"I'll knock on the door." Dirty Loli volunteered and raised her hand to knock on the door.

Unfortunately, after several knocks, no one came to answer the door.

"Did something happen?" Uehara Miyuki's voice was very anxious.

Miss Miko comforted: "It should be fine. These flowers and plants are growing very well. Obviously someone waters them regularly... Your sister is probably not at home, right?"

"That's right." Miyuki Uehara breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, I used to like to put the key under the pot of daisies. You can see if it's still there..."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Dirty loli ran forward and took the flower pot, and she saw a key lying quietly underneath.

"Brother Xiaoye, here you are."

Picking up the key and handing it to Hua Ye, the little girl looked proud looking forward to the compliment.

There are no compliments, and naturally there will be no head pats. Hua Ye took the key, and Uehara Miyuki urged, "Open the door first and go in. It's hard to be in this black stone... I don't know when I'm not around, Did Meihui clean the room properly?"

Hua Ye responded and pushed the key into the keyhole. Just as he was about to open the door, he suddenly noticed a horrified gaze falling on him.

Looking around, I saw a girl of fourteen or five years old, wearing a shirt and shorts, with a ponytail, hiding behind a telephone pole across the road, with a mobile phone in her hand, whispering: "Hi , Uncle Policeman! There is a pervert breaking into a private house here!"

(PS: Today is the last day of January, if you have any remaining blades, please vote for me. (〃'▽'〃))

Chapter 533 The Scared Girl

My name is Uehara Mie.

I am fifteen years old, and I am in the third grade of middle school.

My parents died in a shipwreck a few years ago, and I lived with my elder sister, but half a year ago, my elder sister suddenly disappeared after leaving a letter and a sum of money... Although my elder sister said in the letter, "The world is so big, I think Go and see", but after all, I can't lie to myself.

Because my sister can neither leave her alone, nor can she afford so much money.

Those days when my sister disappeared, I finally survived.

Even if I'm the only one left, I still have to live a good life as my sister said. Maybe the length of my life is shorter than others, but at least it must be as exciting as others.

My current goal is very simple, which is to be admitted to the best local high school.

Although my sister left a lot of money, there will always be a day when I spend it all, so I took advantage of the summer vacation to find a few part-time jobs, and lived every day to the fullest.

The time has entered August, and soon, it will be the summer festival.

This morning, when I delivered the newspaper and went home as usual, I suddenly saw three strangers appearing outside my house, and they took out the keys hidden under the daisy, ready to open the door.

"One, you must have been following me for a long time! You can even find the key!"

Although the boy who opened the door didn't look vicious, and the girl was pretty, but people shouldn't be fooled by their appearance... Sure enough, it's better to call the police.

As a result, the phone had just been dialed when a figure flashed in front of him, and the tall boy who was opening the door appeared in front of him.

"Meow meow meow?"

"It's more than [-] meters from the door of my house to here? I just blinked my eyes. How did he get here!"

"Hello?" A voice came from the phone, "This is the Coastal Police Station, what's the matter?"

Mie Uehara blinked her eyes, looked at the expressionless tall boy in front of her, took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and shouted: "Uncle Policeman!"

It's a pity that just when I opened my mouth, I felt that my hands were empty, and the phone had been snatched away by the boy in front of me and hung up.

Uehara Mie opened her eyes wide, and said the next few words in a daze: "Save... life... ah."

Hua Ye raised the phone in his hand and said:

"Follow me into the house."

There is no doubt that the girl in front of her is Uehara Miyuki's younger sister, Uehara Mie.

Hua Ye always hated trouble. If this girl called the police, would she explain to the police that 'we are entrusted by her female ghost sister'?

Therefore, for any trouble that can be avoided, Hua Ye will never just watch it happen, and will immediately solve and implement it. For example, he took the mobile phone from the girl at the moment and hung up the phone, which means that a possible trouble will be avoided. eradicate at source.

Uehara Mie opened her eyes wide, her voice trembling: "C-Come in?!"


It turned out that these guys not only wanted to enter the house to steal things, but also wanted to pack themselves away!

Uehara Mie couldn't help thinking of the shocking and terrifying reports she saw on the Internet.

After my sister disappeared, I didn't even have a family member, so even if I was sold, no one would find out?

At this moment, terrible words such as basement girl, slave Sylvie, and night shift sick building came to mind one after another.

In just a split second, mist appeared in the girl's eyes, and she begged tearfully, "I, I'm still a child, please let me go!"


You can get married at the age of sixteen, and you and your sister have the same genes, whether it is age, height or milk volume, they are not considered children!

Hua Ye also saw that the other party was very scared, so he explained:

"We are your sister's friends."

"Friend? Even if you want to lie to me, find a better excuse!" Mie Uehara complained frantically in her heart. When her sister just disappeared, she searched for all her friends, but she had never met her before. You guys!

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