Although she was even more scared in her heart, Mie Uehara didn't dare to show it, so she could only continue to talk to Hua Ye to delay the time, hoping that someone would pass by so that she could save herself.

A smile that was uglier than crying appeared on the girl's face, and she stammered, "Yuan, are you my sister's friend? That's really great, I'll go buy some breakfast to entertain you..."

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head, "Let's talk in the room first."

It was really troublesome to explain something, so I had to go into the room first, and her sister could come out of the soul stone after entering the room, and there was nothing left for me to do.

"Entering the house again! You must have tricked yourself into going into the house because you wanted to do something pornographic and violent!"

Uehara Mie bit her lip, suppressed her tears, and wanted to continue for a second: "Please, may I ask, where is my sister?"

Just at this time, Lolita ran over with a backpack on her back. Hua Ye pointed to the backpack and said casually, "Your sister is in it."

"What?! Sister is in there?" Uehara Mie opened her eyes wide, "How could a person as big as my sister be in such a small backpack... Wait! That backpack is bulging and looks strange... Difficult, could it be my sister's head!"

God!Are you planning to use living people to make wax figures like in the movie "House of Wax Museum"?

Just in time, Hua Ye said again: "Your sister is very worried about you and is waiting for your reunion."

Put me in a backpack and reunite?

Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible!

Why does such a horrible thing happen in reality!

Who can come and save me!

As if hearing Mie Uehara's prayer, a boy wearing glasses appeared from the other side of the street.

Uehara Mie's eyes lit up, as if a drowning person grasped at the last straw, the word "help" blurted out.

"what are you doing?"

Hua Ye frowned slightly, always feeling that there seemed to be some misunderstanding. Based on the principle of killing unnecessary troubles as soon as possible, Hua Ye raised his hand and grabbed the wrist of the big-breasted girl.

Uehara Mie's eyes widened immediately, and she was shocked to find that her voice was stuck in her throat, she could no longer speak a word, and her body seemed to be like a marionette, being led by the scary boy in front of her to walk home automatically.

On the other side of the street, the boy who was waiting to see Ai Ai had a look of envy and hatred on his face. When he passed by Mie Uehara, he deliberately said to himself: "Xiu Enai is amazing..."

Uehara Mie almost collapsed, who showed affection!It's obvious that he was kidnapped by a strange man, okay?

"Hua Jun, are you alright?" Miss Miko came up to meet her and asked softly.

"It's okay." Hua Ye shook his head, "It's just that she doesn't know what's going on, and she doesn't cooperate."

How can I cooperate with you!Do you want to take the initiative to stick your head into the backpack!

Miss Miko responded: "Anyway, let's talk in the house first."


At this moment, in the eyes of Uehara Mie, the home that was supposed to be a shelter from the wind and rain has become a terrifying magic cave.

"Farewell, sister..."

Chapter 534 Sisters Meet

After entering the room, Hua Ye let Uehara Mie go.

The girl didn't try to escape, she obviously knew that she couldn't run away, she just grabbed the broom from the corner of the wall and put it across her chest, leaning her back against the wall, like a little white rabbit under the claws of a big bad wolf, or a little mouse in the mouth of a cat, Guangdong The Fujianese on the dining table tremblingly waited for the fate to come.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people." Miss Miko comforted softly, "We are really your sister's friends."

However, Mie Uehara did not intend to relax her vigilance at all.

Since her sister disappeared, she has lived alone alone. She has good self-regulation ability without depression, but she suffers from mild paranoia of persecution.

Miss Miko explained:

"Your sister told us about the key under the potted plant, otherwise how would we know where the key is hidden?"

Mie Uehara blinked her eyes lightly, and there was a gleam of expectation in her eyes: "...Really?"

My sister used to be a careless person who easily lost things. She lost her wallet, mobile phone, umbrella, and keys many times. Although she always said to change it next time, she would continue to lose things next time. The spare key was placed under the potted daisy. This is a secret between myself and my sister, even my parents don't know.

However, it is not easy to trust each other.

What if the other party quietly saw that he put the key in it?

Isn't it often reported in the news that there are more and more voyeurs recently, and single women should pay attention to safety!

Miss Miko looked at Kohinata and said:

"This is my sister, Hinata...Hinata, take her sister out."

When she heard the word "sister", Mie Uehara subconsciously relaxed her vigilance. Anyone with a younger sister should not be a bad person. A lifetime of psychological shadow, right?

However, the second half of Miss Miko's words made Uehara Mie tremble again.

"Take it, take it out?!"

"Is my sister really in that backpack?"

"Should I turn my sister into a wax figure with a human head in a wax museum, or a flying head in a Thai horror movie?"

"After that little girl opened the backpack, would her sister's head fly out with a 'whoosh' sound!"

Miss Witch thought for a while, then said:

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