refreshes people's spirits.

After getting off the car, she didn't stop for a while, but under the guidance of Chiba Miyuki (because the spirit body is not used to the sun, Chiba Miyuki hid in the soul stone and acted as an intelligent navigation system), and quickly found her home. .

This is a very common two-story building. On the steps at the door, there are many potted flowers and plants.

Uehara Miyuki urged: "Knock on the door quickly, Meihui used to love to sleep in, but she probably hasn't woken up yet!"

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