"By the way, your sister's current situation...is a bit special, don't be afraid."

"How can you not be afraid!"

"My sister is packed into your backpack by you!"

Uehara Mie bit her lips tightly, although she was trembling with fear, she refused to close her eyes.It's been almost a year since I saw my sister, even if it's my sister's head, it's better than never seeing each other, and my sister will definitely not hurt me... right?

She opened her eyes wide and held the broom tightly with both hands, staring at Dirty Lolita's every move.

As Hinata reached into the backpack and was about to take out the "sister" inside, Uehara Mie felt that the string called "reason" in her head was stretched to the limit, as if there would be a "snap" in the next moment fracture……

So Mie Uehara almost pissed after seeing the fist-sized black stone that the dirty loli took out from her backpack.


The promised sister's flying head down, why is it a stone!

Miyuki Uehara, a female ghost in shorts and vest, appeared in the house and shouted excitedly: "Meihui! I'm back!"

However, Mie Uehara still maintained that awkward expression of bewildered, you're teasing me.

Miyuki Uehara remembered this, and she looked a little disappointed: "By the way, I am a ghost now, and ordinary people can't see me."

She raised her hand to touch the back of her head, then clasped her hands together, looked pitifully at Miss Miko, and begged, "Sister Liuli, help~~"

Miss Miko looked at Hua Ye and said softly:

"Hua Jun, please."

Ordinary people can’t see the spirit body, and the rumors circulating on the Internet, such as cow’s tears, willow leaves rubbing eyes, and even a certain Thai movie about bending over to see ghosts from under the crotch, are actually fake—there is no shortage of crab-eating warriors in the world Well, there are definitely many people who have tried the above three methods. If they could really see ghosts, the world would have been in chaos long ago.

Although Miss Miko is an onmyoji, it is a very troublesome thing for ordinary people to see the spirit body. It cannot be done by talking about it or just pasting a talisman, so it is convenient to ask Hua Ye to do it.

Hua Ye responded and walked over to Shangyuan Meihui.

"You, don't come here!"

What Uehara Mie was most afraid of was Hua Ye. The feeling that she was stiff and unable to speak was still lingering in her heart.

Hua Ye ignored her and continued walking towards her.

Miss Miko comforted: "Don't be afraid, Mr. Hua won't do too much to you..."

You're even more scared when you say that!

Mie Uehara went to the doctor in a hurry, put the broom across her chest, and stammered, "I smoke and drink, and I'm a compensated dating girl... I'm sick! There are twenty-eight kinds of sexually transmitted diseases! I can infect you! "

"W-what?!" Miyuki Uehara was taken aback, "I just left for less than a year, did my sister degenerate like this?"

Fallen your sister!It's obvious that your sister is deliberately telling lies to scare people!

"No, no, my sister was a good girl before, even if she did those things... she definitely didn't do it voluntarily, she's still a good girl!"

So those girls who don't smoke, don't get tattoos, and don't have compensated dating, aren't they saints?

"Brother Xiaoye, come back quickly!" Lou Li shouted from the side, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "If we are infected, what will my sister and I do in the future!"

It's nothing more than your sister, what does it have to do with you!

Mie Uehara looked at Hua Ye even more frightened.

"Even the little girls in elementary school are not spared, it's really scary..."

The female ghost Uehara Miyuki also ran to Hua Ye's side, and said nervously, "Isn't it? I entrusted you to help me collect the bill, not to ask you to fuck my sister!"

Hua Ye's face turned black, and he raised his right hand and flicked it on Miyuki Uehara's forehead.

"Oh! It hurts~~" There was a cry of pain, Uehara Miyuki covered her forehead with her hands, and asked tearfully, "How did you hit mine?"

Hua Ye snorted and didn't bother to answer.

Not to mention flicking your fingers, even if it makes you pregnant, it's not a problem at all!

"Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" is full of fox fairies and ghosts. Many protagonists in it can not only touch ghosts, but also make female ghosts pregnant (such as Ning Caichen who made Nie Xiaoqian pregnant in the novel). Ning Caichen can do Come on, I must be better than him!

"Sister... sister?" Mie Uehara opened her eyes wide and shouted in disbelief.

"Hey, can you see me?" Uehara Miyuki scratched her head, with a bright smile on her face, "Hey, Meihui, I'm back!"

Chapter 535

"...That's how it happened. After I regained my memory, I asked Liuli to bring me over to find you." Uehara Miyuki scratched her head, "You think too much, they are really my friends."

Uehara Mie blushed slightly, and hurriedly got up to apologize to Hua Ye and Miss Miko, then whispered with reddened eyes: "I have been living alone for so long, and suddenly seeing a stranger open the door with a key, you must be scared, right? Just wait for me at the door for a while."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Uehara Miyuki put her hands together, "I didn't remember it at the time."

Mie Uehara nodded lightly, and asked another question, still worried:

"Is it really my sister? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Miyuki thought for a while, and decided to prove her authenticity with an example: "Then let me tell you a secret? For example, when you were in sixth grade, your aunt came. At that time, we still slept in bunk beds, but your blood dripped on me... "

"Don't, don't say this!"

Uehara Mie's face flushed immediately, and she shouted in embarrassment and anxiety: "I believe you are my sister!"

Seeing the two sisters talking there, Lolita pulled off Miss Miko's sleeve and whispered, "Sister, I'm hungry, when are you going to have breakfast?"

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